Reviews from

in the past

Caramba, fiquei impressionado com o carinho e a atenção que eles conseguiram colocar nessa DLC. Geralmente as DLCS tentam trazer mais conteúdo a um jogo, muita gente não gosta, alguns até dizem que estraga. Mas essa DLC me surpreendeu demais, consegui me divertir e tomar sustos do inicio ao fim. Gostei demais da mudança de gameplay, enquanto na história principal metemos bala em todo mundo com o Sebastian, aqui com a Kidman devemos nos esconder e criar estratégias para passar pelos inimigos, isso trás um ar de terror incrível. Adorei a DLC, e acho que se você se divertiu com a história principal, vale super a pena.

I make it no secret that I didn't like The Evil Within, but that didn't stop me from jumping into its DLC, and I'm glad I did. The Assignment was part one of Juli Kidman's story that ran parallel with Sebastian's. It was obviously much shorter in length, but I preferred that as it didn't feel like a never-ending slog. Gameplay was also spiced up with the lack of a gun, so it relied on stealth for the most part. I thought it was decent, even a pleasant surprise.

I LOVED the creature design, most notably the Shade. I'll forever consider it one of the best monsters in horror gaming.

It's a nice compliment to the base game in its premise and while I do think its clever on how it progresses the player along the DLC, I do find it tedious to go through since I find the gameplay a bit too slow for someone who is impatient

Imported from my Backloggery:

This DLC for TEW was better than the main game for a few reasons. The stealth was improved a lot. A stealth focus makes the game work a lot better because it removes the trial and error elements for the most part. The exploration is missing, but it's well worth the improvements to the other parts of the game. The story for this one was an expansion on the main game, but it seemed like this should have been the real story for TEW. This makes the game worth playing.

fuck that patrick-feet-bioshock-looking ass blemmyae monster

This was more fun that what I thought it would be! You pretty much just sneak around during this dlc, some small puzzles here and there. There are some improvements to the stealth here that I think would've benefited the main game. The plot was okay, it explained some stuff that helps you understand more of the story.

Джули Кидман - кошечка девочка сосочка ^_^

Worth playing for the story, but its hide-and-seek/stealth gameplay is completely not for me.

Played on Linux

I remember it being more of the same, but with extra stealth. I can't complain.


A kind of ok DLC, better stealth mechanics than the base game but bigger down by having no real combat to speak of.
It does a decent job fleshing out Kidman and giving some more context to the main game's plot.

so i was like omg i hope its not gonna be more stealth and guess what they put in this dlc ? exactly more stealth

this dlc is pretty interesting it focuses on kidman and kind of acts as a separate ways was for resident evil 4 you follow her journey through mobius and her babysitting job for leslie its kind of a fun addition if it wasnt for the fact that its more stealth focus and has a lot more puzzle elements than the base game

sure the gameplay its still kind of fun and has the same core at heart but being unable to use weapons was really detrimental for the experience like this girl is harmless 90% of the time please get a fucking gun sebastian finds a stupid amount of weapons and ammo around and you cant even get a fucking knife cmon now

that being said it has some cool segments and new enemy designs that are actually a fruit of the new stealth mechanics like they will glow of different colors if they are weary or if they saw you

the story is actually trying to explain better the main game but somehow it got me pretty confused im not gonna lie like some stuff actually fucked my interpretation of plot points in sebastians route and i still feel a little bit weirded out but yeah exploring kidman as a character is a fun time even though i wasnt DYING to spend more time with her and even after some hints of characterisation and trauma in her life im still kind of uninterested in her but the sound of her heels is pretty soothing and the little cat as a save point is a winning factor for me like it was for rpgmaker masterpiece the witch house

so idk i guess this is a nice addition for how long it is and sheds some light to some events of the base game with some crossing scenes between her path and sebastians and that boss fight was definitely an highlight

again i saw them hint some kind of character study and some major plot twists in the second part of the dlc so im pretty excited stay tuned

I really disliked this DLC. The game has pretty mediocre stealth mechanics, so to make an ENTIRE DLC that completely messes with the main story in ways that don't make sense centered around is was pretty weak. Ending it with a lame cliffhanger to sell more DLC was dumb as well. I liked Kidman, I liked the areas and the spotlight enemy's design but not much was redeeming about this DLC.

Story-wise what this does is delving a little deeper into Kidman's character outside the pitiful four scenes she has in the main game, one of which is a damsel in distress build up to an ass shot (don't worry, this one has an extended ass shot too in the very first scene, just in case you forgot this was a Shinji Mikami game)

Aside from that, it fleshes out a bit of the hidden lore of the main game, but I don't think it says much that a curious player wouldn't have figured out from the well placed breadcrumbs that were already there. In fact, that's what I liked from the main game: it ends so chaotically it forces you to remember all of the out of context oddities of the game and make you piece everything together. This just spoonfeeds the info to you, but... I already knew most of this.

Gameplay-wise this DLC's whole deal was to strip back the game's shooting mechanics and instead delve into the more fragile side of horror games. Avoid confrontation, even with low rate enemies. Lure them out of the way with distractions. I think it's a nice change of pace from the main game but it doesn't feel like it's building up to much. In fact, what I expected to be the slasher nemesis of the chapter just disappeared midway through. That's what made the first chapter stand out while the second one is like, whatever, let's just put Kidman running around in the church outskirts section. There are some cool puzzle moments with the safes, I would've really liked to see those in the main game to make the collectables juicier.

I'll see if the next DLCs manage to use what's here to build up something better, but as its own piece it's just OK. I would've much rather have more character moments out of Kidman in the main game than this separate thing

Cool enough story here, I just don't really jive with the decision to make this a defenseless horror experience centered around the stealth - I like the stealth in the base game but it truly does not work when the entire experience is based on that system. Fuck the elevator wait.

Expansão com altos e baixos.

jogar com juli kidman é uma coisa tão boa, a campanha toda sendo stealth e tu não podendo fazer nada além de correr e se esconder deixa o jogo mais tenso ainda, simplesmente masterpiece.

There's some mixed opinions about the gameplay of this but honestly I loved this DLC so much, there's really no words. Fantastic lore/story updates and I personally loved the stealth gameplay, a nice change of pace from the main game. Also no spoilers but that Joseph section, damn.

I hated it at first since it’s basically a stealth mode without the opportunity to kill any enemies (not really, but for the most of the time). It felt like I’m playing the Last of Us but without any weapons because it’s very easy to die.
Story-wise I found it even better than the main game.

Why in the hell would they release stealth-based additional content when the stealthy elements from the main game were one of its biggest turn-offs? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. And to make matters worse, it also bothers me that they decided to limit their only female character to this type of segment, even though we've been shown she can be quite proficient in combat.

The only reason why I don't consider this a waste of time is that it still has a lot of the same qualities that I enjoyed from the main game, especially when it comes to its visual style and level design, not to mention the always excellent creature design in the form of The Shade.