Reviews from

in the past

I's Picross.

Not quite as enjoyable as other Picross games I've played yes....but at the end of the day it's still Picross, of course it's good XD

I am using this to rate the entire series. Picross is so fucking good. This game provides like 40+ hours of content alone and there's like 6 of these.

Gosto bastante de Picross e tinha grandes expectativas para essa série (já tem mais de 8 só no Switch), mas saio um tanto decepcionado desse primeiro título.
Estou acostumado a não achar a figura gerada pelos puzzles muito parecidas com o que deveria ser, mas por ser um jogo de Nintendo Switch eu senti falta de ter um propósito maior de terminar cada desafio. Basicamente terminei todos os do modo Picross sem usar assistências e a única coisa que aconteceu foi aparecer uma medalhinha e aparecer um "Obrigado por jogar".
Várias coisas podiam ser acrescentadas como imagens diferentes de acordo com a performance em cada puzzle, um ranking de tempo, poderiam ser liberados itens, ou os puzzles poderiam ser mais temáticos.
Desanimei de terminar os Mega Picross e dei o jogo como encerrado.

It’s picross babey! It’s good, if somewhat basic. I did not do the no assist puzzles for mega Picross because fuck that honestly, part of the fun of completing Picross puzzles is revealing the cool pixel art and mega Picross is just old puzzles with a more incomprehensible gimmick. I feel like when I get to the games with color picross that’s gonna be a nightmare but they at least give you fun animations.

a wonderful game to scratch that picross itch, with good quality of life features that i miss in other nonogram games.

I fucking love picross, completed 100% with no assist mode

While I appreciate the sheer amount of content in this game, it all feels pretty devoid of character. There is no theming whatsoever (think Picross DS) and the Mega Picross puzzles are just repeats of the regular ones. Additionally, there is exactly one music track that plays during gameplay, which WILL force you to turn it off after hours and hours of listening to it. In one word, it's dull.

Simple and fun. Scratches the itch of a nice puzzle game that I can't get on my phone that can be played while watching TV. This paired well with my 1000th re-watch of Brooklyn 99.

Can't go wrong with a bit of the old Picross can you

setting my completion day as today cause it's the day i finished all the normal levels, i'm not even gonna bother with mega picross that shit's hard!!!

Its very satisfying to complete puzzles and makes you feel smart for doing so.

Picross scratches my brain 5 stars. Mega picross annoys me 2 stars.

E lá vamos nós voltar ao vício. Picross S é um pacote bem fraquinho até comparado ao que já tinhamos disponível no 3DS (sem Micross, sem modos novos), mas eu sei que vem coisa boa por aí então tá tudo bem.

I'm going to be playing Jupiter's Picross games for the rest of my life aren't I.


It's picross. At the moment this one is the most basic of the nintendo switch picross games. But, it's the best for beginners to get start with.

It's picross, picross is great. There's no theme or anything except for just doing picross puzzles, so I'd probably recommend Puzzle Makeout League or Murder By Numbers over this, but still - it's picross.

Normal people when they get a Switch OLED: (test it out on vibrant, beautiful exclusives like Zelda or Mario)

a nice rendition of picross, though the lack of coherent theming made it a bit less interesting to me than something like mario's picross

Picross S is, well Picross... Dunno what else to say, it plays fine and it has 300 puzzles (150 regular, 150 Mega, although they're the same images) so it'll keep you busy for a while. If you like this type of puzzles then this is strongly recommended.

How can a game both make you smarter and rot your brain at the same time?

Comfy puzzle game, used to do these a lot as a kid. I break it out every now and then whenever I want to feel stupid.

Cleared all Picross and Mega Picross puzzles with no assist. Not sure if I will replay, as I may opt to buy one of the many sequels instead.

This is the first picross game I've ever played and it rules. Basically sudoku but good.