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I spent a long time today getting a ROM of this set up, which was weirdly tricky, and then finished this game in one go over about 2 hours.

I've been curious about the arcade exclusive games of the Mario Kart franchise for a long time now but I never felt like dealing with the emulation of those games. And now that I've played this one, I don't really know if I will go through so much trouble for an arcade game again.
I kind of understand the marvel of arcade machines and definitely appreciate their place and meaning in the history of videogames, but playing games that were made for arcade machines is kind of a miserable experience to me because of the whole concept behind them. I get why they put timers in every menu screen, but it's just annoying and unnecessarily stressful in favor of the manufacturer making sure no kid is hogging the machine keeping more coins from flowing through the system.

Anyway, despite that sort of stuff, I had a decent time with the actual races.
The main part of the game is made up of 6 cups which include 4 races each, although the tracks are more like alternate versions of one track than 4 completely individual ones. Most of those tracks still look very nice visually, especially the tracks from the Wario Cup and Pac-Man Cup, and a lot of them are fun to race through, but there are also a whole bunch of pretty plain circles early on. Considering that you're supposed to put in a coin for every single race, no matter if you lost or won the previous one, the assortment isn't really that great. Thank god for emulators...

The items are probably the biggest difference of this installment in the franchise as there are 60 different items to unlock. But instead of having all of them active all the time, each race has 3 predetermined items that you might find in the power-up boxes. Some races let you pick and choose your own 3-item pack though, which gives the game a bit of a strategic element. But honestly, the items rarely mattered in my playthrough and most of my success was just linked to getting the odd drift system right and driving cleanly.
Since there are so many items, a bunch of them are also pretty much copies of each other with different skins. I have to say though, I wouldn't mind seeing some of these in actual console games, like the black shell that just explodes in a big fiery ball on impact. Simple, but effective and satisfying.

It's interesting to me though that this arcade machine apparently was able to have savestates. From what I understand, people actually got physical "driver's license" cards that saved their progress and they could return whenever to go back to their specific place in the campaign mode and have all their unlocked items. That's kind of impressive.

Anyway, it's a decent Mario Kart game. But I don't know if it would be worth it to feed it with coins to actually play all of it, if you were to see this machine somewhere.
It has a few interesting quirks and the tracks aren't that bad. Having the Pac-Man franchise included is pretty fun. I liked the Pac-Man tracks and I have a feeling a ton of the new items come from that franchise.
But the arcade variations on the gameplay mostly just make this more annoying to play over the console counterparts. I also think, at least for me personally, actually playing with the intended peripherals - the steering wheel, gas, and brake pedals - would just make it more frustrating than fun. I'd definitely prefer a classic controller for an arcade-style racer like the Mario Kart games.

literally ruined my childhood when i lost, i cried in the chucky cheese

This is definitely one of those games that is way more fun to play in an arcade than in a home environment. In the arcade, your time is limited, theres a camera that shows wacky reactions of other players, and part of the thrill of the game comes from just being able to try such an interesting entry in the Mario Kart series. However, playing this game at home or on free play truly shows how surprisingly boring the game is when the game is taken out of its arcade context. The item boxes can only contain 3 different items at any time, out of a HUGE item pool that can be picked from by the player as a form of progression. A lot of the items are rather interesting and it would be cool to see them in other mario kart titles, but I wouldn't hold my breath over it. All of the courses are very plainly designed, so while they may be spectacles to drive through, the roads are wide and there are no course hazards to look out for which makes driving through them kind of plain. The sequel to this game, Mario Kart Arcade GP 2, has virtually all the content in this game and then some, so if you are curious like I was and really want to try this game out, go with that option. Otherwise, this is certainly not a Mario Kart game worth losing sleep over not being able to play.

It's a really good arcade game, but a mostly bland Mario Kart game. The inclusion of Pac-Man makes me love this one more than I probably should.

Played this a few times in the arcade and, honestly, did NOT get the hang of it. Still, Pac Man!

certified after movie hangout classic

A unique and fun experience in the Arcade that you'll absolutely have a blast playing, but I'd totally get sick of it if I could play it at home anytime I wanted.

played it a few times i had fun with it, it's mario kart on an arcade nothing too complex

Took my money and was pretty much terrible.

FUCKING PAC-MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mariokart for the arcade, had a lot of fun with this.

Kid me loved Mario kart and loved arcade games, so seeing this at a Chuck'E Cheese randomly made me ecstatic.

In hindsight, it's just kinda okay. Doesn't really reach the speed that makes arcade racers fun, and also doesn't go ham enough with the tracks to give it that good MK feel.

Could be better but it's still fun when you come across them

The only Mario Kart game that lets you play as entire Tamagotchi

There's a unique aspect to this in that you know they ain't ever putting one of these courses in a new game.

I remember this being really fun when my over 18 group would sneak into Chuck E. Cheese back in high school. Whoever thought of the player pictures in the race was a genius and I wish Pac Man would return.

Played at the VS. Arcade Bar in Lincoln, Nebraska. I should've expected this, but the controls were hard to get used to, especially as a longtime Mario Kart fan who rarely visits arcades. I will not be returning to this game.

This one’s good but the one with the Taiko drum is fire

this is one of the mario kart games of all time

Good fun for maybe 10 minutes, then go play something else