Reviews from

in the past

Fun little side scroller, accurately transposes the world of Yakuza into the Streets of Rage format. It's really only three stages though and the character change is cosmetic. Still, it's a nice little nugget of fun for fans of the series and its cool to watch some signature moves and Kamurocho in 2D.

Daora até, pena que é um asset-dump do primeiro level.

Yakuza meets Streets of Rage sounds like a good combo & it is but it's too short. More of a demo than anything.

Literally just Streets of Rage 2.
Yet again, this is literally just Streets of Rage 2, if it was the full game I'd probably give it 5 stars.

Part of Spring Cleaning 2023

It's okay, I guess? Not a huge fan of beat 'em ups as they come off to me as unfair quarter munching bullshit, but the combination of these two franchises works well enough to be charming. No actual issues with it, but it's abrupt end that loops and lack of real fan service makes it a bit of a dud.

Come on, Sega make it a full game. It was really fun to see Kiryu and Majima in pixel art.

Grappige Yakuza en Streets of Rage crossover

The one single stage that this game is rules. So much effort was put into a simple streets of rage 2 reskin.

Funny to play once, cool to see a Beath Them All with a Yakuza skin

It really works as a reminder of the beat em ups of the arcades.
Fun for a while, nice overall for a Yakuza fan.

Divertido, gostei d+ das músicas em 16-bit

divertido homenaje de un cuartito de hora a streets of rage y yakuza

É mais uma homenagem a Yakuza, mas como jogo em si, é bem chatinho

Reciclado de Streets of Rage 2 para conmemorar el aniversario de Sega. Llevar a Kiryu o Majima está gracioso.

Nice enough Yakuza-themed Streets of Rage 2 hommage, but only a single stage to play through.

Ojala hicieran un juego full de esto

Fun for a while until you realize there is no story, and it is just one level repeating over and over. This is purely an "arcade" high score game.

Super curtinho mas diverte muito. Eu terminei e nem me dei conta e continuei jogando o loop por um bom tempo. É uma experiencia legal pra jogar uma vezinha pra matar o tempo, joguei sozinho mas com um amigo deve ser melhor ainda

This game has a lot of love in it not the best game but its still fun for what it is.

Recriação da primeira fase do Streets of Rage no universo de Yakuza, não tenho mais do que falar além disso.

You can’t throw bicycles, you know what kind of assessment will follow now, right?

Нельзя кидать велосипеды, сами знаете какая оценка последует сега, да?

É praticamente um Streets of Rage com desconto. Não dá pra dizer que não me diverti jogando, entretanto.

Its a game, and it works, for the most part