Reviews from

in the past

The best part of this game is the fact that Heavy and Strongbad become best friends. Like deadass I don't even like poker that much but the writing is top notch.

This would be the perfect video game if Tycho wasn't in it

we need more casual crossover games smh

I do like a funny conversation with Strong Bad, Max, and Heavy.

Fuck Penny Arcade.

They managed to make the Penny Arcade guy funny 8/10

Bought this game for TF2 Items just like literally everyone else who played it, was kinda funny and quirky but its just poker with jokes. 5/10

good poker game but loses at least half a star bc of that stupid | || || |_ motherfucker

Godlike idea for a crossover, instead of putting Heavy and Sam to fight, let's see what they think of several other subjects on their lives while you curse at their cheap as shit A.I

If only they had better picks for players, I don't know who's dick got sucked so Tycho could be the game, but let's not pretend goofy ass Penis Arcade was anywhere near as iconic as the other 3 back then, let alone now.

Picked this game up again to win the rest of the items for Team Fortress 2. An entertaining game to play hold 'em poker against AI-controlled, characters from other video games. Clever, snarky dialogues! It's the first game where I got a grasp of poker basics.

I’m not addicted to gambling. I think about it all day, every day and I’m STILL not addicted.

Funny writing, dated of course and weirdly specific time capsule of a certain Steam/Telltale era.
Totally fine tex holdem mechanics.

Still haven't learned Poker, damn it. The characters starred are so funny you will forget you are playing a gambling game.

Penny Arcade is the socially acceptable Alex from YIIK.

i would give head to get another one of these

Eating wrenches is Max's weak point, who'd knew??

I learned how to play Poker thanks to this game. Then I forgot how to play it about a year later!

oh shit theres a game packaged with my tf2 items

You can kill the heavy in this game.

that should be me instead of some webcomic nobody. i want to play cards with my friends the heavy weapons guy and max and strong bad. that guy doesn’t even know them!!!!

I learned how to play poker, thank you Heavy.

Came for the TF2 items, stayed for the poker.

Came back to this one years later and yeah. It's... poker against the computer. They talk (repeat lines) WAY too much but turning down the dialog in settings makes the experience a tad flat.

Summary of what it was like to play video games in the dark times

it has the funny fat man and the silly rabbit and the funny internet guy and some random gamer who i do not know

I played this to try winning the TF2 items for a friend only to learn they were not able to be traded. Oops!

Tycho is unfunny just beyond the threshold of irony so he was just annoying, but the other three were charming to varying degrees. Despite not having had much experience with Sam & Max I found Max to be particularly enjoyable. Otherwise it's just Poker, and playing it against these various personalities alongside a friend is a fun time. It's just not too interesting in terms of presentation despite being video game and web media themed.