Reviews from

in the past

i really liked the concepts and the beginning of the story but everything goes downhill as the story proceeds, not in a good way. everything is just so needlessly edgy, making it such a hollow story

Há 800 anos atrás, em 1223, São Francisco de Assis criou o primeiro presépio da história e não incluiu nenhuma representação humana, e em Saya no Uta fica claro o motivo dessa ausência, o homem cego pelo pecado não enxerga o próprio pai e muito menos o próprio caminho, sendo mais tolo que o mais irracional dos animais, já que estes sabem quem é seu dono e onde é sua casa.

Fuminori é o mais fraco dos homens, não sendo nada mesmo perante o mais insignificante dos insetos, não é mais dono de si próprio, delegando essa posição a um ser maligno e ao próprio pecado per se. Desde o começo ele ignora a si e coloca sua felicidade e razão de viver a cargo de uma terceira, atitude que muitos “homens”, incapazes de se desenvolver, fazem e acabam tendo o mesmo final de Fuminori, podemos observar isso na negligência com seu tratamento no início do jogo. Não são as mesmas situações, mas são paralelos equivalentes, milhares de Fuminoris se matam (homens são maioria em churrascamentos) diariamente pelo mesmo erro, pela mesma fraqueza.

Saya, o que dizer, se não apenas parafrasear seu próprio pai: “Agora ele se declarou como uma “forma de vida que precisa de esperma masculino”, ele se considerou uma “mulher””. Sendo assim, a forma de vida abandona seu status supostamente superior para descer ao humano, e consequentemente se destruindo por essência, já que nunca seria humana, pois não havia sido depositado uma alma em meio aquele amontoado de células, Saya tinha menos vida que um embrião, e nunca sairia dessa posição não importando quanto esperma tomasse ou quantos Fuminoris enganasse para tentar entender o que é o amor humano.

Diferente do ideal do amor a waifu, isento do profano feminino e fruto da manifestação do ego do portador, portanto genuíno, onde este só tem a ganhar já que realiza a si próprio um efeito Pigmalião o qual o desenvolve e estimula ao crescimento, Saya só suga, suga a sanidade, suga os recursos, suga a energia vital e entrega apenas farsas e caos, nada tem para o bem, mesmo que pareça o oposto, que ela é inocente e quer ajudar seu suposto amado, os fatos são concretos, e o fim é absoluto, professor Ougai que o diga.

Pode ser fetichista em alguns momentos, acredito que seja, mas em meus olhos foram a definição gráfica de perdição e tristeza, tristeza essa que se expandia a cada minuto de leitura, incapaz de sentir qualquer emoção se não repulsa, tristeza e ódio, prossegui o caminho forjado pelos perdidos. No entanto, em meio ao caos me surgia um fogo em meu amago, algo que me dizia que eu deveria ser forte, para alcançar o extremo oposto do que Fuminori obtinha, o ódio virava um combustível para a esperança de uma salvação improvável. Pena que o Kouji provavelmente não foi atingido pelo mesmo fogo, mas sim por um mais doloroso.

É sim repugnante de formas inexplicáveis, mas com a mentalidade certa a viagem vira uma aula, vejo como uma tragédia, a mostra de como somos suscetíveis a cair em perdição e como devemos lutar para nunca chegar perto de ser fracos como Fuminori.

Mesmo sem ser um primor da escrita, e apresentando recursos baixos, a ousadia da obra é impactante e tem alto valor, sabendo muito bem como explodir o leitor com inúmeras emoções, sem dúvidas sendo algo incontestável.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem.

an insanely interesting short vn. i only recommend this to play censored as the h-scenes don't bring any substance and are just weird as hell, i wish it wasn't a common trend across vns to have actual like, good stories and then bring children in the table

absoluetly love the backgrounds of saya no uta though, they're really interesting and are beautifully drawn, beautiful horror visuals, although this VN is not something i'd exactly recommend, if you're twisted enough and interested, it is worth a try

The ost slaps and Ryouko should slap me harder

Very original apart from the child porn, story gets pretty bad later on though.

bro i literally do not care if the story has little substance or theres really icky loli sex scenes or whatever the atmosphere and just the experience of reading for the first time fucking ruled. godtier ost and presentation overall just made for a highly memorable experience

felt this rating in my bones after fuminori made that hi no tori reference

Algumas coisas se salvam, tipo a história e o suspense. Mas no geral achei mais ou menos. Eu acho que não foi lá uma boa VN para começar a ler as obras da Nitroplus, mas ela conseguiu me entreter um pouco, é uma experiência bacana, mas não “uau, que VN foda, única!!”

I realized the other day that I owned this on steam, for some reason, and decided it would be funny to see how awful the censored version of Saya no Uta is. In the end I just patched it anyways and did a normal reread because i thought maybe I would like it more now around 7 years since I originally read it. Well, my thoughts have barely changed. It still mostly sucks. For what it's worth, the beginning of this vn is a great hook, and conceptually it's really not all that bad. At it's best the ideas here are a little reminiscent of Clive Barker's horror short stories. You've got the sex and intense gore, and the core idea of people going crazy because a demon made them see the world as a pulsating meat dimension would be right at home in Books of Blood. Where Saya no Uta falls off completely is in the execution. I liked Madoka Magica a lot, so I don't think Gen Urobuchi is a bad writer, but he clearly learned a lot since he made this. Even if the ideas here were handled better I doubt it would save the story, which suffers from a short runtime and tonal issues as well. You don't have any time to get attached to the characters before they die or go insane, and everything involving the crazy doctor character is pure schlock. It's more fun than the Saya/Fuminori stuff, don't get me wrong, but it's incredibly stupid and it doesn't help that the Lovecraft-inspired (I say that as loosely as possible) tone feels entirely unearned. I don't mind authors alluding to works that inspired them, but the plot here doesn't mesh with Lovecraft's works whatsoever and the lore dump near the ending over-explaining the monster and it's goals robs the narrative of any potential mystery. However, despite my numerous issues with the story itself, I actually found myself liking all three of the endings this time. The first and second are the most thematically fulfilling, but the third is still sort of fun. It's probably not worth suffering through the rest of the vn to get to them, but oh well. And, as everyone who hates or loves this game already knows, the presentation is great. The soundtrack is incredible and the backgrounds and sound design set the tone perfectly. I get why people love Saya no Uta, there's a lot of quality here, but ultimately almost none of it makes it's way into the actual writing. Too short and far too focused on shocking the reader to say anything meaningful.

A decently interesting premise which gets destroyed by Urobochi's common writing problems, turning it into an edgefest of misery porn and simplistic messages/themes which try to paint themselves as smarter than they truly are. All of this mixed with a pretty poor narration makes for a not particularly interesting read. Unless you are just interested in seeing gross scenes.

The characters are all obsecenly one dimensional or extremely unlikable, with the exception of Saya,who is somewhat ok. But has the most cliched and predictable character arc you could imagine.
Fuminori's characterization is just being an asshole and needing Saya. Although his relationship with her has some Interesting stuff: the short lenght, how unlikable he is written as and the VN's need to make everything as obscene as posible ends with him being a character you would much rather not have to deal with.
The other characters are not worth mentioning as they are all basically non existant

On a technical level it does actually stand out, the CGs are certainly well drawn and fit the oppressive atmosphere the VN is trying to present, which alongside a strong OST that fits the tone perfectly allows some moments of the VN to be somewhat saved from it's incredibly weak writing.

Zerei pelo youtube pq esse jogo é um inferno de achar de forma legitima, saya no uta é um jogo no minimo unico. O nivel de pertubação da narrativa é a personificação do termo "não existe fundo do poço pois vc sempre pode cavar mais fundo" todavia esse jogo sofre da sindrome do punheteiro japonês com uns momentos que vc vê um puta momento sendo jogando no lixo pra agradar um pervetido do outro lado do mundo

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Ok, so how the fuck do I even talk about this? How the fuck do I even rate this?

Apparently there's two versions of this game. Boy am I glad I played the censored one cuz Jesus Fucking Christ, even that version walks a very, very fine line between showing some really needlessly grotesque stuff and it definitely stumbles over that line a few times. And looking, as objectively as one can at a piece of media, this game succeeds in its goals with flying colors. It's viscerally uncomfortable. That's what it was going for, and it did it. But I can't help but feel like some of it could have been handled with a bit more tact? Maybe?

Within this game are depictions of rape (multiple times), pedophilia (it's a pretty persistent theme), sex slavery (right after the extreme disfigurement of said character forced into sex slavery), and that's just the most potent bits that stick out in my mind. I'm not saying heavy topics can't be breached in a piece of media, but the biggest red flag to me is that some of these descriptions include accompanying illustrations! Some of which are decently sexualized! Like, talk about a lack of tact! And this is the censored version!! What the fuck!??!

You really don't need to go to these lengths to make an unsettling piece of media. You've already got voice lines of characters crying out in pain and fear, you've already got the writing, you've already got the heavy industrial music, do you really need to draw the rape scene too? And again, this is the "toned down" version, I fear what kinds of shit is in the uncensored one (probably plenty of stuff that adds you to an FBI database even worse than the one I'm probably already on for playing this)!

Despite all of this, most of the worst stuff takes up only maybe 10-20% of this game's runtime, and the rest is, uh, actually pretty good? The music is great at accentuating plot beats, and the perspective shifts are a great way to ground the narrative in some semblance of "reality", and to contrast the viewpoint you get from Fuminori (whom the story clearly understands to be a terrible person). As the game goes on further, you get less and less scenes from Fuminori's perspective which I can honestly only see as a positive. Once Yoh is... imprisoned? Raped? Disfigured? All of the above? After that, the narrative all but forsakes Fuminori, and Koji becomes more or less the main character, which I think is probably the best move one could do after including what is probably one of the most distasteful scenes in the whole game. But it's still reasonable to ask why that scene needed a CG (and was presumably worse in the original version).

I guess if you wanted to make a story where characters get raped and murdered and disfigured and the MC cannibalizes them with his child girlfriend whom he has sex with (erm actually she isn't a child she's an eldritch abomination with superhuman intelligence i dont care she looks like a child), this is certainly a way to do it... but I can't help but think it would be better if it was a bit more reserved in its execution. It's got multiple high moments, but the low moments sting and really throw into question how much of this was thought out past a vague "dude, wouldn't it be fucked up if X happened?"

I'm compromising on a 7/10 right now but no score I give this feels right. If the game handled its racier scenes with a bit more tact I could honestly rationalize it being an 8 in my mind, but in its current state I can't help but question its goals (is the 'point' of this game just to show you something "fucked up" and nothing else?) which makes me wanna bring it down a lot. I don't know, I'll have to sit on it for a bit, but even with how high I'm rating it I still probably wouldn't recommend it to someone unless you've really steeled your resolve.

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i love the concept of fucked up meat/bile/organ vision and alongside the incredible score it's really easy to get engrossed within the opening minutes. unfortunately it ends up being wasted on a story with a few good moments and too many shameful scenes which serve no purpose besides sexual gratification. even outside of those incredibly distasteful scenes it still often ends up too edgy for its own good, the unfitting score choice during koji and fuminori's final confrontation as well as koji's conversation with his hallucination during his ending come to mind. i think the endings themselves are all pretty interesting but the fast pace the last two take to come to their conclusions are a bit unsatisfying. it's all a real shame because it could absolutely be something way better than it is

A masterpiece it is not but it is hauntingly beautifull, i do think a later reread will help a lot but from what i read im satisfied, amazing music and eerie atmosphere as well as for negatives there are definetly parts where urobochi could have held back

this is bad because bad stuff happens in it and the main character is immoral and not a good guy.

cara. eu já ouvi muita coisa boa sobre saya no uta e desde sempre a proposta me convence, mas eu fui jogar e fiquei tão não ironicamente perturbada tipo de Verdade que terei que ter muitas bolas (ou falta de respeito por mim mesma :p) pra tentar de novo. adoro adoro terror e já li muita visual novel Paia da Silva, então nunca imaginei que isso fosse acontecer E honestamente é meio doido e interessante que tenha acontecido. espero poder gostar dessa história direito um dia!!

If this is peak Urobuchi, then its safe to say this guy sucks. B grade horror shit, with forced assault scenes, and edgy trashy writing, praised for being different, unique and deep. Just an abomination.

Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to HATE that vn I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer-thin layers that fill my complex. If the word "hate" was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles, it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for that junk at this micro-instant. For that junk. Hate. HATE.

El descenso a la locura del prota es lo que sufre el estudiante universitario promedio en 4 años

something something the developer's barely disguised loli rape fetish something something

Um história de horror cósmico pique Lovecraft e Stephen King.
Aborda temas muito pesados como o mental do protagonista fudido e como uma gota de anormalidade pode acabar com a vida de qualquer ser humano.
Os cenários são muito grotescos e bem desenhados quase sempre sendo um amontoado de carne, os personagens na visão do Fuminori são monstros de carne podre que vomitam sangue.
Seu relacionamento com Saya é de quebrar o coração
(me fizeram ter simpatia de um alien kk)
A música é muito boa tendo trechos de terror, uns rock bizarrão e uma música muito calma.
Um ótimo vn pra quem gosta de horror psicológico.

the urobutcher is at it again. this is my favorite work by him, and i think it's one that is going to be remembered for a long time. a nasty (but romantic) little story about an innocent cthulu monster who just wants some love. art is fabulous, but the OST really steals the show. infodump suddenly in the true end ruins it though. good end is best end.

I love the ost for this game, especially the track 'Sin'. It's not especially deep or groundbreaking but what it wants to do I think it does extremely well. Atmosphere, the psychological aspects and true ending all come together really nicely for me.

Playing the uncensored version of this probably put me on an FBI list. Unnecessarily explicit with the sexual scenes and kind of edgy even for me. Besides that the story got me hooked and the ending was OK, something that is sometimes hard to achieve with japanese stories. The music does a great job with the immersion.

The game is quite short, but overall I enjoyed it. Would only recommend to my most degenerate friends, this is a hard one to sell.

Absolutely GOATed soundtrack, as with most VNs. Saya's a pretty iconic nitroplus character. An unforgettable reading Experience, highly recommend it.