Reviews from

in the past

Sorry Super Mario Wonder; the superior elephant game is here.

The lost media is...found media...!!!

A decent trip down memory lane, with the horrible music, lag, janky controls, and everything else you remember from 2009 intact. This is the Only Level and Achievement Unlocked were solid games that were decently clever and don't overstay their welcome. The rest of the games in this collection were either unfun, rehashes, or overly complicated. The meta progression was a nice touch though, and it was surprisingly heartfelt at the end.

A solid collection of some great flash classics. The collection itself has a lot of nice sentimental notes and thoughts from the developer which I appreciate.

The games play as good as they did back in the day, for better or for worse. I did notably have some issues with Achievement Unlocked 3, with some achievements failing to unlock properly leading to me having to replay the whole game again (some pretty strong lag too, though the original release had that too). Run Elephant Run is also just, not that great (especially on higher difficulties), but it's really short so it's not too marring.

My experiences with all the other games were great, they were as fun as I remembered!

Fun anthology of a series of flash games I grew up playing. Glad to give the creator my money and glad to have all these classics in one place.

This game is really awesome I love elephants.

Every now and again I get the urge to play one of these funky elephant games, and I've got to fight tooth and nail to play their old versions on Newgrounds or AG, or Kongregate. And it's nice, but it's got hoops. I have no idea if anyone else does this as much as I've done since I was a kid.

Having all of these games easily accessible on Steam, for $15 which seems like absolutely pennies to have a decent slice of my childhood playable on a whim, especially with Elephant Quest being sometimes unplayable with the AG connection being mucky nowadays, I'd pay more than that just to get to play these games once let alone for years on.

I'm not sure where I'm going, I might make games, I might just sit at home and encourage other people to do what they want by throwing money at them. But this gives me hope that no matter what happens, if I do it or others, we're gonna get some special stuff. Even if all that stuff isn't directly a game starring a blue elephant.

Although if we got another Elephant game, I don't think I'd complain.

jmtb02 has been one of my favorite Flash game developers ever since I played Achievement Unlocked back in elementary school so I'm glad that I can finally support him and have all of these games in one little bundle of nostalgia.

It’s the same classic games from the olden days of flash. Yeah, there are other ways to play it for free, but getting them in one convenient location with additional over-arching achievements that connects the games is a new touch. Plus it supports the creator. Enjoy the craziness of a little blue elephant.

Eternal nostalgia, memories of people you haven't talked to since 2009. I hope they are well.

The Elephant games were incredibly formative for me as I grew up. Sure, they're simplistic and small in scope- I didn't take more than an hour to beat each, and to get all the achievements. They're this passion project that has been carried by this one guy for the entire part of his life. Hell, I was there when each game released. I remembered being in Kongregate, on chatroom #02, talking to the people inside, playing Elephant Quest, or Achievement Unlocked.

Even the Achievement Unlocked games were formative for me. They were one of the things that got me obssessed with the idea of completionism, along with Jirard "Dragonrider" Khalil - though, honestly, the latter now leaves a bitter taste in my mouth after the current news that came out about him.

These are games that were incredibly important to me, is the point. I'm so glad to have re-experienced them, to get through their jank and play these small little bits of my childhood that left me so very happy back then, in a much simpler time, where I didn't really need an interesting story or particularly balanced gameplay.

All I needed to see was that blue elephant, and I was happy. And, today and now, I see this blue elephant. And I am happy once more.

10/10. This is a completely subjective rating, but I couldn't give it anything else.

10 goated games in one collection need I say more?

this little elephant is one of the biggest reasons i'm passionate about indie games and video games as a whole

Real ones remember playing these games on a crusty Windows Vista PC in 2009

The main menu theme song being peak nostalgia even though I've never heard it before, and the fact that many of the games were slightly touched for its outlier Flash features to be reimagined or simply accessible on this compilation, and finally being able to support jmtb as a grown ass adult are some of the things I appreciate of this existing.

Finally a flash collection for me. I grew up on these games (except the later ones) so I had a blast with most of this collection, and a lot of them hold up pretty well. I guess the only thing that matters about this collection is whether or not you like the original games, because they don't add much to any of them except a cute little addition to elephant rave. Run Elephant Run is notably buggy and isn't that good to begin with so I'll knock a point for that but I'd rather it be here than not.

A fun trip down memory lane from the flash games of my youth, admittedly I really just gravitated towards Achievement Unlocked & This Is The Only Level and spammed through those (especially AU, probably one of the early progenitors of the Cookie Clicker craze) but I did try things like the RPG for the first time. Although all these games feel very trapped by their Flash medium & the times they were made in, this is a good way to splash around in the nostalgia pool from time to time as well as add more modern incentive with achievements to keep you going.

a retread of the old flash games with a bit of whimsy, good fun