Reviews from

in the past

Really kinda fucked up that the PS3's launch title racing game looks and plays better than the majority of racers that came after it, huh?

Best entry of the series along with BGM (dominates in every way compared to rr type 4)

Definitely the better ridge racer 6. It definitely the better out of the hd series it's got more content more customisation and more polish. It does lose a little of the rr Namco style with the HUD and menus. It goes for a more traditional sleek ps3 look which is more functional in the familiar. Ditches the progression system of previous and adds customisation which is semi decent for RR. Physics feel better the graphics (being one of the very few ps3 games that run at native 1080p) colour pallet also gets updated that looks better imo. Loads are decent after installing the game which you get to play an old Namco game while installing is cool. Music is nicer imo than 6. All round just fine for the ending of the series I enjoy the last track being a callback to the very first track in all of ridge racer. Definitely feel like this series got stuck in its past a little to hard for both good and bad. The market definitely saw love and light in grab Turismo and Forza for the Sim craze or need for speed and burnout were peaking in the arcade genre. Ridge racer just didn't adapt the new stuff at all and since the series never had license cars there's no interest from most majority racing gamers out there. Which is sad I do wanna see more from this series cause core ridge racer is solid and easily the most fun thing about it is the driving model and drifting which has been adapted into many a racing games nowadays with nearly all NFS and Mario kart. Unbounded is a cool spin off I may beat but for now. I'll let her rest

underrated relaxing drift simulator

sadly one of the last, but one of the best. Progression feels a little confusing at times, but it's so gorgeous at 1080p 60fps at launch day on the PS3 I don't mind at all

ainda falta terminar algumas ultimas corridas e duelos mas é simplesmente fodástico, a mecânica de drift é simples e vai te exigindo mais domínio conforme o jogo vai ficando mais difícil, da pra customizar os carros com pneus diferentes pra mudar a inclinação e o drift e tudo mais, vários carros tipo MUITOS mesmo e todos tem algo de diferente, seja na forma de dirigir ou visualmente, tem poucos cenários mas todos são lindos e únicos, indo do industrial pro circuíto á cidades e campos e AAA quero morar nesss jogo é simplesmente relaxante e ainda com uma ost cheia de BANGERS house music supremacy ta doido MUSIC HAS PEAKED

amazing game! really love racing games. as with most
racing games the difficulty ramped up a looooot during end
game content

solid entry but the addition of slipstreaming completely changes how the AI behaves compared to 6 and prior to the point of being NASCAR-lite, returning stages from 6 look off imo, and complete loss of it's identity by this point drags it down a bit for me, still really fun at least

a piada é não usar nitro e ficar a corrida inteira a ouvir a narrador a reclamar

when the inevitable ps3 era of nostalgia arrives i hope people will realise how much this game owns. if you could add your own music it would be 4 stars

yes you can go perpendicular to the road and drift at 120mph and yes this is one of the best racing games ever

This is the The Irishman (2019) of videogames.

So good, so addictive. But holy fuck it's so difficult as well.

A prime example of a game that's easy to learn but hard to master, you better get the hang of ultimate charges when you reach the extreme battle races. Has great music, graphics and rly nice performance for a PS3 launch title too!

It's a very frustrating game though, which is why I won't give it a perfect rating. The extreme battles require absolute PERFECTION from you and it can make the game feel very annoying and repetitive. Oh well, I reached 90% completion in the grand prix at least so I guess I did have a decent run.

It's okay, I guess. Haven't played 6 to compare, but the drift handling feels wayyyy too slippery. One small nudge into a car or a wall and you will be sent spinning in circles. The tracks also feel kinda..... flat? I don't know how to properly explain it, but they all feel quite linear. Also, as impressive as the game running at 1080p 60fps was, especially for a launch game, but the scenery looks kinda generic and washed out compared to something like Ridge Racer V, a PS2 launch game that looked absolutely gorgeous at the time.

For 70% of the game, the difficulty doesn't exist. To get under 3rd place you either haven't played the game ever, or are trying to on purpose. The new boosting nitrous mechanic doesn't help either, as it's too easy to gain nitrous and just speeding past your opponents who don't stand a chance against you. The AI in this game are not a competition at all. Doing this through many grand prix(s?) can get boring very quickly.

One thing I love about this game is the customization. It's the second game in the series to give us some freedom with the car parts since Rage Racer, and gaining your own parts by doing (easy af) races around the world is a satisfying thing.
The multiplayer is also another really cool feature of this game. Somehow people are still playing this game today, and playing with people of the same skill level is really fun.

There's a lot more I could say about this game but overall, it's impressive for a PS3 launch title, but kinda disappointing as a Ridge Racer title.

Without question the best PS3 launch title, one of the best looking game's on a platform that spared no quarter in unlocking its graphical potential, and more then anything else, a hell of an arcade racing game. Still worthwhile to pick up now.

A lot of fun and an extremely polished experience, easily one of the best looking games on the PS3. It's nothing to really celebrate, doesn't do anything particularly new or interesting, but is a solid experience I see myself returning to someday.

Ever since Ridge Racer series added nitros it's been like this jokey throwaway Hyper Realistic Car Drifting Simulator meme game. "Ahaha. Car go fast around turns." It's mind boggling how utterly padded and repetitive the game is, having to play for hours before you can unlock an engine class can be remotely be considered not slow (although still not remotely challenging) and yet someone thought it warranted releasing the exact same game six plus times not including mobile. It's as if they think Ridge Racer fans crave suffering through the same bare bones campaign structure that many times. That said, if you're going to play a game in the nitros formula then 7 is arguably as good a choice as any other.. is what I would say, but to be perfectly honest I have much fonder memories of 6 and 3D. This could be simply due to the fact I played 6 first, and the fact I played online multiplayer in that whereas I didn't in 7. And as for 3D, it's basically to 7 what 7 was to 6, aside from demade graphics (which if anything added to the charm imho), remixed course selection, a campaign length that for once actually feels proportionate to the amount of content and gameplay depth on offer, plus the benefit of being on a handheld.

This game is a sort of expanded version of sorts of ridge racer 6. Theres a new slipstreaming system which is neat. The art style is a little bit different from ridge racer 6s and goes more for visibility and clarity over vibes, and honestly i think its different enough to make em both worth checking out instead of only playing 7 like a lot of people recommend. I can't really blame them for making things more visible as it do mean the gameplay is more solid. The soundtrack for this one is more on the okay side of things compared to other ridge racers, but its still generally good. If you have a PS3 and like racing games, then this is def worth checking out.

One of the last and greatest Arcade Racers

Need to revisit this at some point. I'm much better and Ridge Racer games than when I first played this.