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Not as good as Jackbox 7, but still has some insanely fun games and moments. JobJob is easily the breakout game of the pack and had already delivered some amazing moments for my friends and I. The Poll Mine is also a really fun cooperative vs. game about predicting rankings and can get pretty intense at times. Weapons Drawn is also insanely simple, but deceptively fun as a mystery drawing game. Sadly the big wet fart of the collection has to be The Enormous Wheel. The games questions are the most obscure curation of questions I've ever seen in any of these party packs. On top of that it's also very not fun to answer them as each question gives you what seems to be an average of 15-20 answers which feels just downright miserable. Definitely needing more tweaking and question overhaul to be more fun. Still definitely worth picking it up for the other games in the pack alone though.

**Full video review:

We are now on the eighth iteration and seeing as how 7 was easily one of the best, this one had a lot to live up to.

Drawful Animate
Drawful Animate has some good ideas – create a simple two-frame animation and pit it against a bunch of possible answers – but the underlying “animate” mechanic just falls flat. A lot of the time, the phrase given can be demonstrated in just one drawing, no animation required.

That and a lot of the prompts are just boring or use super obscure language that even I needed to google to make sure I knew what I was drawing. It can be fun at times with the right group, but honestly, you’re probably better off just playing Gartic Phone, which has a much better animation game mode. This one just felt like Drawful with an unnecessary extra step – a waste of a game for a new Party Pack.

The Wheel of Enormous Proportions
You’re basically tasked with solving trivia and spinning a wheel in hopes that your score can get up to 20k. Problem here is that both the trivia and wheel spinning are just straight RNG. It does not even matter if you know the trivia or not, a lot of the time you can simply put in whatever answers and get enough points to spin the wheel and even if you are not spinning it yourself – another player is spinning it with the chance of getting you points.

And once you do get to that 20k points, you’re given ANOTHER wheel to spin to determine the winner amongst ALL players with 20k points. The game is effectively RNG layered on top of more RNG and the trivia stuff feels underutilized as a result. It was really disappointing as a fan of trivia games and even though I do like myself some RNG, this one just doesn’t cut it.

Job Job
As if to balance out the two duds so far, Job Job comes out of nowhere and cements itself as not only the best game of the pack, but one of the best games in ANY Jackbox Party Pack. The game revolves around answering questions about a potential job and using other players’ own words to compose entirely new sentences. The result is often chaotic, deadpan, or just straight-up hilarious. Depending on the group, the prompts can bring out some really interesting answers to work with and the fact that you can pull words from the questions themselves is a cool bonus too.

It’s simple concepts like these that Jackbox Party Packs really excel at and it’s perhaps the most accessible in the pack too, anybody can hop in and understand what to do without needing a big tutorial beforehand. It is for this game alone that I will likely keep the Party Pack installed for.

The Poll Mine
This one is a step up in complexity, but it’s got a really neat concept. You play in teams and your goal is basically to guess the group consensus on certain questions and rank the different answers provided.

The team focus adds this entire new layer to the gme, as you want to discuss with your team what the right answer may be, but doing so in a way that doesn’t give enough info away to the other team to use if your team gets it wrong – as the other team picks up right where you left off. It’s a neat tug-of-war concept that’s only aided by its absolutely absurd prompts, like “what is a smell you only want to sniff once and never again”. Easily the second-best game in the pack.

Weapons Drawn
On one hand, the concept is really neat. You have to draw “weapons” but must include a letter from your name so that when you kill a target, other players can attempt to deduce who the murderer was. On the other hand though, that is just one aspect of this game and there are a couple other layers that elevate it beyond the simplicity one would usually expect from a Party Pack title.

In a way, this kinda defeats the spirit of the series, as it is not one you can just pop open during a party without expecting at least a few players to be confused and ruin the gameplay for the others. Once you get over that hurdle, it can be fun, but it takes a bit to get there and it doesn’t help that games last a long time. I’d place it as my third favorite in the pack, but I can’t say it’s one I’ll be returning to much.

Party Pack 8 is a bit of a letdown following the release of the excellent Party Pack 7. The overall pack is less consistent, has only one real standout, and is perhaps the weakest in the series yet (I have played from 4 onwards). Job Job may have carried it a bit, but that is likely the only game in the pack that will be getting plays from my group in the future, even if Poll Mine and Weapons Drawn aren’t all that bad.

El calvo surge de una tarta.

- Drawful Animate: Drawful pero animado (y con animado me refiero a dos fotogramas). El factor animado hace que me resulte más interesante que Drawful normal, pero otros juegos de dibujar son mejores. 3.5/5

- Job Job: Responde a preguntas y después utiliza palabras individuales de esas respuestas para hacer más respuestas. La única razón para comprar este pack, es muy divertido, y es mejor si pones muchas palabras que respondiendo en serio. 5/5

- Poll Mine: No lo he entendido bien. Creo que se trata de escoger las opciones más comunes en una serie de encuestas. Está ok y ya. 2/5

- Weapons Drawn: Lo jugué hace tiempo y lo detesté tanto que ni lo volvimos a probar. En consecuencia no recuerdo de qué va, pero es muy malo así que me la suda. 0.5/5

- Wheel of Enormous Proportions: Juego de trivia. Si respondes correctamente recibes piezas. A más piezas más posibilidades de ganar puntos en una ruleta posterior. Hay juegos de trivia mejores y más divertidos. 1.5/5

Puntuación total: 2.5/5

Always impressed with the game concepts they come up with even though this pack seemed a little weaker than previous ones.

almost every game is bad so this would naturally get a very low rating but job job is far and away the best jackbox game so like?

Haven't played too much yet, but it was fun.

That water cooler makes me want to wack my freaking noodle ! #justjoshinaround

Job Job carries this pack, but it does so very well. One of my favorite Jackbox games.

Job Job is the best game JB has ever released and every other game in this pack is mid to bad. Job Job is an 11/10 so the overall package gets a 7

Drawful Animate: 9/10 Cool update on a classic
Job Job: 9/10
Weapons Drawn: 4/10 Hard to get into and way to long
Wheel: 7/10 Quiz style is different and winners never matter anyways
Poll Mine: 9/10 Super fun if your friends get into it

Weapons Drawn is the only decent entry here, the rest of the games in the pack are pretty lame.

Generally on the weaker side of packs. It is almost entirely held up by Job Job, the rest I dont really see us ever revisiting.

#1 Job Job - A top 10 jackbox game, absolute chaos of everyone taking shots at eachother and creating the absolute worst sentences ever.
#2 Wheel of Enormous Proportions - A solid trivia game, but I'd always be rather playing Murder Party if I want trivia
#3 Poll Mine - Can be fun 1 or 2 times but loses it's appeal pretty quickly
#4 Weapons Drawn - I think my mates are all just too dumb to understand this game consistently, probably not the games fault.
#5 Drawful Animate - Just a worse Drawful, don't bother with this one.

We mostly play Job Job on this one

Job Job: Probably one of the best jackbox games i've played. If you want to be nice to your friends you should add some punctuation to your prompts.

Drawful Animate: Cool idea but my usual group are not skilled artist (minus one) so this one doesn't get played.

Weapons Drawn: If you have a group that likes to argue then this is a good one. My group has a lot of fun with this one.

Wheel of enormous proportions: A warning my group (and the streaming group I watched play it) were very confused on the first playthrough of it. But overall a good quiz game.

Poll Mines: Fun game, not a whole lot to say about it though.

good pack
job job > poll mine > drawful animate > wheel > weapons drawn

Played with a group of friends, and the host used the PC version. We played all the available games in the pack, but I personally enjoyed The Wheel of Enormous Proportions and Drawful Animate the most.

Should I get together with a group of friends again to play party games, I might return to this one.

This is a jackbox pack, so if you've never played any of the series before, don't worry you will definitely enjoy this game. Knowing the standard of quality that are shown throughout the other packs though, this ends up being one of the weaker ones in the series. Overall it's not awful but maybe check out other packs first.

Jackbox downgrades from the 7th party pack with a mid #8. The Wheel and Job Job are two of the best games in Jackbox, but The Poll Mine is absolutely grasping for straws and Weapons Drawn gets looong.

Another Solid Pack inclusion. Wheel of enormous proportions and Weapons Drawn (the ladder specifically) Aren't very good. But the other three are all some of the best the series has to offer. Feel free to pick this one up.

drawful animate (4.5/5) - i love drawful, it's one of my favorite jackbox games ever. this would be a perfect 5 if it wasn't for the animation part, not a big fan of that part, but the prompts in this drawful are the best

job job (4.5/5) - also one of the best jackbox games, as long as people put in enough words. makes for super funny scenarios, great game

poll mine (3.5/5) - pretty solid jackbox game, can get heated if people disagree though, good concept tho

weapons drawn (4/5) - i think this one is really underrated. i LOVE the concept, hiding the letters in the drawings is really fun, the only downside is how long the game is

wheel of enormous proportions (3.5/5) - it's not a bad game, but it's the weakest one in this pack for me perhaps. some of the questions eh, but i like that it's partially luck based