Reviews from

in the past

the first time i played - hated it. watched some videos on youtube and it kinda helped? finished the first level and now i'm back hating it.
maybe these arcade-style beat 'em ups just ain't my thing, but my god does the soundtrack rule. the only reason why i might pick it up again.

Authentically retro and authentically difficult! Both Scott Pilgrim fans will find the (like 4th now) new iteration on the story refreshing, and beat-em-ups fans should enjoy this title's gameplay. However, players should be prepared to put in some elbow grease to level up their chosen character to meet the often harsh difficulty spikes SPVTWTGCE can dish out.


played it again but online with friends this time. still think it’s a solid game, but especially after playing so much TMNT Shredder’s Revenge lately the control leaves a lot to be desired. the online is also insanely broken, tons of jank with scripted stuff and straight up soft locking us multiple times made for a rough experience, still lots of fun though! i will say aside from the levels breaking the actual net code is pretty amazing. feels great with almost zero stuttering and minimal input delay. the online was bad enough that i’m taking it down from 4 stars to 3.5 though sorry :/

The gay guy is a pallet swap of another male character, and his "kick em while they're down" move involves attacking a prone enemy by repeatedly, forcefully kissing them.

me and my pal josh played as kim and wallace LGBT warriors

Excels in the fan service, pixel art, and chiptunes departments, but its beat-'em-up combat feels truncated by unlockable moves, and in general the game slows to a crawl due to an over-dependence on RPG-style grinding. Probably more tolerable in co-op/for fans.

I should have let my nostalgia kept thinking this was good

Multiplayer was broken, constantly having to restart to fix. The beat-em-up mechanics were very repetitive and boring by doing the same attacks and enemies getting seemingly random counters/stuns on you made it more frustrating. The platforming is awful, requiring you to have pixel-perfect accuracy and quick reaction times that I found the game only bearable at max level.

Not really into arcade-style beat 'em ups but I'm glad this game got brought back from being dead media as it's pretty great.

Beat em up brillante, montones de referencias y niveles muy originales

Eu só comprei esse jogo porque Scott Pilgrim é uma das minhas obras favoritas, mas de resto, esse jogo é muito podre.

It's cute but wayyy too hard for me, in an annoying way

is this insanely hard or am i just bad.

Lembro de ter achado os controles ruins dá primeira vez que joguei, mas dando mais uma chance, vejo que esse jogo é muito bom

Muita alma pelos visuais e música, os controles são meio subpar sim mas nada muito sério
Sim, o jogo é da Ubisoft, portanto sim, ele tem bugs, alguns que atrapalham o avanço kkkkkkkkkkk

Claro, jogue ele em boa companhia. Hihi.

Scott Pilgrim is a fantastic beat um up. It's a great adaptation of the source material as well. The beautiful pixel art and banging soundtrack are worthy of a purchase alone. It's a solid game and it's fun hitting and wacking things across it's 8 levels. There are a lot characters to play as and multiple endings. It clear their was a lot of love put into the game. The only negatives I can give it is the giant FF looking gideon final boss is a cheap piece of shit and outside of that the game is really easy.

Platinum #128

cara, eu estava muito hypado pra jogar esse jogo, mas me decepcionei muito.
Pois, os controles não me agradaram, não são suaves e nas fases não possui coisas para curar sua saúde somente em lojinhas. E isso faz o jogo ser muito difícil a toa, mesmo na dificuldade mais baixa.
Além de que TODOS OS INIMIGOS PODEM DEFENDER DOS SEUS ATAQUES, e isso fica muito chato realizar combos.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game has developed a cult following and an interesting history with the game being delisted for several years and now finally returning to every modern console available including PC. Haven't played it in years, I'm glad to say the game is just as good as I remembered it.

The levels here are surprisingly varied here with beginning in a snowy part of Toronto to a Zen garden of sorts. The soundtrack here done by Anamanaguchi is probably the best "8-bit" soundtrack I've heard in recent memory along with Loop Hero. Best of all, the game is just fun to play, you can do coop attacks with your friends and there's a lot of interactivity with them when you can literally pick up your fallen friend and use them as a weapon.

Only complaint is probably having to use a Ubisoft account to even play online on Switch which I feel is an odd decision. The online itself can be pretty buggy which kinda sucks because I think this game is at itS best when playing with someone.

If you're a fan of the source material here or just looking for a cool beat-em-up with an incredible soundtrack, you really can't go wrong with Scott Pilgrim.

Pretty disappointed about the gameplay

realistically not great but i have a lot of nostalgia for playing the original forever ago. good enough for me to have bought the complete release

Yes, I Will beat the ex boyfriends of my girlfriend.

I really like the spritework on this game, the gameplay... takes a while to like it. Not recommended to people who is into traditional beat em ups cuz you gotta grind sometimes to feel like you're dealing damage or to avoid getting one-shot by the bosses.

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The fact that you have to defeat Gideon with Ramona to reach the true ending hits a bit different

and yes, that means that Ramona is the one who wields the Sword of Self-Love

I’m not usually a fan of beat-em-ups but I am a fan of Scott Pilgrim so I gave this a try and it’s pretty fun!

That being said, whoever decided that objects you throw can bounce off of things/people and come back to damage you (sometimes multiple times/stunlocking you) will not be receiving the Power of Love or the Power of Self-Respect

It starts off a little rough but gets easier as you proceed in story mode.
Love the character variety and the boss fights while good some can be a bit tricky.
OST is catchy too.

Scott Pilgrim The Game Syndrome: When people only put something on a pedestal and really want something because it's inaccessible. When it finally becomes widely available, people immediately stop caring because they realize the game kinda sucks ass.

is it me or is it very slow? it's probably me

completely accurate Toronto simulator