Reviews from

in the past

one of those "play it to lose friendships" sorta games

The Game That Makes You Hate Your Friends Even More Than Mario Party Does

depois de um tempo fica chato pra caralho

Overcooked is a fun time. The micromanaging of the games various dishes and level gimmicks is a blast with a couple of friends on the couch. The variety of levels on display is fantastic and leads to every level being a new challenge even if what you are doing has only changed due to the environment. There are levels on ice, on moving trucks on pirate ships and much more that make every second of the game a blast. If you can get a crew together overcooked is party game bliss, but be warned friendships could be at risk

The Onion King is just like me but I'm divorced

really deserves a 4 for the core gameplay, but man its just way too unpolished, hopefully sequel fixes it

Playing this game gave me PTSD flashbacks of my days working for a pizza joint.

very fun game but overcooked 2 better

man i love this game so much i played this full game with my neighbour back in the day

Played with the girlfriend like any normal gamer would. Didnt like it, she loved it. It breaks you down, but we beat it.

Already had played this on the PC and for that reason I decided to get the original game for the PS4. It's a really cool game to play with friends.

I thought that it could be difficult to play on the ps4 due to the controlls being different but it's not difficult at all!

The story is nothing, the characters are okay, but the gameplay is simply amazing. Levels are interesting, going for three stars feels challenging at times but never impossible.

Overcooked 1 & 2 are absolute top tier party games, but they do require some actual video game acumen to be any useful at. Your mom will get frustrated playing this

Fun co-op game. I can't imagine playing it with more people. Simple and sometimes annoying, but it's kinda meant to be.

Divertidissimo jogo para jogar com amigos, muito legal e engraçado.

Tons of fun when you're playing with someone who can hold their own. Incredibly frustrating when playing someone not so good. Completely unplayable solo.

В целом, очень хорошая кооперативная игра. На Nintendo switch играется плавно, нареканий нет. Очень хороший саундтрек.

o jogo é bem divertido, curto (platinei em uma sentada), engraçado, faz vc usar seus neurônios, e só da certo com duo, pq se tiver mais de 2 pessoas os mapas ficam apertado
tem o shrek como personagem jogável bro

Very fun game, especially in co-op.

If you get a kick out of stress inducing, co-op games then Overcooked is the gold standard.

sou burra nao consigo fazer nada neste lixo mas mt legallllkl

My sister and I had lots of fun!

Overcooked is a good game, I just don’t really like it. My fiancé on the other hand loves it and makes me play it with her. I’m just not a big fan of the stress of it but I can see it’s well put together with unique levels and a silly art style. I’ll even admit I did have some fun when I wasn’t stressed as heck.

My girlfriend almost broke up with me several times and then we killed a giant meatball

Fun game!

Ta pegando fogo APAGA PORRA, to cortando a salada, lava os pratos

O jogo é massa, mas não jogue com sua namorada, lei maria da penha tá aí.