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in the past

Caramba, fiquei impressionado com o carinho e a atenção que eles conseguiram colocar nessa DLC. Geralmente as DLCS tentam trazer mais conteúdo a um jogo, muita gente não gosta, alguns até dizem que estraga. Mas essa DLC me surpreendeu demais, consegui me divertir e tomar sustos do inicio ao fim. Gostei demais da mudança de gameplay, enquanto na história principal metemos bala em todo mundo com o Sebastian, aqui com a Kidman devemos nos esconder e criar estratégias para passar pelos inimigos, isso trás um ar de terror incrível. Adorei a DLC, e acho que se você se divertiu com a história principal, vale super a pena.

This DLC is far worse than the base game.

The entire thing is stealth focused, with none of the action of The Evil Within. I found it to be tedious and just not very fun, in general.

The story continues to be basically nonsense, though from Kidman's point of view. I would have liked this more if it more closely mirrored what we see her do during Sebastian's experiences, rather than being incidental or completely different, contradictory experiences. It can be written off as part of STEM or whatever, but it is just less interesting because it removes any sense of context or stakes.

I think this is skippable. Read a synopsis.

I really disliked this DLC. The game has pretty mediocre stealth mechanics, so to make an ENTIRE DLC that completely messes with the main story in ways that don't make sense centered around is was pretty weak. Ending it with a lame cliffhanger to sell more DLC was dumb as well. I liked Kidman, I liked the areas and the spotlight enemy's design but not much was redeeming about this DLC.

Story is fun but stealth is way too forced

Ich hatte nicht sonderlich viel Spaß mit dem DLC, obwohl ich mich eigentlich darauf gefreut habe. Es bietet einen guten Bogen zum zweiten Teil, aber die Story aus dem ersten Teil macht es erstmal komplizierter, als dass es etwas erklärt.

Zudem ist es ein Walking Simulator und es hat mich in diesem Setting gestört, weil ich auch nicht verstanden habe, warum sie keine Waffe dabei hat. Sie wird ja mit einer Mission losgeschickt, warum ohne Waffen? Gerade das Kämpfen hat mir im Hauptspiel sehr viel Spaß gemacht.
Zudem ist ihr persönliches Monster mehr lächerlich als gruselig und ich hatte praktisch gar keinen Antrieb beim Spielen. Ich war einfach froh, als es vorbei war.

Trotzdem ist es keine komplette Katastrophe, ich hab mich danach nur gefühlt, als hätte ich meine Zeit verschwendet, denn ich habe nicht mehr vom Evil Within Feeling bekommen und ich war eher noch verwirrter.

ta maluco q dlc chata, tem umas mecanicas legais e a história é maneirinha mas ter q passar ela inteira com esse stealth fudido do jogo foi um inferno

The first half of Kidman's campaign.

The gameplay's not as interesting as Sebastian's. Everything is extremely straightforward with little room for variety or experimentation. Straightforward stealth with very slight shooting sections. Not bad, but I won't be returning to it.

Story-wise what this does is delving a little deeper into Kidman's character outside the pitiful four scenes she has in the main game, one of which is a damsel in distress build up to an ass shot (don't worry, this one has an extended ass shot too in the very first scene, just in case you forgot this was a Shinji Mikami game)

Aside from that, it fleshes out a bit of the hidden lore of the main game, but I don't think it says much that a curious player wouldn't have figured out from the well placed breadcrumbs that were already there. In fact, that's what I liked from the main game: it ends so chaotically it forces you to remember all of the out of context oddities of the game and make you piece everything together. This just spoonfeeds the info to you, but... I already knew most of this.

Gameplay-wise this DLC's whole deal was to strip back the game's shooting mechanics and instead delve into the more fragile side of horror games. Avoid confrontation, even with low rate enemies. Lure them out of the way with distractions. I think it's a nice change of pace from the main game but it doesn't feel like it's building up to much. In fact, what I expected to be the slasher nemesis of the chapter just disappeared midway through. That's what made the first chapter stand out while the second one is like, whatever, let's just put Kidman running around in the church outskirts section. There are some cool puzzle moments with the safes, I would've really liked to see those in the main game to make the collectables juicier.

I'll see if the next DLCs manage to use what's here to build up something better, but as its own piece it's just OK. I would've much rather have more character moments out of Kidman in the main game than this separate thing

Cool enough story here, I just don't really jive with the decision to make this a defenseless horror experience centered around the stealth - I like the stealth in the base game but it truly does not work when the entire experience is based on that system. Fuck the elevator wait.

Expansão com altos e baixos.

Esta sorprendentemente al nivel del juego principal, yendo una mecanica completamente diferente. Lo mas interesante de este DLC es su narrativa, mas directa que la de Evil Within, principalmente porque no sos el detective que llego de la nada y ve que pinga hacer, sino la lady que sabia todo y hace un juego interesante al ir descubriendo junto a ella los entresijos que no se ven en el juego principal y la hacen quedar mas como la personaje principal del juego a ella que el pobre Castellanos que se comio todo un dia de mierda.

Puedo entender, viendo muchas de las reviews, que el sistema de sigilo es muy rigido y poco comodo de usar, por eso mismo recolecte 18 muertes, pero el diseño da posibilidad de superar esas trabas de los sistemas con observar el escenario y los enemigos no requieren mas que ver Patrones.

Yeah, its preatty Gud, que no sea tan alocado en sus escenarios y presentación como el juego principal le vino sorprendentemente bien,

Played on Linux

I remember it being more of the same, but with extra stealth. I can't complain.

There's some mixed opinions about the gameplay of this but honestly I loved this DLC so much, there's really no words. Fantastic lore/story updates and I personally loved the stealth gameplay, a nice change of pace from the main game. Also no spoilers but that Joseph section, damn.

Why in the hell would they release stealth-based additional content when the stealthy elements from the main game were one of its biggest turn-offs? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. And to make matters worse, it also bothers me that they decided to limit their only female character to this type of segment, even though we've been shown she can be quite proficient in combat.

The only reason why I don't consider this a waste of time is that it still has a lot of the same qualities that I enjoyed from the main game, especially when it comes to its visual style and level design, not to mention the always excellent creature design in the form of The Shade.

so i was like omg i hope its not gonna be more stealth and guess what they put in this dlc ? exactly more stealth

this dlc is pretty interesting it focuses on kidman and kind of acts as a separate ways was for resident evil 4 you follow her journey through mobius and her babysitting job for leslie its kind of a fun addition if it wasnt for the fact that its more stealth focus and has a lot more puzzle elements than the base game

sure the gameplay its still kind of fun and has the same core at heart but being unable to use weapons was really detrimental for the experience like this girl is harmless 90% of the time please get a fucking gun sebastian finds a stupid amount of weapons and ammo around and you cant even get a fucking knife cmon now

that being said it has some cool segments and new enemy designs that are actually a fruit of the new stealth mechanics like they will glow of different colors if they are weary or if they saw you

the story is actually trying to explain better the main game but somehow it got me pretty confused im not gonna lie like some stuff actually fucked my interpretation of plot points in sebastians route and i still feel a little bit weirded out but yeah exploring kidman as a character is a fun time even though i wasnt DYING to spend more time with her and even after some hints of characterisation and trauma in her life im still kind of uninterested in her but the sound of her heels is pretty soothing and the little cat as a save point is a winning factor for me like it was for rpgmaker masterpiece the witch house

so idk i guess this is a nice addition for how long it is and sheds some light to some events of the base game with some crossing scenes between her path and sebastians and that boss fight was definitely an highlight

again i saw them hint some kind of character study and some major plot twists in the second part of the dlc so im pretty excited stay tuned

You ever wonder what the video game equivalent of a "Two steps backwards to one step forward" would be like? This DLC is the two steps backwards to the one step forward that is The Evil Within.

The premise of a The Evil Within "stealth horror" game sounds good on paper, but it did not execute well... At all. It felt like they kept everything the same but just added contextual sneak commands which you think would translate well for those coming from the action horror like The Evil Within to the stealth horror The Assignment DLC, but alas it felt really clumsy and poorly designed which is a shame because I absolutely LOVED The Evil Within and was hoping this DLC would offer more of that. I think The Evil Within to be one of the best horror games of the 2010's that revivals other classic horror action games like Resident Evil 4 and the likes. The ending to this DLC however is pretty cool and sets up for like the bigger picture of Ruvik and Mobius.

Overall I think it is a necessary DLC ONLY for the story, but quite honestly it would've just been better off as a comic or as a last resort a clone of The Evil Within's gameplay rather than a stealth horror version of it.

I make it no secret that I didn't like The Evil Within, but that didn't stop me from jumping into its DLC, and I'm glad I did. The Assignment was part one of Juli Kidman's story that ran parallel with Sebastian's. It was obviously much shorter in length, but I preferred that as it didn't feel like a never-ending slog. Gameplay was also spiced up with the lack of a gun, so it relied on stealth for the most part. I thought it was decent, even a pleasant surprise.

I LOVED the creature design, most notably the Shade. I'll forever consider it one of the best monsters in horror gaming.

A good addition to the main game, this DLC expands on Kidman's story in a good way. The stealth-focused gameplay isn't super polished, leading to some frustrating or at least rather slow moments, but overall it works. The same cannot be said, however, about the boss battle against a certain someone that does nothing but show the limits of this system.

The story and lore behind the collectibles you find here are definitely what will make your adventure worthwhile.

It's a nice compliment to the base game in its premise and while I do think its clever on how it progresses the player along the DLC, I do find it tedious to go through since I find the gameplay a bit too slow for someone who is impatient

One half a whole extra story that occurs beyond Sebastian's head-splitting horror-coaster, The Assignment follows his mostly-absent partner Kidman, and depicting her own nightmares come to life. The concept of this as a bonus feature is something I welcome. To a degree, I compare it to the Maria segment included in the Xbox/PC release of Silent Hill 2 (which made its way to the "Greatest Hits" redistribution of the game on PS2). Or perhaps it'd be more comparable if Eddie or Angela received their own playable scenarios.

Even so, this DLC chapter provides a much heavier emphasis on stealth, as Kidman is usually without a weapon. All while being pursued by creatures unique to her story, most notably Shade, a tall slender-legged creature with a spotlight for a face. Another piece of Nakamura brilliance.

All-in-all, this chapter began answering questions left pretty vague in the original game, helping people better understand the story . . . you know, if they're willing to.

This is only the first half of the Kidman side of the story, so I probably should review the DLCs together but IDK how the second will play out so whatever.

Anyway, this DLC greatly expands on the story of the main campaign, showing Kidman's side of the events. This is perhaps its biggest strength.

Aesthetics are still top-notch like in the main game and it keeps the surreal feeling of being thrown around to various places while trying to piece together what's going.

Where this DLC falls flat for me is in the gameplay. They completely did away with the more sandbox-ish approach of the main campaign. The resource management is also almost entirely gone. Instead, you're forced to play stealth and you have a very limited amount of tools. Basically, you'll play the game how the developers want you to and you'll like it and shut up.

Sure, they made the stealth better and what not, but I still think stealth in the game mostly worked as part of a whole. You used stealth to avoid conflict and save resources in the main game. Here you use stealth because you're forced to and there's no other way.

This also hurts the exploration, as the only thing to find are some collectibles. If you don't care much about them, you don't have a reason to go off rails. Meanwhile, in the main game you would explore to scavenge every resource you could to be ready for the combat encounters.

Don't get me wrong, I still really liked it. It's just way less fun and interesting to play. The story, aesthetics and style are hard carrying the mid gameplay here. It's bizarre because the main campaign didn't suffer from this lopsided quality.

I also think it's specially lame that it's so stealth heavy because it makes Kidman feel weak as shit compared to Sebastian, even though she's meant to be a badass punk boss bitch. She can't even stealth kill 95% of the time!

(I would give it a 3.75 if I could because 3.5 feels too low but 4.0 feels to high)

TL;DR: survival horror is at its worst when it removes resource management and force you into hide and seek nonsense. DLC story is extremely important for The Evil Within tho so that's good and makes it a must play.

Imported from my Backloggery:

This DLC for TEW was better than the main game for a few reasons. The stealth was improved a lot. A stealth focus makes the game work a lot better because it removes the trial and error elements for the most part. The exploration is missing, but it's well worth the improvements to the other parts of the game. The story for this one was an expansion on the main game, but it seemed like this should have been the real story for TEW. This makes the game worth playing.

fuck that patrick-feet-bioshock-looking ass blemmyae monster

The Assignment is a fine enough addition, despite a somewhat cheap difficulty mode, that relies a little too much on stealth for a survival horror game. I prefer the second one only because it has a little bit more shooty-shooty bang-bang fun, but they're both fairly equal in doing different things to propel the prequel/interquel narrative.

Джули Кидман - кошечка девочка сосочка ^_^


A kind of ok DLC, better stealth mechanics than the base game but bigger down by having no real combat to speak of.
It does a decent job fleshing out Kidman and giving some more context to the main game's plot.