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in the past

If you've played The Witness, this game is hilarious.

Playtime : 2+ Hours
completion : 90 %
Lore 0/5
Gameplay 3,5/5
Visuals 3/5
Music 0/5
Replay value 0/5
Overall 2,5/5
Notes : Pretty funny if you know the witness

Made me laugh but also made me frustrated with very obtuse puzzle design. I get that this is a parody but it still was not fun part of the time. Ending was hilarious though.

an hour of making fun of Johnathan Blow

Good if you played "The Witness"

A decent parody of the witness, some really clever jokes and one or two actual puzzles that were kinda bad. Knows what it is and doesn't overstay its welcome.

Free to play and have nice touches and great puzzles. I say it's worth to spend your about 1 hour for this game.

I've never heard of The Witness before playing this parody game, so I can't vouch for how well The Looker satirises the style of that game. Taken as its own thing, it was a lot of fun though! It's quite cleverly paced in that the harder (read: more absurd) puzzles are usually followed up by a couple of easier ones so I was never discouraged from continuing. Its design and setting – which I'm guessing are borrowed from The Witness, so this should probably count more towards that game – are also nice to walk around in, while the oblique hints to a broader narrative are an interesting touch.

I do have to admit, this kind of thing could get probably get boring after a longer playtime. However, The Looker has the good sense to be relatively short, so this was never an issue I ran into.

Parody game of "The Witness" was very funny at times and had some genuinely clever puzzles. That "On rails" achievement sucked to get though

nice fun little game with clever idead

Неплохая смешная пародия на The Witness, проходится всего за 40 минут.

Pretty funny parody with some surprisingly creative puzzles.

The more you are familiar with the Witness, the more jokes in this game click, which leads to the conclusion that the creator has really good understanding about all details in the orignal game. A 5/5 Witness parody game.

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Somewhere, the Tankmen are crying tears of joy while yelling "cock joke."

what if youre DUMB, wHaT iF YoUrE sTuPiD

Cute but when it tries to make real puzzles near the end it stops being fun or funny and starts being actually annoying. Thankfully it's very short so the jokes don't have time to wear out their welcome.

Despite just being a spoof on The Witness, it turned out to be quite a well done puzzle game. Taking into account it's literally free to download, I can't really complain about it's short length.

I don't really burst out laughing and thought some of the puzzles weren't particularly amazing, but others are genuinely clever and I couldn't help but grin after that ending. Worth it's short playtime. Use a guide if you aren't interested in the puzzles, the humour and ideas carry this one alone.

Really funny and a good way to spend an hour. Thoroughly entertaining.

Genuinely got a few laughs out of me and has some pretty clever puzzles in the mix. Loses some points for me though because of some wack controlling and awful optimization.

its a pretty good parody, i feel like it might bash the witness a bit too much
optimization could've been a bit better but its whatever.

Great little 40ish minute experience.