Reviews from

in the past

Pretty funny, and has some genuinely fun puzzles for a parody.

Hilarious pisstake of The Witness with great puzzles of its own and some really unexpected jokes. Not just a parody but a good game in its own right that captures the feel of The Witness perfectly.

English | Español

An excellent free parody of The Witness that barely lasts an hour and just keeps getting better and better until it reaches an ending that is simply sensational. Do yourselves a favor and play it because it's also a solid puzzle game.

Una excelente parodia gratuita de The Witness que apenas dura una hora y no hace más que mejorar hasta llegar a un final que es simplemente sensacional. Haceros el favor de jugarlo porque además es un sólido juego de puzles.

Cuando jugué a esto, sentí como si fuera un regalo caído del cielo para mí en concreto. En retrospectiva, supongo que es un regalo para todos los amantes de The Witness.

Si alguna vez quiero desearle algo bueno a alguien, me gusta decirles: "espero que alguien le haga un The Looker a tu juego de género súper específico favorito".

The witness bit game, but honestly quite funny.

i forgot i played this, it was a little funny

this game makes you draw a penis

Pretty good time. It's really funny, and the gameplay is simple but satisfying with the Start End thing. Some of these puzzels were actually good. Art style looks good to. The music that was in it was also pretty good. It's also free so that makes it even better. Only like 45 Minutes long if that, so I'd recomed giving it a try.

Score: 3.2/5
Letter Grade: B-

Are you the witness? because you're quite the looker

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Great ending

The kinda game that makes you exhale loudly several times a minute...or makes you roll your eyes.

comedy the game

the thing that you dont do when making a parody is posit the worst traits of the original property with zero self awareness. the triangle puzzle and the painting puzzle posits the worst traits of the original game with zero self awareness, in a game that makes jokes about obtuse puzzles by not "wasting your time" (a la giving you a shotgun to blow away door puzzles or just letting you draw around the solution), it proceeds to waste your time with two puzzles that are practically unsolvable unless you are to get a walkthrough or waste the next 30 minutes brute forcing it.

oh yeah and its all for a cock joke. despite this being only an hour or two to play, it runs out of steam within 30 minutes as it just plods along with boring walking around solving boring puzzles. jonathan blow is a pretentious twat but this sort of thing deserves either a more biting critique or an even dumber game.

Honestly a pretty fun experience for a free game. Makes you think out of the box and is pretty funny at times!

this is such a funny game and perfectly reflects the feelings i had when playing the witness cause yeah fuck that shit

Amazing. The fact that I played this right after playing The Witness for the first time made it even better. Even if it wasn't a parody game, I think it still holds up. It doesn't make as much sense, but it definitely holds up.
But for real, the reason I respect this and not the original is because this one respects ME. Plus it's fucking funny and has actually interesting progression. The ONLY thing I truly didn't understand was the last puzzle on the purple screen. Other than that, it was great.

Okay this really didn't need to actually be good.

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This game alone makes it worth it to play The Witness.

Witty game. Wonder what Jonathan Blow thinks of it lmaoo

I 100% it in 69 minutes, which was an ironic period of time to do that. Oh its a massive di-