Reviews from

in the past

Creio que essa evolução técnica tenha vindo um pouco tarde(já que o jogo é do final da geração PS4/One). Mas acertaram em cheio nessa parte, tudo evoluiu, combate, ULTs, exploração, bosses e etc.

O combate é muito satisfatório, você sente cada golpe e crítico, sem falar das ULTs combinadas que são visualmente deslumbrantes.

A exploração é muito boa também, tem bastante side-quest e coletáveis. Já as atividades secundárias poderiam ser melhores, mas admito que fiquei pelo menos umas 5 horas só pescando de tão divertido.

A história pra mim foi boa com alguns poréns, a primeira metade, que traz a clássica jornada do herói, foi bem mais interessante do que a segunda metade, que foi colocando plot em cima de plot deixando até um pouco confuso no final, mas a forma que se concluí me deixou satisfeito. Os personagens compensam essa segunda metade, pois todos eles são bem explorados, tem boas interações e histórias cativantes.

Acho que o ponto mais negativo foi como mudaram a forma de farmar dinheiro no jogo, antes era só sair matando os monstros do mapa e pronto, mas nesse você é obrigado e ficar procurando minérios e dropando itens raros, isso acaba atrapalhando um pouco a experiência, já que quando se luta com um Boss todos os itens de cura acabam e você é obrigado a comprar mais pra progredir, até achei uma coincidência muito estranha ter DLCs de dinheiro, até parece que estão te obrigando a comprar kkkk(e são mais de 700 reais só em DLC...).

Com certeza é um JRPG que vale a pena, tanto pelo seu combate quanto pela sua história e personagens, mesmo que não tenha sido meu plot favorito.

My first Tales of game and a very solid experience overall! Minus the plot dragging itself out a lot towards the end, I loved the fluidity of the combat, the excellent music and the strong relationships between the characters.

On an unrelated note, I would die for Hootle.

Combat is spamming buttons while the screen flashes and people yell. The premise of the story sounds like a child wrote it. All the characters are trash. Tales sucks.

much prefer Berseria's story and characters but the combat system here is excellent. the narrative is mostly good, let down by a relatively weak antagonist. it chooses to explore its subject matter in more depth than one would expect of a jrpg but does stumble at times in doing so. the stumbling is a positive for me since it shows the writers cared enough to address the more nuanced aspects of the story even if they didnt completely get it perfect every time

(Shelved for now, ~32hrs in, just beat Almeidrea/Mahag Saar)

I went into this game with an open mind - considering how divisive this game is and how much discourse I've watched from the sidelines over the years, I went into this very interested in finally experiencing this thing and seeing what I'd think about it myself.

turns out I came out on the side that frankly has a very low opinion of this thing.

I could go into a lot of detail with my gripes with the game's writing and pacing but I don't think I have that much new to add that probably hasn't been expressed by this site and many other RPG circles at large already. Arise's writing is just so abrupt, lacking momentum, lacking committment, and is just generally very shallow when it tries to say things. and even when it's not trying to be serious I just could not get invested in nearly everything about its plot, pacing and world. prologue was boring. the first 2 proper chapters had some of the most eyerolling twists and while I liked certain developments in the middle of the ch.3/the Mahag Saar chapter, the final scenes in that chapter just go back to being so stock and predictable and that's when I stopped caring to invest my time into this and shelve the game for now. Dohalim has probably the most interesting character story so far, but even then it feels like there's such an inorganic buildup to his climactic beats (and that's almost certainly the case with Law/Zephyr in Ch.1). and honestly I don't even mind most of the cast, they're likeable enough and I've enjoyed the skits overall so far. if the main party writing was a miss then god that would be utterly embarrasing considering this series' high standards and how mid every other aspect of the writing in Arise is. but thankfully our main cast is still good. not as attached to them as previous Tales casts, but I get something to love out of most of them. besides Alphen - I just get absolutely nothing out of him :). not gonna comment on the main villain since I haven't seen much of him yet. but I'll just put it out there, it's a shounen/JRPG sin to have both your main lead and main villain be boring - no matter how good or mid the rest of the supporting cast is.

while the core player-side combat systems are fun and fine, the boss fights (the most important gameplay thing in ARPGs to many people including myself) I've experienced so far were so utterly unsatisfying with how they barely ever stagger. since I'm only on Normal and I haven't tried experimenting as much as I did (and loved doing) with Vesperia, I'm not gonna pretend I have that much of an informed opinion on this aspect. but I just really have a hunch I'm still not gonna really enjoy the bosses on higher difficulties. Almeidrea and her dragon was honestly a miserable experience for me even if it was a cool spectacle. just like many things in life, a lot of the best action game bosses are as good as they are because there's an ebb and flow. bosses staggering and giving you a break is so important in a lot of ways and Arise is just very sparse with them. like boost combos are satisfying but most of them time they didn't down the boss or anything, it's just extra damage. Vesperia's equivalent actually downed the boss for a bit and that was a good thing. Vesperia's combo system was also just more satisfying to me in general but again I haven't engaged with Arise's systems that much yet to give the fairest take.

and I mean, Vesperia, the last Tales game I played about a year and a half ago, ended up being my favourite Tales experience I had so far and is fairly up there among my list of favourite RPGs. everything about the execution of that game's narrative, gameplay systems and presentation just jelled together so organically in a way that feels like an opposite to my experience playing Arise. that game appealed to my tastes pretty nicely. so while I'd like to say I went into Arise with an open mind, I suppose I can't deny a lot of the time I was comparing it to my experience with Vesperia and missing nearly everything about it. Yuri >>> Alphen. Vesperia's flawed but at least believable and endearing in their own ways cast of antagonists >>> Arise's clown circus lords. Vesperia's world and worldbuilding concepts slowly being built up organically >>> Arise just being extremely esoteric all the time and shoving in your face, what is rightfully criticized, a half-baked attempt at a fictional racism/slavery allegory. also, bringing out my VGM nerd for a bit: Shinji Tamura, the person who did a lot of fan favourite songs from Vesperia and overall a considerable amount of that game's OST, and his proficient melodic music writing >>> Motoi Sakuraba's aggressively boring and safe orchestral event/battle/environmental theme #3436. I miss Tamura so much.

will say though the art direction is on par with Vesperia and is easily the strongest thing about Arise for me. I was actually surprised. honestly I'd even say words can't really do Arise's art direction justice. there's actually a lot to appreciate about it. I appreciate the effort that went into the area designs (though the actual gameplay exploration is still very basic) and the colour usage and lighting of everything. Niez was a hauntingly beautiful town and lol I love that its theme song was basically just a Dark Souls 1/2 song. now and then Sakuraba hits for me if the context is cool, even if I'm meh on his outputs overall.

there were also many things I got out of Berseria and Abyss, the only other two Tales I've played, that I just barely ever got in Arise so far. Berseria was pretty flawed in a lot of aspects but you know what at least it's not something that's aggressively safe. I respect that game so much for being bold in a lot of ways. and Abyss, man that game's core story and cast of antagonists just.. worked. it worked so damn well and if you know, you know. it just had some bad pacing issues sadly with how much you have to move back and forth around different towns and the overworld so much. but honestly I'll take that town hopping to organically develop plot beats more over Arise having its formulaic chapter structure that feels incredibly limiting to its plot and expression of its ideas. monster + new party members of the week can work in some RPGs but it didn't work for me with Arise so far.

while I am shelving Arise I almost kiiiiiinda want to continue this game in bursts slowly now and then. I hear the 2nd half is the weaker part of the story to nearly everyone and honestly in a way that almost makes me curious again in a twisted way. maybe one day I'll see if I could possibly get something out of it again. but I'm not gonna force myself, I'll wait for stars to align.

Worst game I’ve ever played

Tales of Arise came in just shy of a 9/10. It just wasn't quite enough.

There is a lot of greatness here. All the characters are likable and interesting, the combat system is by far the best the Tales of Series has ever seen and the OST is as good as ever.

However, in the second half of the game, it drops off a little bit.
... I dunno. The pacing is not quite as good, the story is not quite as concise and one can find moments of Anime Dumb here and there that are just not for me.

It's still a really great entry in a great series though, and totally worth your time.

the only thing that's actually good about this game is the visuals

Best written romance in videogames for me with a memorable cast that I could never forget. OST is great, writing could have been better in the exact middle, but overall it was an enjoyable story with some surprises in there. Great entry point for the Tales franchise and I'm excited to play more!

Big takeaway from this one: People don't realize you can run past enemies in JRPG's apparently.

I'll just give up. This game is a sad situation, everything is kinda nice, the soundtrack is very good, gameplay fine, art cool

but I better leave early before I travel to japan to attempt murder the writer, bro just ruined the feast
next time hire me tales staff please I would write a better story
even the guy who reviewed above me and the guy who reviewed below would write a better story

I would enjoy it way more if i have fought the five lords all over again instead of playing the last part of the game

I really loved this game. The story hooked me, the characters were intriguing, the voice acting was great, and the gameplay was fun. I enjoyed exploring the world, and getting cutscenes of my characters interacting with each other along the way. I felt like I was on a real adventure, the story would get intense and it was great to see the main characters become real heroes.

I'm not a Tales expert, having only played three other games but this has to be my favorite so far.

I got invested into the romance story from the get go and it was backed up with some strong themes and great characters all around.

On the other hand, the combat was completely addicting to the point is one of the few games where I didn't avoid enemies that much. Great experience all around!

this disappointed me more than my own father

This game is just like among us

este juego es comparable a una copa ornamentada dorada hecha de plastico y llena de agua tibia

"Viver apenas para morrer... Não é melhor do que ser um escravo"

Tales of Arise conta sua história a partir de dois mundos (Mundos Gêmeos): Rena e Dahna. Tudo começa quando o protagonista Alphen, um escravo dahniano que perdeu suas memórias, por ironia do destino, encontra a renana Shionne, que possui uma maldição que a torna incapaz de ser tocada, pois qualquer um que a toca é punido por seus espinhos. Bom, pelo menos era sua realidade até Alphen, que é imune a dor entra em sua vida. Assim, os dois iniciam sua aventura em busca dos núcleos astrais dos lordes dos 5 reinos de Dahna, afim de libertar Rena da escravidão.

Como primeiro contado com a série Tales, foi uma experiência bastante gratificante. A arte me deixou maravilhada com sua textura única e belíssima. A trilha sonora vezes relaxante quando explorando e emocionante quando eu batalhas, me proporcionou momentos agradáveis.

A gameplay de exploração é simples; consiste em mapas limitados porém extensos, possibilitando coleta de recursos como minérios e alimentos, pois o game possibilita craft de armas e acessórios, além de refeições para bufs, e claro, também é possível pescar.

A lore contém diversas críticas sociais como discriminação e autoritarismo por exemplo. Apesar de muito interessante o mistério construído a partir do protagonista e da heroína, alguns momentos se tornam maçante, principalmente a reta final onde achei que se estendeu além do necessário. Muito criticado por seu final Disney, foi muito de meu agrado a conclusão da trama, afinal, a verdadeira aventura são os amigos que fazemos pelo caminho!

Tales of Arise steps forward for the series with visual finesse visaged through grandeouse scale of environments and dungeons.

The Tales of series has for the last entries been aligning for new directions to modernise the formula, and while both Berseria and especially Zestiria had their merits and gripes Arise's standards is a huge distinction in comparance.

Staying faithful to both the new and old, Arise takes elements from its more traditional brethrens and converts them into its own defining battle system, while retaining the same style of easy 3D exploration as the two former entries in its series.

Both combat and exploration is as clean, flashy and intuitive as the UI for menuing and map navigating both through the story campaign and actual fun sidequests with a few easy fetch quests and otherwise mostly others presenting cool sub bosses and some neat extra dungeons.

From beginning to end Tales of Arise is a harmonic treat with a range of diversity and alignment between Motoi Sakuraba's orchestral pieces to his full on metal tracks. You get both of his good sides of calm and energetic wrapped into one package of consistently great compositions all the way through, it's simply some of his best work.

The story's biggest strength is as it usually is for the series its set of indepth characters bantering and developing their own individual arcs, the story itself is servicable and does build up for a lot of cool showdowns and set pieces, while a few mysteries lingers for some pretty out there revelations as it goes on, unfortunately at its tip end it does get a bit farfetched and hard to digest, it still carries itself out with nice individual arcs for all of the main characters.

Honestly 90 % of this game is just very difficult to put down, it's that damn good. It's too bad the end-game portion drops the ball with too much plot and repetitious dialogues crammed into a very flat and uninspired dungeon filled to the brim with sponge enemies, it is glaringly obvious the developers had to cram everything together on a dime due to some issue with the production. Regardless, the story itself is worthwile despite some jarry resolutions and the other 4/5 of the game is damn near perfect.

If namco follows the same production standards (totally ignoring the last portion of the game) as they did with this one, ooh boy...bring on the next big one soon please

Imagine how good the game would be if they had the credits after the fifth lord and announced arise 2 so they can actually take time for part 2

It's decent. Gameplay is good, combat feels very responsive and cathartic, soundtrack is typical Motoi Sakuraba-fare (it's fine).
Characters have some interesting backstories but they don't have any chemistry with each other and thus the story comes off as very dull and uninteresting. Also the pacing is really awful, the big revelations of the story come way too late, almost at the end.

Think they're on the right track to bring some new life in the series.

tales of arise is an okay game. it's not mid, it's just okay. the cast is wonderful, their dynamic is really good + everyone had just enough character development. it's genuine, we can see their struggles and symphatise with them and we can see how they grow during the game. also i'd argue shionne is the best written tales female lead, she is raw and felt real in almost every instance. using this opportunity to say that the romance in this game is, once again, the best one in the tales of series, just because it didn't feel tropey or forced, but i digress.

the combat is super fun, the ost is delightful and very memorable, the design of the dungeons and cities in general is also very good, except the last two dungeons and the cities in the beginning, they felt very bland.

moving on, why is this game just OKAY and not something wow and groundbreaking; the plot is very weak. it starts off well but in the second half of the game loses all semblance of sense and we get infodumped and left to connect the pieces, in some moments it felt rushed and lazy even. too farfetched i would say. the last 2-3 dungeons are pretty lackluster and the enemies are too tanky with low rewards, to that point that bosses were easier than mobs.
the ending was pretty emotional and satisfying though, but buy this game on sale, it's not really worth the full price.

This is my favorite Action RPG of all time, I love how badass every character is to play and Motoi Sakuraba never lets me down with the music. Kisara has big bazongas which she uses to tank attacks, this is appreciated.

Bom, vamos falar de mais um jogo que está na minha lista de desejos há tempos e que só tive a oportunidade de jogar graças ao Game Pass, Tales of Arise é o nosso jogo da vez. Geralmente, eu sou muito cauteloso com jogos de "anime" ou jogos da nossa querida Bandai... e bem, esse jogo em questão é um pesadelo para mim, afinal, ele une as duas marcas: Bandai + jogo de anime.

Eu, particularmente falando, já tive diversas experiências com a série Tales. Apesar de não ter jogado todos os jogos da série, joguei muitos e de certa maneira podemos dizer que gosto da saga, pelo menos o suficiente para ter coragem de encarar um jogo da Bandai novamente, já que recentemente só bomba vem dessa empresa.

No jogo, começamos nossa jornada com nosso protagonista tentando libertar seu povo de um governo tirano. É intrigante essa parte da história, porque Arise conseguiu trabalhar muito bem o enredo nessa parte. Tudo poderia ser mil maravilhas, mas a realidade é que nada é fácil para nossos protagonistas e muitas reviravoltas vão acontecer quando você menos espera.

De maneira geral, o jogo em sua jogabilidade é um típico JRPG e por isso mesmo eu já adianto a todos que ele não é exatamente um jogo que eu sinceramente recomendaria para qualquer um. O jogo é bem lento em vários momentos e seu ritmo muitas vezes é cortado por diversas cutscenes em sequência, coisa que é bem típica de acontecer em diversos jogos japoneses. Admito que quando você está imerso na história, você consegue levar esses cortes bem de boas, porém, se você for um cara mais da jogabilidade, certamente esses cortes bruscos seguidos de cutscenes longas podem sim estragar um pouco sua experiência e baixar demais a sua expectativa para o jogo.

Falando da minha experiência, eu achei o jogo incrível. O primeiro chefe de Tales of Arise é um confronto massivo e me pegou simplesmente de surpresa, porque até aquele momento a gente não tinha nada parecido com aquilo. O jogo mantia um ritmo mais pé no chão e lento como disse anteriormente, mas quando chega no primeiro chefe, tudo isso muda, o jogo se transforma completamente e esse primeiro chefe é uma luta tão linda que facilmente se você falar que aquilo é um boss final para um amigo random, ele acredita na hora.

Quando a gente fala dessa luta em específico, ela reflete muito sobre tudo o que o jogo vai ser ao longo das horas que vão se passar e o que para mim torna essa luta tão incrível sem sombra de dúvidas é a ambientação, gráficos e o roteiro, que todos eles casam perfeitamente do início ao fim do jogo. Basicamente tudo o que você vê no jogo também está ali por uma razão e quase tudo no jogo vai agregar algo para sua história e todo o mundo construído nesse jogo. Basta você fazer comparações com outros jogos japoneses do mesmo gênero, geralmente esse tipo de jogo é cheio de quests secundárias imbecis que não agregam em basicamente nada, estando ali apenas para encher linguiça. Aqui no jogo é nítido que a quantidade de quests secundárias é bem menor que o convencional e todas elas ou grande maioria delas, agregam em algo na sua história. Existem algumas, é claro, mas é uma rara exceção, quando o jogo deixa de lado a narrativa e simplesmente pede para você para coletar um recurso X ou matar um inimigo Y.

No final das contas, Tales of Arise consegue uma façanha rara: ele parece ser um JRPG construído para os fãs tradicionais de JRPGs, mas é bem moderno e não preso ao tradicional. Ele não tenta ser algo mega inovador, nem está tentando redefinir os JRPGs. Tales of Arise é JRPG de ação e é isso.

E falando sobre o nosso combate em si, Tales of Arise é um pouco diferente dos jogos da série, ele faz algumas mudanças sutis nessa jogabilidade com a intenção clara de ser um pouco mais acessível a novos jogadores, então se você é novo na série pode ficar tranquilo que o jogo tem uma IA bem competente ao seu lado e muitas vezes vão te dar suporte e combater de maneira brutal. Em contrapartida, se nossa IA de parceiro é muito boa, a gente não poderia deixar de falar também da IA dos inimigos, principalmente no que diz respeito a chefes. Os inimigos são bem inteligentes e possivelmente se você não entendeu as mecânicas e a jogabilidade do jogo de primeira, tomar um pau deles é quase inevitável até mesmo nas dificuldades mais fáceis.

Falando isoladamente dos nossos gráficos, o jogo possui gráficos que ao você olhar os traços dos personagens e a modelagem geral deles você pensa "hum, mas eu já vi isso em vários jogos de anime", porém quando a gente olha o mundo, a paisagem, iluminação e toda a ambientação do jogo é aqui que Arise se destaca. Andar pelo mundo do jogo é tão lindo e a cada fase que você passa tem uma qualidade diferente, de modo que, em nenhum momento, você pensará que essas fases estão se tornando "repetitivas". Aliás, por falar em mundo, é justamente por conta dele que olhar para seus protagonistas e personagens no geral do jogo se tornam o ponto mais negativo nesse sentido. Como eu disse, não é nada que você já não tivesse visto em qualquer outro jogo de anime meia boca da Bandai, realmente destoa muito mesmo nossos personagens do resto do mundo do jogo.

Tales of Arise é um jogaço e o trabalho que fizeram nele é incrível. O sistema de combate é muito bom e oferece muita complexidade, ao mesmo tempo que é acessível para novatos em Tales ou pessoas que só querem experimentar a história. A arte e a estética são outro ponto muito bom no jogo, é um jogo que sem sombra de dúvidas eu recomendo de mais vocês jogarem.

Pontos Positivos:
- Combate
- História
- Visual Incrível

Pontos Negativos:
- Existem picos de dificuldade que eu senti que são um pouco desproporcionais no

Tales of Arise? More like Tales of Arises to disappointment. This a good game but it wasn't as good as I hoping it to be. Tales of Arise is the best reviewed game on Metacritic since Symphonia. And since Symphonia is my favorite Tales game. Needless to say that got me excited but unfortunately the game kinda falls kinda flat to me.

On the positive side I think this game has the best combat in the entire series. It feels like a more modern version of the older games. While throwing away some of the trash idea's from Berseria's combat. It's really fun without feeling too button mashy or mindless. I also do feel like the dungeon design is a bit of improvement from Berseria, Zestiria, and the Xillia games. Graphically this game is really pretty with wonderful detailed environments. The game is also smooth. It just feels great move around in.

The problem for me when it comes to this game is the story, characters, and music. Motoi Sakuraba comes back again yet again doing yet another bland and forgettable OST...Go Shiina where did you go :(

The cast sucks. The only character I like is Rinwell. The rest I find bland and boring. There just not interesting. I feel like they lack the humorous bantering and bickering of past Tales games. Lacking in fun chemistry. The cast falls apart when compared to past Tales games. Like I may like Rinwell but she's literally just worse Rita. Shionne I find to be a pretty boring main girl especially coming off of Berseria which had Velvet. But even in comparison other Tales main girls like say Colette, Chloe, Milla, Mint, or Tear...she just sucks. I don't see how Kisara is any more interesting than other "mother" like Tales character like Raine. Law being voice Bryce Papenbrook you can exactly guess what kinda character he is. So annoying. Tales games don't usually have a good track record of great main characters but like Alphen is even more bland and more boring than usual. Again compared to main characters like Lloyd, Luke, or Yuri. And he's just not as interesting. And Dohalim is just there. I honestly can't think of much to say about him. I also just don't care much of the character design of the cast.
Kousuke Fujishima where did you go... :( Anyway the point is I find the cast to be easily one the weakest in the entire series. I honestly like Zestiria cast more than this game. Tales of Arise has great voice acting though Probably some the best in the series.

The story is probably the weakest part for me. I just think it takes itself way to seriously lacking much in lighthearted moments. Not only that but plot itself just isn't all that interesting. It's like a worse version of Eternia. Ok so you take that plot line from Eternia where theirs Celestia and Inferia and they kinda hate each with years of resentment. And then crank up the seriousness for some reason and also make it the only plot point. Then add a dumb twist at the end that comes outta no where in a boring exposition dump fashion. The plot is "fine" at best and no where near as good as past entries like Symphonia or Abyss.

I want to be clear. I actually like the game. I still had a lot of fun playing it. But when I'm given the expectation this is one the best entries in the know I want to like it as much the other best entries in the series. It's a good game on it's own. But I don't see it as one of the best Tales games in the series. It's game play sure. But it's story and cast drag it way down for me. Because of that I can't in good conscious give this game a higher rating than like a 7.5. rating.

God, what a wasteland. Every ounce of personality and recognisable identity has been drained from the Tales series in service of a game that doesn't succeed on a single front.

The visuals are a bland and uninspired Unreal Engine soup. The combat is characteristically undernourished with the added wrinkle of being more dependent than ever on party members in a title that removed co-op and features the dumbest AI yet seen in the series.

The characters, meanwhile, usually the saving grace and defining quality of these games, are absolute dogshit. These are sub-Bioware cutouts who, between the six of them, have a single personality trait: they are monomaniacally obsessed with discussing Fantasy Racism, the idiotic allegory that has been allowed to replace every single other aspect of the writing.

The most comprehensively awful JRPG I've had the misfortune to play since FFXV.