Reviews from

in the past

Não cheguei a terminar, mas cheguei bem longe. É bem divertido, me faz segurar o controle com muita força e ao mesmo tempo é relaxante. Algumas coisas me incomodam, como a forma com que alguns colecionáveis são muito escondidos, mas tentar passar pelos obstáculos com esse controle é bem legal.

Game where you play as a snake is an immediate win in my book!

Really really creative and fun, but too complex and too clunky to finish. I played the most part of it, and it was pretty fun. But the frustration bested me. Sadly, it was a pretty good game.

A game about how to crawl/climb from point A to point B playing as a snake. The visual are not bad, but the gameplay is too slow, you have to climb a lot and overcome difficulties.

q porra é essa que eu joguei

A fun and cute little puzzle collectathon that's a little too slow and clunky for my taste.

I could not complete this. I tried getting into it, and I really wanted to, but couldn't. The game looks good and that, but I couldn't get into the main gimmick of being a snake. I don't think it was ever a good idea and of course the execution lived up to my expectations. I still wanted to try it because I had hopes (and got it for free with Prime), but ended up dropping it.

not a bad game, just not something I feel the desire to finish, one of those "platformers with weird controls" type games, fun for a while.

- Janky controls and basic platforming make for an unpleasant experience

Snake Pass was a fun game that felt unique in its control scheme. The worlds are bright and colorful and the character designs really brought me back to early Rare titles. The levels were tricky and well thought out but very little was introduced outside of the normal snake and ladder gameplay. Pretty steep difficulty spike in the final three levels but nothing impossible. The highlight of it all was the soundtrack (David Wise Wins Again). Overall loved the game and would recommend playing just to feel like a snake while listening to smooth jazz.

it's a cute little game with a fun central idea but I wasn't hooked by it. Would probably buy this for a younger sibling

remember playing this when it came out and i think this game made me angrier than any other video game and i never beat it

I bought this to support the dev for making it on switch, I thought it was a neat idea, but hard to get through and relatively simple. not my bread and butter game but felt decently polished and fun.

I had an enjoyable 90 minutes with this one. I just didn't find scaling the bamboo platforms very fun. It's a creative game and I really admire it but ultimately the wonky physics of the snake just weren't really jiving with me.

Being a snake wasn't as fun as I first thought. The programming behind it is sorta cool though

Weird and difficult title, not for me, but praiseworthy for its novelty.

This game has all the style of a classic Nintendo 64 collect-a-thon, but its execution makes it a pale imitation of the greats from that era. The physics based traversal can create some fun scenarios, but the controls often feel like the true enemy as opposed to the level design. Dying and wiping out collected items feels like cheap difficulty. I'd have prefered a more forgiving checkpoint system, as well as more refined controls.

То самое чувство, когда игра кажется хорошей, но на самом деле, является аппаратом по вырабатывания стресса.
Игры должны приносить наслаждение, чего я не могу сказать об этом детище Sumo studios. Основной проблемой является криво работающая механика. Невозможно ни нормально проползти под мостом на шесте, ни чего другого. Управление раздражает, другого сказать не могу. Игра либо для ОЧЕНЬ терпеливых, либо для тех, кто по ошибке или не знанию купил эту игру.
Визуально, игра выглядит приятно, музыка не навязчивая. Крайне на любителя.

A cute and unconventional puzzle-platformer, but with a control scheme you either learn and master or just give up on and quit the game on the first island.
I'm all up for interesting gameplay and controls, so I liked this game overall, though it's very short and offers not that much after completion. An interesting experience nevertheless.
Also I got it for free.

Loved this puzzle platformer(?) snake game. The controls were cool and the music was amazing.

Disappointing. The core gameplay had so much potential, but the game fails to provide more than just simple levels. After getting accustomed to the unique controls, there's no motivator to keep going. The story is non-existent, there's no reward for getting the collectibles, no hook to differentiate the levels. I had high hopes that the game would scratch that Banjo Kazooie itch due to the similar look and music, but it couldn't come close. Most disappointing game in a while, not because it's outright bad but because it failed to deliver on it's potential. I really wanted to love this game.

Neat little game with a neat little gimmick. Didn't feel motivated to play too far into it though, not sure why...

Case study in unique movement mechanics. Demonstrates that a game can simultaneously be slow and thrilling. Required reading.

Nothing about this game felt good to play.