Reviews from

in the past

zerei o jogo inteiro em um dia só, e achei bem gostosinho de jogar
Obs: joguei grande parte do jogo sem saber que segurando o ataque ele ficava mais forte, fui burro ou fui muito gamer?


Hey Shrek do you know who else has dementia

todo mundo nessa review é maluco, esse foi um p### jogo do shrek, tinha de tudo, skins, minigames, entre várias coisas
não segue exatamente o filme mas consegue ser bastante divertido, como se fosse uma história alternativa do mesmo
a única coisa que peca nesse jogo são as fases da adormecida, fiona e do burro

There's a Ice Dragon boss whose name is in japanese and I always thought it was the coolest shit.

Shrek The Third GBA is a game that I came in with very low expectations. It's a game I decided to play as a joke- a friend gave it to me as, well, a joke and I told him I'd beat it just for laughs. So I have a few months ago and... honestly, this game isn't as bad as one may think. If we compare this game to Shrek 2 on GBA however, it's really a step-down. But first, the story.
Shrek and friends basically need to find Arthur Pendragon (Artie) to have him serve as king while Prince Charming is up to his evil plans to destroy the city, and eventually, in the end, you defeat Prince Charming and well, Artie becomes king. It's straightforward and simple.
The graphics... are kind of meh. The character sprites themselves are pre-rendered models and animations, from what it looks like the models in the console Shrek games. The animations aren't that bad but at the end of the day, the pixel-y mess of these sprites looks pretty ugly and definitely would've been better with a more 2D look to them. What kind of threw me off in the beginning though was how I noticed how often the game reused assets. Comparing it to Shrek 2 GBA, it really feels unoriginal and uninspiring in this department. They even use Madagascar characters in the beginning (such as the penguins) as random characters to talk to Shrek to give him tips. And the enemies are kind of random too. For example, the first levels again. They are... pirate's I'm assuming which makes sense, but not only do they kinda walk like zombies (for whatever reason? but) they also look like again, random assets along with many other enemies, which I think is a big problem with this game- after Shrek 2 GBA, they kinda got lazy and reused things which are unfortunate. Even during dialogue, the character portraits seem kinda random and so do some screenshots they used for cutscenes sometimes.
Ohh boy the level design. The levels... really aren't bad. Honestly? I think they're kind of fun to play through, and switching between characters felt cool too. However, though, they do have their flaws. Let's start with my biggest issue... checkpoints. Yeah, there aren't any. As soon as you die, no matter how close you are to the goal, you get sent way back to the beginning. Thankfully, however, for the most part I think the levels aren't too long, but regardless that big problem is still there for those levels that are bigger. Not only that but once you die and restart a level if I recall correctly, you even lose any coins or anything else you collected, which can be REALLY frustrating especially near the end of some worlds where you need to collect enough fairies (which I'll get to later) to travel in the next world and backtrack. Another thing is how the enemies are placed, especially in narrow areas where you have to fight them, can be bad- it's rare but it does happen.
The controls are pretty easy and have no problems whatsoever. Each character moves greatly and can use their abilities and other items rightfully. My only problem can be some attacks... specifically Shrek's. Shrek's main attack is pressing the A button to punch an enemy. The problem is that the punch hitbox itself is very close and so you have to be very close to an enemy to hit them... otherwise it's good.
Okay, the music... is actually good? Like, pretty good at that. If there is one thing this game is the best at it's probably its soundtrack. They all sound great for GBA standards and again, exceeded my expectations. Like for example, the final boss fight (Prince Charming) actually is pulled off really well. Like it's intimidating but... kind of feels a bit stupid in a way, which is PERFECT for the character in my honest opinion. Give it a listen!
Your health really depends on who you play. Some have less, some have more, so it's kind of a mixed bag. But I think they balance it well since some characters are definitely better than others, thus giving them less health so the player can feel more cautious.
As far as power-ups, there is only one I can remember and that is the apple, which acts as a bomb. I think it works well, you press Select to pick it up and use it but you can't attack when holding it for some reason, which is a bit of a flaw but not a big one when you try it out for yourself.
The boss fights in this game can be.. pretty easy or kinda neutral, is how I should put it. Each one gives you different things to do, and they eventually get creative towards the final boss fight where it's more than just only punching the boss- you have to knock them out first by dropping a stage prop using a lever, which that in itself isn't really creative but considering how the game handles other things... it is. That's all though.
Shrek The Third for GBA may have quite a few flaws, but personally, I feel if you do play the game they won't be that much of a bother (besides the checkpoint feature). When you ignore the boss fights and bad graphics and reused assets, the levels and gameplay itself are rather enjoyable and regardless I still give the game a recommendation, and thus I'll rate it three and a half stars. So do give it a try when you can, just... probably use save states in an emulator. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

Shrek the Third is a good game in my opinion, but don't get me wrong, it is better than the third movie, the gameplay is like God of war but Shrek, the takedowns are good, the levels are a bit well designed, the only problems are the graphics are not that good as it is compared to other shovelware Activision's shrek & other Dreamworks titles, this game is overrated as well, i've liked it and i have memories with it playing on PC/PSP back in 2017, it was a good time when onions still had layers

I played this years back on the Wii because my brother got it on the birthday when I got Super Mario Galaxy

Mindless 3D Brawler but it controls well for what it is and its short. A solid Shrek game, not as great as Shrek 2 and Super Slam though.

Shrek the Third (Wii) is a straightforward action-platformer based on the movie. It involves simple brawling, collecting items, and occasional light puzzles. The humor aims for the same tone as the films, but sometimes falls flat. The game's presentation is basic, featuring dated graphics and uninspired level design. While younger players may enjoy the familiar faces and simple gameplay, Shrek the Third feels like a rushed movie tie-in lacking in both polish and ambition.

the video game of all time

i’ve never seen the movie

and i only ever played the first level of this game

i don't remember but playing the pirate boat minigame with my mother while on my grandma's basement on a schoolday night, waiting for her fantastic cod with cream is probably the only good memory i have of my mom

i dont remember nothing of this game

I own 3 different copies of this game each on a different system, I don't know why.

This game is Dante's secret 10th layer of hell.

As bad as this game is, it's still way better than the movie.


Not bad. For some reason I remember playing the minigames more than the actual game but that's probably because I don't like the actual movie that much

Somehow a more pleasant experience than the movie it's an adaptation of.

Played it for like 5 minutes.

Sucked almost as much as the movie it was based on.

My friend has a world record lol

A surprisingly not terrible platformer that is certainly better than the movie.

It's certainly a game that exists. It's short, repetitive, and lacking in any form of mechanical depth that would make it fun in the slightest.

It's an unimpressive licensed game based on a movie most people don't even like.