Reviews from

in the past

Eu gostei da experiência de one piece em mundo aberto mas se for fazer todas as sides igual eu fiz, o jogo se torna muito repetitivo

I just finished reading the manga for the first time and really needed more One Piece.

I thought this game was a good idea. Visually, I was right. It looks great and seems like a world that would be fun to explore. In practice however, it feels like a ps2 gen open world game. The combat is trivial because you can quickly one shot everyone. The traversal reminds me just enough of Spider-Man that I wish I was playing that instead.

It's not offensively bad but it sure ain't good. The story is half-way decent so I did appreciate that.

This is one of the funnest games I have every played. Reminded me a little of Spider-Man meets One Piece.

Actually a very fun open-world experience! I like One Piece a lot

eu particularmente acho esse o melhor jogo de anime que foge do padrão de luta, não é perfeito, mas é bem legal e com historia original

Another bad anime game, not really much else to say.

Takes a deep breath
Alright, I am about to rant and scream in this review, so for now I am going to apologize for whoever decides to read. Contains a lot of swearing and insanity. Here goes nothing...

When I started the game, I thought it wasn't gonna be too bad, it has good graphics and an awesome opening after all, what could possibly go wrong, right? Heh. No. Right away the game disappointed me, so I thought it could just be the beginning and it would be fun later on. NO, THE HELL IT WASN'T! The longer you spend in that game, the more boring it gets!!! The world has NOTHING to offer, it has ingredients here and there, but I don't care about those, your upgrades are lame! All the gear you create is lame af, Luffy feels very weak, and the combat doesn't help, because it's clunky af! It feels like you only attack in one direction, not to mention that enemies have iframes when they get knocked down, BUT LUFFY DOESN'T!!!! OH, YOU GOT KNOCKED DOWN AND THERE'S TONS OF ENEMIES? OH BOOHOOO FOR YOU, THEY'LL KICK YOUR ASS STILL!!! THEY DON’T CARE IF YOU’RE STANDING OR NOT, DAMAGE IS TAKEN REGARDLESS OF YOUR CONDITION!!! ALL UPGRADES ARE FUCKING USELESS, YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO PICK BECAUSE NONE OF THEM SERVE A PURPOSE, AND TWO FIGHTING STYLES, ONLY FOR ONE OF THEM BE TOO SLOW TO ACTUALLY BE USABLE, BECAUSE REMEMBER, YOU TAKE DAMAGE REGARDLESS!!!
And don’t get me started with the open world, because it offers you a massive patch of NOTHING! No life, nothing else to do than mariners showing up Every corner because apparently they fuck like rabbits and there’s na infinite amount of them and even the weakest one takes a minute to die, FOR FUCKS SAKES, THIS IS FALLOUT 1 LEVELS OF DRAGGING!!!! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS STRATEGY!!!! I Only managed to get all the way to the end because I had Karoo to ride on, otherwise I would’ve dropped it earlier! I gave up chest hunting halfway there because they’re hard to find and not Worth it unless for completion, but I don’t wanna complete that game, I just wanted it to end.
Not to mention how lame the story is, because three hours in I stopped caring and just skipping everything be it in main quest or side quest, and the lack of voice acting and text sounds really doesn’t help at all. And the game just is like this: a small world that feels artificial, lifeless, sterile and fake. I underestimated this game’s ability of being bad, but as soon as I finished it, I speedran to uninstall this shit. Don’t play this shit, even if it’s for free!

This is a fun open-world one piece game, but is missing things that make it great. More playable characters, more mission variety, and an overall better story would elevate this.

this game makes you feel like luffy

It's a bad game based on a good manga.

I played this shortly after watching the entire anime over the course of the pandemic during lockdown and absolutely loved it. Made me realise just how much of a fan I'd become. The DLC was also really fun to play through as well.

One of the worst open-world games I've ever played. With absolutely horrible and repetitive combat.

El gameplay mola pero esta alargado artificialmente de formas que dan miedo

Amigos... ¿Qué habeis hecho?
Y no no me refiero al juego. Me refiero a la cantidad de análisis clonicos intentando ser condescendientes ante un juego que ha arrastrado el “si los demás lo dicen...” impidiendo a otros que son facilmente influenciables disfrutar de su serie favorita en formato de videojuego.
Me explico y analizamos el juego, One piece no es el mejor juego de mundo abierto, ni tiene el mejor sistema de combate, son puntos mejorables en ningún caso débiles, pero es fanservice puro, y encima divertido, al nivel de otros triple a con al menos 2 o 3 puntos mas de media, y no no es de sobresaliente, pero tampoco es ni por asomo de mediocridad insultante. Tras jugar a todos y cada uno de los juegos de one piece me pregunto que ha pasado con el que considero el mejor juego de la saga.
Tras los unlimited, igualmente disfrutables y un disfrutable unlimited world, (juegod muchisimo mas mediocres) vinieron los notables (con world de por medio) pirate warriors, vacios pero irremediablemente divertiros como musous.
Todos ellos gozan de una mayor nota media en los medios.

Para todo el fan de one piece que se halle desilusionado por la nota media o la nota de esta revista que considero la mas honesta, sepan que no es asi, todo el que lo prueba lo sabe, y el que lee los análisis sabe que ha pasado.

No es ni fácil, (ya que puedes ponerlo a tu gusto y eso puede ser facil o infernal) ni es un mundo pequeño, ni la historia es pesima ni nada parecido que he leido o escuchado en otros sitios, ni mucho menos aburrido en su sistema, hallandonos ante un sistema casi propio de un rpg de acción que bien da la sensacion de progresion tan satisfactoria que en otros juegos de la saga no encontramos.

Peca de vacío y de aporreabotones y esto es justo lo que no lo hace sobresaliente, unica y exclusivamente puntos en los que todos estan de acuerdo y que sea por boca a boca o por experiencia es asi.

Entiendase vacio cuando nos referimos a una isla repleta de verde y agua y unas pocas ciudades mas una buena sorpresa.
Los npc se concentran en ciudades, y son los justos y necesarios para dar cierta vida, digamos que es algo asi como un zelda, no hay nada en el camino porque son justo eso, caminos, pero sigue habiendo enemigos y piratas con botines lo que le hace estar en movimiento. En la ciudad hay enemigos y misiones a cumplir, cotilleos que te dan informacion y tiendas y casas que eso si son inaccesibles, solo de decoración.
En definitiva el ambiente es adecuado para una isla que es una prision, y tratan de recordartelo continuamente, y como tal hay bandos, y no todos quieren vivir ahi ni estan conformes con ello.

El sistema de combate progresa, adquieres habilidades que vas a usar, aporread botones en el sentido que el combo normal es a base de cuadrados (x en xbox) pero en dificultades altas tienes que planear cuando atacar, cuando usar el red hawk o el gatling gun, cuando hacerte fosu y muchas otras cosas que tienes que dominar ya que en dificil cualquier enemigo te hace papilla si no vas con cuidado, sobre todo los jefes, es un sistema cuidado y bastante entretenido.
Por otra parte cuenta con el karma, el tipico sistema de afinidades de los jrpg pero en el mundo de one piece lo que hace que te intereses por completar las historias de todos los personajes importantes.

Los graficos y el sonido juzguenlos, son adecuados desde luego, todo los efectos y voces originales a los que se le añade unos gráficos cell shading “realistas” con la sensacion de darnos una atmosfera algo mas seria y oscura de la isla prision, pero desenfadada al mismo tiempo como su serie, a mi me parece acertado pero cada cual aqui puede diferir.

En definitiva una experiencia one piece no perfecta, pero si la mejor que tenemos ahora con mucha diferencia, por encima de los mejores unlimited o el fenomenal pirate warriors 3, olvidaos de la nota media, el juego esta a la altura de lo que pudieseis esperar, al menos el fan de one piece, que no aquel que quiera un juego de mundo abierto perfecto, no es ni sera witcher o skyrim, es un juego para y por el fan de one piece, nada mas, y aquel que lo es no pide nada mas que mejorar lo presente.

One Piece: World Seeker is...pretty good! Mostly.

Because, while it is fairly repetitive, unpolished and clearly rushed, I feel like this is one of the best case scenarios for how a One Piece videogame could've turned out. Forgive my language, but this game does feel like One Piece - bright, lively and energetic. I really liked the tunes and how Luffy felt to controll, and once you unlock the first traversal abilites, it becomes really nice to just go around, beating random guys up. And the said beating is fun, too. It is lacking when it comes to story, combat depth and interesting stuff to find in the open world, and, at the end of the day, OPWS didn't exactly set my world on fire. And I doubt I would enjoy it nearly as much if it wasn't for how much I love One Piece.

To be honest with you, World Seeker might be in the top-5 anime/manga-based games ever, just for how fun it can be, without being overly-patronizing, but really, that just shows you how low the standarts are in here. This game is a great refresher in a sea of samey, cheap and insultingly condescending anime brawlers and gatcha grindfests, but in a way that's the saddest thing about it. Things aren't really getting better, and for every World Seeker or Dragon Ball Fighters, there are dozens upon dozens of cashgrabs made in a year that nobody likes but fans buy and play for a day max.

And ultimatelly, this very game doesn't escape the gravity of it's predecessors: It's still shallow gameplay-wise, good or servicable presentation-wise, and really good in terms of fan-service. It has lost of potential as it is, and really, all I can hope for is that how well this game seemingly did, Bandai and other anime-games-making publishers decide that we can have games more like One Piece: World Seeker, or rather - games that are better

they really had bandai namcos worst working on this lmao

The Luffy Says: gameplay is fun, but lacks any challenge

Existem elementos genuinamente bons aqui, principalmente em questão de Narrativa, respeito aos personagens, referências, fans services...

Mas quando se trata ta estrutura de mundo, na estrutura de jogo, é péssimo, parece um estúdio que nunca fez um jogo na vida e fez esse de primeira!

A jogabilidade e a estrutura de mundo é pobre, mal polida e não funcional!

Como fã eu me sinto ofendido em jogar esse jogo, só vou zerar porque os personagens são cativantes e a trama parece ter um nível okay de profundidade mas é passando por muita m* pra achar o ouro!

Nota 5

Interessante, apenas pelas primeiras 2 horas, depois disso o jogo se repete infinitamente, sério, depois de 10 horas de jogo parecia que eu estava no começo, nada muda, nada chama sua atenção e parece que o Luffy não evolui pois você fica do começo do jogo até o final utilizando os mesmos poderes e combos, chega a ser ridículo

É o jogo do homem aranha com a skin do luffy e com a gameplay mais travada

Looks like it could be an enjoyable time but boy howdy there is nothing here.

i want a one piece game where you play as zoro and have to get from point a to b but the map actively moves around/shakes/changes, so you KNOW it's the real zoro experience. sadly, i haven't been able to find such a game Yet. although.... it's actually pretty funny that zoro's minimap is blurred in this one, so points for that <3

It's not a good game, not gonna lie. Rather barren, hollow plot, game mechanics are ok. A lot of running back and forth for no reason, tho ngl I just enjoy flying around as Luffy.

I actually had fun with it. Yes, it's another Bandai Namco anime game. No, it is not good.

This game is completely for fans because you meet everyone's favorite characters. The roaming is fun and the enviroment is quite cool. Unfortunately the combat is quite barebones and could be way better. The game is short and the controls are janky.

... but I still enjoyed it for what it is.

mundo aberto de one piece, o que poderia dar de errado? muitas coisas, nao curti o luffy miranha indo de predio em predio, mas em geral é legalzinho

A typical not very good mainstream anime game.

The story barely exists. Characters and plot elements are constantly being reintroduced and acted like it’s the time you’re seeing them. Characters that have no reason to be here, are here only for fan service, which is fine. The two game original characters are boring and have next to no personality.

The controls are absolute garbage. You are in control of the camera 100% of the time which will make traversal and combat disorienting at times. Even if you ‘lock on’ to enemies, Luffy is mostly just hitting the air in a different direction, and even if you do make contact with enemies, a good chunk of the time they will be protected by random invincibility frames.

Traversing the world tries to hard be like Sony’s Spider-Man, but the controls are awful. Also when traveling certain locations, going places can be near impossible because snipers constantly shoot you down when you try to move.

The graphics look mostly fine, the colors are nice, but the particle effects can look really bad.

There are quite a few weird translation errors/choices and typos. The biggest one being the Marines with ‘MARINES’ plastered on their clothes and buildings, but are always referred to as ‘sailors’.

Unless you’re a hardcore One Piece fan who needs some form of One Piece content to keep yourself sane, don’t bother with this one.

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