Reviews from

in the past

im hanging out with a guy lately went on some dates we got some interests in common hes funny and hes super cute and i guess im slowly and steadily falling in love with him

i got this thing when i meet new people that i need to fucking read/play/watch whatever they like because im always interested to see what their tastes are and shit like that so when he told me he liked scott pilgrim i opened the volumes at 9 am and at 5 pm i finished the entirety of the series dont call me a simp already 3 friends called me that im fine with it

so scott pilgrim in itself is a great graphic novel the characters are fun the artstyle is charming the events and story are even funnier and i had a good time with it so no complaints im not a huge graphic novel/western comic fan so it was a surprise how much i enjoyed it

yknow what it felt like a time capsule from a time long gone like some of those cartoons in the 2000s or early 2010s its that kind of vibe i have never consumed any type of scott pilgrim media but i was actually filled with nostalgia idk dont quote me on that tho

long story short scott likes a girl and this girl got some 7 evil exes that want to kill him or whatever so he gotta beat all of them up to get the girl of his dreams

ramona is a great character but i ended up loving knives or wallace and in particular stills way better than the main duo (im a stills kin i got him as a telegram pfp for the moment im that devoted)

so yeah the main story stuff is about that now since i wanted to thoroughly be finished with scott pilgrim i wanted to play this game

DISCLAIMER: i played like 5 beat em ups until now all street of rage games and shredders revenge so my opinion on beat em up is scarce at best for now dont listen to me

its kinda a textbook beat em up with different characters and a coop mode that i didnt have the pleasure to try because i got no friends so all in all i enjoyed my time with it even tho the controls are kinda stiff and having to unlock some basic beat em up moves is kind of a pain and also it absolutely baffled me how hard it was and then i found out that shops existed so i just boosted strength in wallaces shop and i would beat everyones asses frfr

bosses were also p great for this games standars and todd is still the hottest one of the bunch

played as stills ofc and a little bit as scott i didnt try the other characters because i was kinda done with the game already lets be real

gameplay wise thats basically it its a beat em up what do you want me to say the art style is super cute pixelated and trying to convey scott pilgrims style into a videogame and they kinda managed to

ost was particularly great so cant complain on that

my honest criticism apart from the gameplay stuff is that i wanted some more callbacks or easter eggs or like story stuff interactions between character it was very bare bones like you get a character beat every single ramonas ex like in the main story and thats basically it theres some super superficial interactions here and there that you wouldnt even understand if you didnt read the comic but apart from that its made entirely for scott pilgrims fans which is both good and kinda a shame i wanted them to push the game a little further

also i have no idea what this version adds or refines from the base game but i didnt see that many differences to be honest so maybe someone will explain it to me here

not a bad game but its appealing mainly just for scott pilgrims fanbase

so yeah

O jogo tem um design de arte incrível, mas, no geral, é terrível. A experiência foi particularmente estressante, considerando que o jogo foi relançado em 2010 e, ainda assim, é mal polido pra caralho. Tem tanta gente nesses créditos que me pergunto se os nomes foram gerados por inteligência artificial ou foi feito em uma escola de programações para chimpanzés treinados.

O jogo é repleto de bugs, a movimentação é péssima, e o tempo que levei para concluir um jogo de apenas 4 horas foi incrivelmente longo, totalizando 11 meses. Na primeira tentativa, coloquei a dificuldade no nível médio, depois de ser espancado, três meses depois, retomei o jogo na dificuldade mais fácil, conseguindo progredir, mas a última fase é simplesmente impossível sem recorrer a cheats. Isso me leva a crer que um desenvolvedor insano decidiu aumentar a dificuldade de forma sádica, como uma espécie da saudosismo ao obrigar o jogador a usar trapaças para prosseguir.

É difícil acreditar que um jogo assim foi produzido por uma empresa grande. Parece mais uma criação de uma game jam de uma semana, realizada por três pessoas que aprenderam a programar no dia anterior com video no youtube.

A última fase é o maior ato de maldade que já vi em toda minha vida. Em geral, a dificuldade progride de maneira muito orgânica no resto do jogo, mas a última fase parece feita para te deixar tristes. É uma fase longuíssima, sem checkpoints, sem lojas para recuperar vida, toneladas de inimigos, objetos que caem do céu. Depois de passar por tudo isso, ainda tem enfrentar a segunda fase do boss, que, embora divertida em conceito, é simplesmente impossível de ser executada. após isso enfrentar os robôs que tem 100 vezes a vida de um inimigo comum, pra tudo isso chegar em mais uma fase de boss, lembrando que estava jogando com dois jogadores, se for jogar sozinho, é ainda mais impossível, na realidade se for jogar sozinho, não jogue, simplesmente não jogue, um dos únicos pontos bom desse jogo é compartilhar a angustia com o amigo

Mas o jogo tem seus lados bons, e é por isso que não consegui desistir dele. É divertido, especialmente com mais de um jogador. Tudo é muito bonito de se ver, até os objetos inalcançáveis no chão, pois você tem que fazer todo um cálculo para pegar um objeto do chão, mas ainda assim, é um objeto muito bonito.

It was a pog game back on the 360 and it still is now, especially when you read about how it was even made in the first place. It's impressively adapted and introduced so many of us to Anamanaguchi. It really is a great piece of media to accompany the movie and comics.

I waited years for this game to get put on PC.... on a platform my friends actually have downloaded.. and in 2023, I finally got my wish. But boy, did the monkey's paw sure curl. Realistically, this game is hard as absolute balls for really no reason. I'm pretty sure the last level and subsequent boss fight is literally impossible. The enemy's only goal is to dogpile the shit out of you and it's very easy to get insta-killed in a sandwich.

A beat 'em up was the best way possible for this story to be told in game form though, despite the difficulty. It's still very fun solo, and it would be fun with friends as well... if the online.. worked. Played this game with my 3 friends for the whole experience but we kept getting de-synced in every level which would break the game. The only way to fix it was to replay the entire level from the beginning and hope it didn't de-sync again, which put a sour taste in their mouths since it was their first playthrough.

You can buy this game on Steam but you still need the Uplay launcher to play it, which barely functions. I'd still recommend it as the art it is alone. It's short and is more accurate to the comics than the movie is, so it adds better context to the events that take place.

This game is actually a super fun short beat'em up and worth buying if you ever find it on sale. Its loaded with plenty of great references to the book, great pixel art, and awesome music. It portrays Toronto more accurately than Toronto portrays Toronto.

The controls can feel a little bit clunky at first, but once you get used to them and upgrade your character a bit, it becomes super fast paced and fun. the only problem with the game-play is the final level is a bit of a slog.

Also a quick warning if you plan on starting this game for the first time: level up Ramona, she is the only way to unlock the true ending, don't waste all your levels on Scott.

primeiramente, preciso fazer um aviso:
jogue esse jogo na dificuldade mais fácil Average Joe, pois em qualquer outra dificuldade o jogo se torna IMPOSSÍVEL. E antes de jogar a última fase, volte para primeira fase, faça o código de ganhar dinheiro pra caralho até conseguir uns 600 de dinheiro. Então vá na primeira loja da primeira fase e compre o livro ou sla oq de 500 dinheiros. Depois disso, compre tudo o que tiver nessa loja várias vezes, porque só assim para conseguir zerar esse jogo já que a última fase é IMPOSSÍVEL. Você não consegue derrotar o último boss do jogo de maneira orgânica, porque ele tem umas 4 fases sendo uma mais difícil que a outra, e como o jogo não tem checkpoint, e o inicio da fase você já precisa lutar com UM MONTE de inimigos, essa última parte fica LITERALMENTE IMPOSSÍVEL a não ser que você dedique 10 anos de treino pra conseguir a habilidade necessária. É simplesmente ridículo, não é uma dificuldade que avança de maneira orgânica, eles simplesmente decidiram que a última fase seria impossível E FODASE (e isso abaixou muito a nota do jogo pra mim)

Agora, dando uma review do resto do jogo, posso dizer com tranquilidade que é um jogo MUITO divertido, principalmente se você tiver jogando com um amigo. As fases são até que criativas e o jogo não é repetitivo, o combate é muito dinâmico e gostoso, então dá pra se divertir muito com esse joguinho aqui. Isso sem contar a arte que é fenomenal e a trilha sonora que é maravilhosa.

Porém, não tem como aceitar o trabalho porco que a Ubisoft fez aqui. O jogo é ENTUPIDO de bugs, do tipo que atrapalha você as vezes, como quando a fase simplesmente não avançava e eu tive que reiniciar LOL. Os controles são todo estranhos, se você desce pra baixo com o analógico o personagem pula, então você é obrigado a usar as setinhas na maior parte do jogo. Pra pegar as armas do chão é um trabalho desgraçado, o que não faz nenhum sentido, você tem que literalmente estar no mesmo pixel de altura da arma e estar virado pro lado exato que a arma tá.

Tudo isso só prova o quão mal acabado esse jogo é, e eu sinceramente acredito que esse remaster é ainda mais mal acabado.

tá de parabéns Ubisoft

Authentically retro and authentically difficult! Both Scott Pilgrim fans will find the (like 4th now) new iteration on the story refreshing, and beat-em-ups fans should enjoy this title's gameplay. However, players should be prepared to put in some elbow grease to level up their chosen character to meet the often harsh difficulty spikes SPVTWTGCE can dish out.

the first time i played - hated it. watched some videos on youtube and it kinda helped? finished the first level and now i'm back hating it.
maybe these arcade-style beat 'em ups just ain't my thing, but my god does the soundtrack rule. the only reason why i might pick it up again.

Eu amo Scott Pilgrim, e o filme é uma das minhas obras de arte favorita. Da série animada, as referências a Sonic me enchem de determinação. Eu ainda não li os quadrinhos, mas agora só faltam eles.

Esse jogo é um Beat 'em up retro raiz, pro bem e pro mal.

Suas fontes de inspiração são claras e as referências são muitas, e o charme da franquia ilumina ainda mais suas fases que representam essa Toronto louca e seus habitantes com visuais elegantes e boas animações, ao som de uma trilha sonora que varia muito entre ruim e ótima.
Jogar em co-op com a @cellerepe foi um facilitador, mas o jogo é desafiador e testa seu conhecimento de como o jogar e de como o ler.
Digo isso porque assim como num jogo retrô, o manual é a principal fonte de informação pra tudo. Ao contrário da maioria desses jogos, o decorrer das fases de ensinam bem pouco suas mecânicas e particularidades, e se você não parar pra ler algumas vezes, vai ficar muito pra trás.
Nós ficamos, e só fomos focar nos upgrades de atributos um pouco antes da metade do jogo. As lojas que vendem itens só informam o efeito deles depois da compra, coisa que nunca vi em jogo nenhum, e como o dinheiro é curto, compramos pouco no começo. O sistema de níveis de personagem desbloqueia habilidades que são básicas no gênero, ao invés de dar novos combos maneiros, deixando os personagens capados por muito tempo. Os chefes também apresentam dificuldade que varia muito entre fácil e injusta.
Mas injusto mesmo é quando o jogo buga e te dá softlock, põe inimigos invisíveis na tela e buga de várias maneiras. Os bugs são os mesmos da versão original, que foi incrivelmente feita em 5 meses, mas que ficam ainda mais terríveis por esse ser um relançamento.

Percebo uma oportunidade enorme perdida ao notar que esse jogo não abraça as características da mídia de videogame como as obras que ele adapta fazem, ou até mesmo usando a linguagem dos quadrinhos além dos textos de impacto.

Mas ainda bem que foi relançado, se não nós não teríamos nos divertido lambrando hordas de inimigos nesse universo que amamos nessa curta aventura.

I felt scammed after hearing people gas this thing up for a decade only to play it and find out that it’s a very poorly put together river city rampage rip-off.

I’m not usually a fan of beat-em-ups but I am a fan of Scott Pilgrim so I gave this a try and it’s pretty fun!

That being said, whoever decided that objects you throw can bounce off of things/people and come back to damage you (sometimes multiple times/stunlocking you) will not be receiving the Power of Love or the Power of Self-Respect

It starts off a little rough but gets easier as you proceed in story mode.
Love the character variety and the boss fights while good some can be a bit tricky.
OST is catchy too.

Scott Pilgrim The Game Syndrome: When people only put something on a pedestal and really want something because it's inaccessible. When it finally becomes widely available, people immediately stop caring because they realize the game kinda sucks ass.

is it me or is it very slow? it's probably me

Really wanted to tough it out and beat it but, god, it’s such a tough one. So aesthetically pleasing, both musically and visually, but just feels like torture to play, and level design is very anti-player. Made worse because after a couple of levels I realized that a Scott Pilgrim game should’ve been an Earthbound-style RPG and probably would be if they decided on making a game post-Undertale, lol. Will always love this as a novelty which is why I don’t regret getting the Limited Run of it, and maybe I’d give it another go doing online co-op, but, well. Scott Pilgrim, if your life was a game I would punch it.

-cute game, rlly beautiful and expressive sprites tbh, just not my type of thing rlly but also so fucking short it never outstays its welcome.
-dude i remember when ppl were being sooo fucking annoying about this being delisted and after playing it i rlly don't get it lmao. like idk kinda feel this way about most "lost media", def stuff should be more accessible but also idk i don't think it was a great travesty that this was gone for a long time. played through w my boyfwend and we kept doing impressions of soyjack reddit ppl, was lots of fun
-borderline unplayable without cheats, or at least was for us as we're both v bad at games.
-tbh never read the comics till this month bc i hate the movie version sm. edgar wright retire bitch. think the movie portrays scott and his actions and his relationship w women in a rlly fucking gross incel-like way that i have never fucking vibed w. does not help that michael cera is only good at playing scary weird ppl like in magic magic or this is the end, anytime they cast him as a good guy i get so mfn geeked out.
-finally did read the comics after watching the series and i think they're both like pretty expertly done. esp in terms of characterization of knives, character is almost an afterthought in the movie where as she's rlly focal in everything else and for good reason. so much of the comic is about how everyone is looking to take advantage and manipulate her mostly bc of her age. shit made me miss old friends and rethink past actions.
-that post about infinite jest and empathy but about me and this series tbh
-why in the movie is the knee joke about the only lesbian character and how it basically boils down to haha a cismale made a lesbian cum hahahah like thats fucking weird esp considering in the comic that's a joke about envy like why was it changed to roxie edgar wright ur fucking weird dude!!
-think the series might be the better version though, think it's rlly smart in how it goes about reckoning w a problematic past and updating it for modern audiences and like how one can right their wrongs, real good shit tbh.
-i love young neil ^__^
-why tf was wallace added into the game three years after it came out lmfaooo

An 8-bit beat em up masterpiece. I freakin love this game, its got everything you could ever want in a game, a fantastic soundtrack, level design, over the top but fun boss fights and incredibly fun gameplay. Like you can send people to the moon and use other people to beat up other people, what is not to like!

Its a little fidgety at some points, there are a few glitches and if you grind for the $500 to unlock the special store then you basically just enable easy mode which I kind of regret doing, it would have been more satisfying to beat the final boss as a challenge but me and my brother didnt even lose a life once at the last stage. Its also a little short only having 7 stages. If it just had a little bit more content then I think this would definitely be a 5 star game.

But overall what it had and how fun and fantastic this game is, it more then deserves the 4 stars im giving it.

Love Scott Pilgrim, read the comic books, watched the movie, watched the animated series, played this game, it wasn't good, oh no. Ok I should explain myself, I think on everything that isn't the core game itself, this game is amazing at. The visuals are so eye catching, the sound design and overall ost are among some of the best i've heard, and it's a great game for fans. It's when you start dissecting the game is when it gets really ugly. Once you look past the property and you view it as a beat-em up game it's so disappointing.
Lets start off with the gameplay, the gameplay is what you'd expect from a beat-em up, but did they seriously have to make going to shops one of the most frustrating and annoying things. The way these shops work is that you have to buy the item first before you can actually know what it does. The game gives a vague description but that alone is not enough because all you care about are what it does for you the player. Also lets get the elephant out of the room, this game is unnecessarily hard when you first start out, I don't care if its trying to replicate the old-school style beat-em ups in its punishing difficulty but most of the time it feels like they should've been trying to replicate a fun experience. Even on the Average Joe difficulty this shit is just annoying, I hate how slow the characters are when they get knocked down it takes way too long for them to even get back up and there's no way to decrease the time on that, it's just how it was developed. No I don't think using a coin glitch just to get a bionic arm excuses this games sad excuse of a challenge. Leveling up doesn't even affect your stats it only gives you new moves to bring in the illusion of this game being fun, when it's not. The game only gets fun when you have all the moves but by that point you'd already game over'd multiple times that you're only on the 2nd boyfriend boss.

Man what happened here, I know this game at one point was considered lost media in how you couldn't purchase it anymore, but now that its back its made me realize how overhyped it was. For Scott Pligrim fans I think its a neat novelty, playing this game on your own, good luck.

cara, eu estava muito hypado pra jogar esse jogo, mas me decepcionei muito.
Pois, os controles não me agradaram, não são suaves e nas fases não possui coisas para curar sua saúde somente em lojinhas. E isso faz o jogo ser muito difícil a toa, mesmo na dificuldade mais baixa.
Além de que TODOS OS INIMIGOS PODEM DEFENDER DOS SEUS ATAQUES, e isso fica muito chato realizar combos.

I love the Scott Pilgrim movie, anime and want to eventually read the original source material, but I just couldn’t get myself through this game. It didn’t click for me like the others did, and gameplay just feels like trash to me.

If the game wasn’t constantly breaking due to ubisoft having no clue how to make a glitch free video game (or a launcher for that matter) then it was making me unlock useless combos instead of grabbing which is kind of needed in a beatemup where all of the enemies block your attacks constantly.

Through unexplainable sheer luck and coincidence that confuses even the smartest scientists, the game miraculously stopped all of the previously mentioned glitches. That was when I noticed it, or rather heard it. It was shattering any chance that my already bad hearing had at recovery through its god awful soundtrack. This is seriously some of the worst shit ive ever heard 🔥

Through divine intervention, God himself answered my prayers. He bestowed upon me a single blessing, one that allowed me to live and see the game, no, life itself in a new image. In His unyielding grace, I was allowed to see the game past its many, and no word can do this justice, many problems. Because of this, I noticed Scott Pilgrim™’s horrendous, disproportionate and repulsive art style that the wretched series is somehow known for, blinding my once unobscured eyes.

In the dark reaches of existence, unknown beings who are capable of power beyond the comprehension of even the most powerful deity heard my plight. Effortlessly and without a single movement, the beings shot out a single, delicate and precise ionizing particle from the cores of their existence. Traveling at speeds unparalleled in any reality, the speed quaked the heavens themselves and the very fabric of reality. The destined particle perfectly hit my Windows 10 Computer within an interval that defies all logic after entering the atmosphere, changing a single binary number to a 0, and thanks to the poor optimization of the game and Ubisoft’s incompetent developers, that is all it took for my game to crash completely. With it, my save data not only in game but on my entire computer was completely destroyed. Every single file was corrupted and it was all thanks to Ubisoft.

Please. Do not play this fucking game.

Vale a pena passar por experiências de vida ou morte com a esperança de TALVEZ ficar com a garota de cabelo colorido no final?
Eu não sei ao certo, mas é isso que veremos nesse jogo.

Aqui temos um objetivo bem "simples":
Derrotar todos os 7 ex-namorados de Ramona para ficar com ela no final.
Viram como é simples?

Bem, tal jogo é um relançamento de 2010, pois a Ubisoft perdeu os direitos de tal franquia em 2014 e em 2021 retomou com isso, mas com todas as DLC's inclusas.
É um jogo baseado nos quadrinhos de mesmo nome (nem sabia que existiam até pesquisar) e não do filme, então não estranhe se alguma coisa parecer estranha além do que você sabe sobre o filme.
Lembra MUITO os games beat-em-ups antigos com seu visual pixelado, sem diálogos e músicas frenéticas durante as batalhas. É ótimo para reunir uma galera tanto local quanto online (muito questionável) e passar uma tarde matando o tempo.
Os personagens até que possuem animações de ações/combates distintos, mas em jogabilidade é tudo a mesma coisa. Cada um chega até o nível 16, mas para termos novas habilidades precisamos juntar moedinhas e entrarmos nas lojinhas.

Temos um mapa com 8 fases e suas subfases, e no final de cada uma temos um chefão/ex-namorado diferente. Caso você tenha prestado atenção no que eu comentei lá no início, coloquei que são 7 ex-namorados, então por quê 8? Deixo esse "mistério" pra quem quiser jogar.
Aqui se resume em "bata em inimigos e avance pra frente". Não tem segredo, confia na call.

A duração dele é até que curta, tipo, em um dia livre sabendo o que é pra fazer você termina rapidamente, e caso queira estender a duração jogue com os outros 3 personagens.
Temos alguns Extras nos quais envolvem fazermos speedrun nos chefões, luta com zumbis até perder e modo Versus pra jogar contra algum amigo.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game consegue ser muito bom apesar de sua simplicidade, ainda mais com alguém jogando contigo. Super recomendado para aqueles que gostam de se reunirem.
Só três adendos:

- Online mais falha do que ajuda. Foi difícil eu e mais um amigo conseguirmos chegar em 2h de conexão;
- Existem cheats no jogo que te deixam roubado e não interferem em nada nas conquistas. É mais pra zuar quando tiver terminado ou indo em busca do 100%;
- Em pleno 2022 tem troféu bugado nessa caçamba, mas com persistência você consegue.

Lembro de ter achado os controles ruins dá primeira vez que joguei, mas dando mais uma chance, vejo que esse jogo é muito bom

Muita alma pelos visuais e música, os controles são meio subpar sim mas nada muito sério
Sim, o jogo é da Ubisoft, portanto sim, ele tem bugs, alguns que atrapalham o avanço kkkkkkkkkkk

Claro, jogue ele em boa companhia. Hihi.

been on a big Scott Pilgrim kick recently with the show coming out and all so I thought I would go back and finally finish this game I am not huge into beat 'em ups but this one is fairly creative and of course, it is fairly faithful to the comic.
I actually remember this from way back in the day and it going delisted so its nice to see it getting new ports and physical releases

This review contains spoilers

The fact that you have to defeat Gideon with Ramona to reach the true ending hits a bit different

and yes, that means that Ramona is the one who wields the Sword of Self-Love

Beat em up brillante, montones de referencias y niveles muy originales

I played the original years ago and had a great time, and saw this was on sale for under 5 bucks and figured it could be a fun nostalgia trip after watching the Netflix show last month and re-watching the movie a couple weeks ago. Did not realize the re-release was very buggy until I started playing and the controls were noticeably stiff. So stiff I actually thought there was a problem with my joycon until I played some other games and they ran just fine. When the controls weren’t an issue it was genuinely a very fun game and all the charm was still there. Can’t say it’s “not” worth 4-5 dollars, but there are probably much better games you can get for that price. Just really sad they butchered what should’ve been a home run here.

It's cute but wayyy too hard for me, in an annoying way

is this insanely hard or am i just bad.