Reviews from

in the past

Another massive Jackbox W. I think every game in this pack is pretty good, Poll mine and Job Job taking the cake for the best though

job job gives it all 3 stars

We mostly play Job Job on this one

One of my friends is Sucking the wheel of enormous proportions off I swear

Job Job: Probably one of the best jackbox games i've played. If you want to be nice to your friends you should add some punctuation to your prompts.

Drawful Animate: Cool idea but my usual group are not skilled artist (minus one) so this one doesn't get played.

Weapons Drawn: If you have a group that likes to argue then this is a good one. My group has a lot of fun with this one.

Wheel of enormous proportions: A warning my group (and the streaming group I watched play it) were very confused on the first playthrough of it. But overall a good quiz game.

Poll Mines: Fun game, not a whole lot to say about it though.

almost every game is bad so this would naturally get a very low rating but job job is far and away the best jackbox game so like?

Haven't played too much yet, but it was fun.

That water cooler makes me want to wack my freaking noodle ! #justjoshinaround

You just can't release a party pack with only one game lmao!!! My BF loves M. Bubbles so this one is spared.

the score is solely because of that one game. you know the one.

JOB JOB: easily carries, great fun every single time
THE WHEEL OF ENORMOUS PROPORTIONS: it's like the one trivia game my friends like which makes me happy
THE POLL MINE: i love you poll mine i love knowing my friends
WEAPONS DRAWN: more like weapons drawn-out amirite ladies

I feel like 8 is very under rated all these games are so so good and are always fun

Generally on the weaker side of packs. It is almost entirely held up by Job Job, the rest I dont really see us ever revisiting.

#1 Job Job - A top 10 jackbox game, absolute chaos of everyone taking shots at eachother and creating the absolute worst sentences ever.
#2 Wheel of Enormous Proportions - A solid trivia game, but I'd always be rather playing Murder Party if I want trivia
#3 Poll Mine - Can be fun 1 or 2 times but loses it's appeal pretty quickly
#4 Weapons Drawn - I think my mates are all just too dumb to understand this game consistently, probably not the games fault.
#5 Drawful Animate - Just a worse Drawful, don't bother with this one.

A pretty good party pack, with 3 good games and 2 bad ones. Weapons Drawn is easily one of the worst jackbox games, with really long tutorials, unclear mechanics and just generally dragging on for way too long. Poll mine is also pretty bland. Drawful animate is mostly just more drawful, but drawful is fun so it's fine. The wheel of enormous proportions is a pretty fun trivia game with a lot of luck and gambling involved that can lead to lucky idiots like me winning often which is funny. Job Job is amazing, and possibly one of the best jackbox games of all time. A pretty good pack with particularly high highs and low lows.

El calvo surge de una tarta.

- Drawful Animate: Drawful pero animado (y con animado me refiero a dos fotogramas). El factor animado hace que me resulte más interesante que Drawful normal, pero otros juegos de dibujar son mejores. 3.5/5

- Job Job: Responde a preguntas y después utiliza palabras individuales de esas respuestas para hacer más respuestas. La única razón para comprar este pack, es muy divertido, y es mejor si pones muchas palabras que respondiendo en serio. 5/5

- Poll Mine: No lo he entendido bien. Creo que se trata de escoger las opciones más comunes en una serie de encuestas. Está ok y ya. 2/5

- Weapons Drawn: Lo jugué hace tiempo y lo detesté tanto que ni lo volvimos a probar. En consecuencia no recuerdo de qué va, pero es muy malo así que me la suda. 0.5/5

- Wheel of Enormous Proportions: Juego de trivia. Si respondes correctamente recibes piezas. A más piezas más posibilidades de ganar puntos en una ruleta posterior. Hay juegos de trivia mejores y más divertidos. 1.5/5

Puntuación total: 2.5/5

good pack
job job > poll mine > drawful animate > wheel > weapons drawn

Played with a group of friends, and the host used the PC version. We played all the available games in the pack, but I personally enjoyed The Wheel of Enormous Proportions and Drawful Animate the most.

Should I get together with a group of friends again to play party games, I might return to this one.