Reviews from

in the past

Poor Pit, destined forever to be Nintendo's other Twink. At least his debut game is pretty good too.

Too vertical.
Also once I found out that if you miss shots some hidden value decreases I became to scared in my owm skin to play this game.

this game has a lot of features that go unsaid and is actually kinda cool i just wish it wasnt aids to play

Really a pain to play, but it’s probably still my favorite NES game

This game controls like shit

The FDS or 3D Classics version is great. NES is an absolute stinker.

Joguinho legalzinho pra época porem puta merda envelheceu mal.

Listen, I'll try to make this review shorter than this game's levels. The summary of the review is... cut the levels by half, and this could've been an infinitely better game.

As much as the upgrade systems were a little difficult to grasp (that's on me for not reading the manual...), I did enjoy the feeling of scaling my way up the vertical stages, and strategically taking down the enemies in my way. The dungeon-like levels and horizontal ones weren't too bad either.

My willingness to replay this game again however, is ruined by the exhausting length of each stage, its layout copy-pasted several times to pad things out. If they wanted Kid Icarus to feel like a grand adventure through how big it is, that's fine, but you're gonna have to do a lot more than this. As it stands, there's too much here for too little gain.

Kid Icarus (1986): Como juego no es gran cosa, pero me gusta pensar en él como un camino post-Súper Mario que nunca se terminó de explorar. No llega a metroidvania, ni es un plataformas particularmente destacado, pero como mezcla es curiosa . Contextualizado, está muy bien (6,20)

I hate Eggplants

A super solid platformer that I feel gets overlooked often for its jank, like honestly I’d give it a higher score if it wasn’t for those Labyrinth levels and the Eggplant Wizards, other than that I think it’s pretty good, not enough vertical platformers out there I feel like it’s a good way to shake up the gameplay of a genre that’s usually played horizontal

Really good. I loved the part where I exited the game and played something else.

I played this because I'd never, EVER met someone who actually knew anything about the series before Uprising, and it's a perfectly serviceable NES game, marred mostly by 1-3 being the hardest level in the game (by no small margin).

It fits nicely with some other NES games in the category of being a snippet of gaming history that manages to still be more playable than not in the modern day.

Overhyped? sim, mas sempre vale apena dar uma conferida.

I almost certainly love this game more than you will, but this was the first NES game that I decided to grind out until I could beat it. The first few levels are intense, but it gets easier as it goes on, so stick with it.

I wanna like it. I wanna like it sooooooo bad. The music is great. The combat is surprisingly good for NES. The controls are great. But it's just so ass-puckeringly hard it's impossible.

Lowkey not as bad as people make it out to be. Almost at the level of Pokemon Arceus ngl. Not trash but not good, just mediocre ok

It's like Ice Climbers but a little worse!

The only reason i started playing this game was because of a challenge with my friends. There are some really cool and innovative ideas in this game, but the execution is just pure and simple garbage. It doesn't feel good to criticize a game that is way older than me, programmed in the ancient times of the 80s, but there were so many better games at the time. It's not the limitations of the technology that made this game terrible, it's just bad choices.

The first three stages were kinda fun actually. There was some problems like slight delay in the controls that can result in some deaths (mainly in the slipy ice) but at least it was kinda funny. And then come the first boss stage (1-4). This is the moment when the monster that designed this game shows his true facet. The enemies have way too much health, and not only that, but there are enemies that can transform you extremely easily into a state where you can't fight. So, along with the fact that they have gigantic health, you can't defend yourself unless you perform a miracle and find a place to remove your curse without dying to the multiple enemies falling from the sky or throwing things at you in the way.

There are also multiple moments when there are so many monsters on the screen that not only does the game slow down, but you can't avoid the damage that comes from all directions. It's just annoying really hard game design that feels really bad and unlike Castlevania (which was released in the same year as this game), that feels fair most of the time, Kid Icarus is just a unfair and uninspired experience that try the best it can to stretch it's gameplay time by ruining what could have been a really amazing NES game. It's no surprise that this game never became a big franchise on Nintendo.

TL;DR: Not fun. Avoid. Play something else.

This game is odd. There's obvious inspiration from Metroid and The Legend of Zelda here, but the difficulty is rough and everything is just executed in weird ways. I like the grid-based dungeon stages, but the boss fights take way too long to fight.

It's a decent game as far as NES games go. Boss levels are a bit confusing to navigate, and it's easy to get overrun with enemies sometimes, but it's otherwise pretty fun.

Influential and important, but... not something I enjoy playing. Kid Icarus: Uprising, on the other hand...

this guy got to be on Captain N: The Game Master. Did you?

While I played the original Kid Icarus on the NES, most of my tenure was spent playing it on the Wii virtual console. Often maligned as Metroid's deformed cousin, Kid Icarus is hard. Especially the first world, which was often a common breaking point that people failed to get past. God knows I stubbornly grinded my face against it for hours until I got to 1-4 and the game opened up. Figuratively and literally, the 4th levels of each world are dungeons where the Metroid comparisons come into play. Also the power curve of Pit through the game bears some similarities with Metroid.

Truth be told? I like Kid Icarus more than the original Metroid. It's linear, sure, but the tightness of the controls makes it feel good to play and unlike Metroid you won't spend the entire game getting lost. They really aren't comparable though. I think as far as platformers go on the NES, you can do a lot worse than Kid Icarus. I'd even call it "good".

Felt like a fun melding of a few different NES platformers/action titles, kinda frustrating but very cute

From what little I've played, it seems to merge the gameplay of Metroid, The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros surprisingly seamlessly, it feels like a love letter to the blockbusters of its console

Typical obnoxiously hard NES difficulty.