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in the past

Tekken 3D is essentially T5/T6 style Tekken on a handheld and it translates surprisingly well, and both the stick and d-pad are great for movement (I even feel as though the flat style stick of the 3DS might even be something I could get used to in Tekken)
The modes are quite limited, no story mode, the main mode I played was the Special Survival mode because it was the most challenging and interesting. But I at least appreciate the collectable 3D stickers you can unlock and look at.

The 3DS' 3D functionality in the game is also worth noting, as most 3DS games tend to try and get the visuals to 'pop-out' at you. While this game instead uses it for greater depth between the fighters and the background in the game. The closest thing I could compare the visuals to are dioramas with little action figures, as the poly-count on the models make the characters look kinda stiff. Whether Bandai-Namco were intentionally going for this look or not is hard to say, but I think it works in the games favour because it's as if there's a little Tekken toy set inside my 3DS and I find it quite charming :)

maybe i'm just an asshole but i kinda like this more than tekken 6? it looks great for 3ds, it runs smooth as hell, and it all functions really well. this is something i think i'll be coming back to a decent amount as a quick tekken fix.

Essentially Tekken 6 on the 3DS. It shares a similarity with Tekken 7 though: I wish I could delete the massive video files and free up a chunk of storage on my system.

tekken 6 psp but is missing half the content
bravo namco

Tekken 6 with no story mode on the 3DS???? Is it worth playing, not really? It does include one of the movies which is nice, but this game has become rather expensive. So maybe don't pick this one up unless you a real collector.

I mean, the game has like, 0 single player content (Survival mode sucks) and the only way you're playing it is single player so...

But with a very huge roster and satisfying gameplay (it's still Tekken!), if you're just looking for some action against CPUs on the go, it's really not a bad choice.

Y'avait un film gratos dessus sinon pue la merde

O Tekken 3D é apenas um "port" do Tekken 6 para 3ds, mas sem a parte de ter objetivos, é tudo muito bem feito, mas é chato, logo foi o pior Tekken até agora.

fighting game also why did i buy this in 2018

played this one during high school lunch with a bunch of guys, and kicked all their asses. not tons here, but it's tekken 6, so if you like tekken, you'll have fun

ni modo historia ni modo arcade bien hecho (solo tiene uno con peleas de 1 ronda) ☠️

playing Tekken on a 3DS is a one way route to hand cramps

É Tekken no Nintendo 3ds e é isso. Sem modo história nem nada e um arcade mais ou menos.
Jogo de luta no 3DS já é tenso, agora que a Nintendo acabou com o multiplayer é literalmente inútil jogar essa versão qualquer outra versão de Tekken 6 será melhor confia em mim.

Porém para um jogo de luta no 3ds ele até que tem bons gráficos e jogabilidade, mas só isso não carrega um jogo sem conteúdo algum.

I mean. It worked better than SFIV's handheld but not by much.

Honestly, the weirdest thing about this one is the packaged movie with it for some reason. It didn't need to be on there and I don't think anyone went out of their way to set their 3DS up for movie night.

Not really worth the play unless you're REALLY desperate

This is just Tekken 6 for the PSP but with 70% of content cut for stupid cards and a below mid movie at 240p resolution

The game has good and very satisfying gameplay like all Tekken games, it is very fun to hit and defeat rivals.
The controls are responsive and comfortable for a 3DS.
The graphics are pretty decent for a Nintendo 3DS exclusive, they don't exploit its features, but they look pretty decent.
The problem with the game is that it has a small number of single-player game modes, only having 3, Special Survival, Versus Battle, and Practice; The survival mode is entertaining, as it is quite fun to chain blows to your rivals while being careful not to be attacked by them, and when you complete the challenges in this way they give you cards as rewards, which you can see in the Tekken Cards section.
The problem with survival mode is that despite its replayability with cards, it ends up becoming very repetitive over time.
And yes, you need the arcade mode, a must in any fighting game.

Something great about the game is that it comes with a fully animated movie, a pretty cool detail, but of course, that doesn't affect the quality of the game itself.

The multiplayer mode is entertaining, but the problem is that you can't choose a different character than the one you used after finishing a battle, but rather you have to exit the mode, put another fighter in your game profile, and re-enter. That actually seemed quite stupid to me, and even if we are talking about the 3DS, in other fighting games on this console you could choose a different fighter after a battle, without the need to exit multiplayer mode.
I don't deny that Tekken 3D: Prime Edition's multiplayer is fun, but I personally disliked that detail.

In general, the game is good, and if you are traveling or away from home, it is a good option to play on your 3DS/2DS, and if you have someone you know with the same console and the game, I assure you that they will have fun with it multiplayer mode, despite the problem I mentioned earlier about this mode.
What I would have liked this game to have are more extra modes for a single player, since it is very lacking in this.

Le feu d'avoir un film dans le jeu. ( je ne déconne pas)

imma be practicing lili combos here for whenever tekken 8 comes out