Reviews from

in the past

fantastic graphics... and that's about it. begs the question, how many enemies can you jump on before it's enough enemies?

Pretty game with some nice music. Its an average platformer that I respect for being developed by two people.

Decent game, just not a fan of platformers in general.

Mr. Nutz is a pretty decent mascot platformer that is charmingly cute and rather simple, but it has enough challange for the average player and the hardcore alike.

It has the tipical stages of a game like this, forests, fiery pits and chilly mountains, rainbow filled clouds with some unique locations as a witch house and an enchanted kitchen sink. These levels feature an absurd amount of coins to collect, and also feature some hidden stuff, and the game even keeps track of how many you collected in a level, so the hardcore platformer enthusiasts can enjoy themselves.

The bosses are pretty unintersting in terms of mechanics, all of them can be defeated by jumping on them, only a few has some semi interesting mechanics such as projectile attacks. The final boss of the game is... well, it is bad. It can really leave a sour taste in your mouth, but the overall experience is totally worth a shot.

The only problem with Mr. Nutz (this name..) is that the game itself is rather barebones, despite the charming nature of everything in the game. The combat is very simple, the enemies are pretty average, and still, the overall experience is somewhat decent.

It is really hard to say that this is an underrated platformer, because it is not good enough, but it is pretty alright.

Painfully average platformer with a subpar soundtrack.

Also this game is annoyingly difficult

this game actually fucking rules

Thats what they called me in junior yr

Apesar de sua simplicidade como um jogo de plataforma - mecânicas simples, gráficos bacanas, chefes medianos a chatos, estágios (especialmente perto do fim) bem sacanas e coisas mais -, há um único aspecto o qual me marcou profundamente: a música. MOLEKE, o quanto Raphaël Gesqua (compositor do game) estava inspirado para compor as músicas desse jogo não é calculável (Ps: joguei a versão de SNES, não tenho embasamento para falar de outros portes)... Todas as melodias são muito marcantes e às vezes até esconde outros aspectos meio inacabados jogo, como o level design de algumas fases. Recomendo acima de tudo bisbilhotar a soundtrack, que está completa em todos os streamings digitais, já o jogo, deixe a sua curiosidade ou nostalgia dizer se compensa.

Man, this one hurts to give such a low score. There's clearly so much love put into this game, a passion project done by 2 people over the course of 18 months. Some of the most beautiful graphics on the Super Nintendo, long and lovely music tracks, and very consistent theming throughout. The devs clearly sought out to capture the essence of classic Disney animation on a cartridge, both its cutesy and frightening aspects.

Unfortunately, it falls for just about every platformer design trapping of the era. Lack of reaction time, ungenerous hitboxes and checkpoints, unmanageable clusters of enemies, lack of passwords. The second half was more frustrating than fun to me, and I'm so disappointed that it was. I hope that one day, this game gets a proper remake with the same level of care as it got when it was first being made...

This has a bit of a drop off at the Circus Stage, but then it picks up with the Ice Stage. I genuinely think the Circus Stage puts this on a low level for me, even though the rest of the game was insanely enjoyable. Kinda sucks how no boss can be hurt by the nuts, except for Bozo, that threw me for a loop. He's genuinely such a pain to fight without the nuts.

Played through this entire game in 2022 for a charity stream. It's extremely average.

Deez Nuts

Nice sprite work, I like the big sprites and everything is very well detailed. Even if I wish there was more animations I can’t deny it looks nice for the snes. Not crazy on the character designs but whatever there’s clearly some solid effort in presentation even if it isn’t that original.

Gameplay is uh fine? It’s a incredibly basic and sort of a mediocre platformer but gets it done I guess. Sorta feels like a early platformer attmept on the Nes.

it’s a passable enough attempt at a platformer but not good enough to be a hidden gem really.

I imagine this is what Conker would have been like if it continued its orignal vision and dropped the alcoholic tendencies.
solid 2.5/5

It starts well and gets progressively worse. I really liked it in the beginning but the more you progress, the more uninspired it gets. Enemies always repeat themselves and the level design becomes frustratingly bad to the point where it just isn't fun anymore. Difficulty also increases a lot and it becomes really hard but not in a fun way. It's a great example of bad level design. The soundtrack is also more annoying than anything. Kinda sad since I like the design of Mr. Nutz as a platformer mascot.

Hard game that gets unfairly hard near the end, especially near the end. That final boss was a joke and removes any remaining fun you had with this game.

I remember this game being a bit underwhelming in terms of gameplay. At it's best it's average but there's also some frustrating moments - a one-off euroformer collecting section and a few bad boss fights, mostly. There are a few GOOD bosses, which helps it a bit, but the game has pretty shallow mechanics which it never progresses past>

What saves Mr. Nutz is the art and the music. The Genesis version seems to be more popular but for me the Super Nintendo version is the way to go. I'm not biased - there's times I prefer the Genesis version of games - but in this particular case the SNES version wins out for me. The music is cool, and kind of reminds me of Banjo Kazooie at some points. The art and design is the best feature. Some levels like the forest and the house are really cool highlights. I like in the forest level how the level is set up to show you as much of the background as possible. There's some levels in Super Mario World where you mostly stick to the ground level and the background is pretty simple with only a few details - if you soar up with the cape there's not much of a view. The backgrounds in these levels are pretty packed and I like that. The house level is fun just as a novel concept and I like how different household objects are used as platforming elements.

Even if the presentation is cool, the gameplay is still barebones. Plus there are games on both SNES and Genesis that beat Mr. Nutz aesthetically while also being more innovating and fun to play. I think it's worth checking out if you can but I don't think I can put it up there with the best games on the system. I am very happy to have found this game for myself, at least.