Reviews from

in the past

Not scary at all and pretty tedious as it gives you tons of tasks. Got the 3rd ending and didn't bother to play again to get the other endings. I might as well just watch the other endings on YouTube.

A solid fusion of the chore simulation genre and jump scare horror. While the actual mortuary work itself is unchanging, the constant threat of other concerns keeps that part of the game loop feeling fresh. Eventually though, as with most chore sims, the work becomes stale. I guess there is nothing quite like your first cadaver.

While I was, quite honestly, shocked at how much story was tucked away into the corners of this game, the main thrust of a shift at River Fields is identical from night to night. I would have loved to see some alteration to the formula on subsequent shifts, but other than digging into story bits or experiencing new hauntings, Rebecca's new nightlife is static.

In updates, the developer has talked openly about their wish to update, expand, and grow the game. I enjoyed my brief time in The Mortuary Assistant, and will return when there is more to uncover.

Much more linear than the dev's previous games. It felt like your path was always a straight corridor of embalming the bodies and figuring out the possessed one, with only a slight sidestep every now and then to get a new ending.

Good fun with some great scares, but just feels much smaller overall compared to The Subject, Kohate, and Our Secret Below. I'm looking more for puzzles, but the gameplay loop of this is just the embalming over and over. Very little to actually figure out.

Tad bit confusing but original and actually scary which makes this easily worth experiencing.

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raymond fanservice ? on god?

Bro, the body I checked died with clown make-up own. Imagine dying as a clown. L

the scariest game ive played so fucking good this is what the autopsy of jane doe WANTED to be

i heard that this game was made by a single person dev and if this is true, they made a incredible job for all things considered, the jumpscares are one of the best i have ever seen. The only thing holding back this game are the shit ton of bugs and misspels, but tbh its expected. the more you play the game the more neurotic you get from every single sound you hear. Goog game

Watched Markiplier's LP. Compelling storytelling!

What a great horror game, its been a while since the last time I played an actual original game of the horror genre, with the randomized situations and intriguing story, def a one of a kind work.

Damn. The game's super creepy. Like a lot.
Enjoying it, will finish getting all the endings for sure. Just have to find the right time to get scared.

Me pareció buen juego de terror, es fácil de aprender y tiene mecanicas sencillas.
Cada noche es distinta para atrapar al demonio en turno, practicamente apenas conoces las mecanicas ya te sabes todo el juego.
Eso si, por ratos da un miedo muy bueno :D

Simulador de acostar a tus amigos que vuelven del botellón.

diga, diga me qntas pessoas o dev teve q mata pra fazer os modelos/texturas realistas a esse nivel

The Mortuary Assistant was both a job simulator and a horror game. The embalming portion was well done with no other game of its kind going into such detail; do you know what a trocar is? You will after this. The gameplay loop consisted of trying to find the demon hiding in one of the bodies, certain procedures able to help discern which one to banish. During this there were haunt events, where spirits would pop up and mess around. As someone who’s not jump scared easily, some of these got me so consider me impressed.

It encouraged replayability with five endings in total, as well as randomised events that occurred on different shifts—the intention was to keep playing after the initial first shift. I played it to death (pun not intended), and had a great time.

you never forget the first corpse you embalm. for me, it was a 29 year old woman named jade. she had three deep scratches on her back, and i thought she was marked for demonic possession. while i was entering her information into the computer system, jade sat up to stare at me. i didn't really like that.

talking about the mortuary assistant in detail is hard. this is primarily because i think it is best experienced with as little information as possible; every step of this game was remarkably unique in how it was used as a game mechanic. procedurally generated hauntings and bodies don't always keep it feeling fresh, and with five endings to find, this is one of those games i think people will struggle to finish. it doesn't take away from the experience, though.

it's a crying shame this came out in august. there's no bad time to launch a horror game, i think, and it's not like the game's being overshadowed by something else, but with mechanics and a storyline like this? the mortuary assistant is the perfect halloween night stream game. here's hoping that it totters all the way there. i think there's something special here, and a potential for something like a minor P.T. moment. there's scares in this one that'll stick with me for ages.

The jumpscares in this might be the best of any horror game I've played, although they were a mixed bag. A sliding scale of "boring" to "I had to pause and hold my chest for a moment". Some were even annoying, namely the grandma cutscene that is way too long and doesn't let you do anything while it happens.

Outside of the scares, the gameplay can get extremely repetitive. The placement of the tools shifting is more irritating than innovative, and aside from a rare few times, the demons are easy to spot. Definitely a game to be played in moderation.

The lore is interesting – especially the stuff that gets revealed in the 6th ending – but I'm personally not a fan of the non-linear story. It's a little confusing, and in terms of the during-shift cutscenes, also adds to the repetitiveness.

All in all, fun, but I probably won't return to it unless they add more endings or I get the urge to embalm some bodies.

Shifts Completed: 12
Times Possessed: 4 (3 were for endings okay trust)
Demons Banished: 10
Bodies Embalmed: 36
Bodies Burned: 15
Endings Got: 6 Out of 6


mas falando sério... dá muito medo, recomendo

el juego podria tener potencial si no se basara en ser un producto de youtuber/streamer barato que se trata de sacar sustos con cosas de la nada o mierdas asi, hay muchas mas formas de hacer miedo/terror, no solo hacer jumpscares de mierda

The game wants to have a scary experience, but unfortunately it tries to do it with cheap jumpscares. As a story, we play a person who is tormented by his past, and while trying to get rid of this torment in the story, we are also trying to exorcise a demon who has taken over dead bodies. The story isn't bad, but it's a game that offers unsuccessful storytelling. In terms of gameplay, it is a game that gets repetitive (after all, it's normal since our job is a morgue) and gets boring from time to time. It is a well thought out concept but insufficient in terms of gameplay.

Too scary. can only play during the daytime. fuck this game

A dublagem é com certeza o melhor ponto do jogo pra mim, os VA são todos ótimos, dão uma profundidade legal pra lore do jogo. Ate que tem uma historinha interessante, mas é meio confusa as vezes. Em questao de gameplay, no começo ele joga muita informação na sua cara, mas com o tempo da pra pegar tudo. Jumpscares boas, da pra sentir um medinho 💀

não pense em demônios, trabalhe.

Oyunu bitiremedim. Gerçekten gerilmekten artık yeter dedim. çıksın sikecem belasını gazına geldim. O gazla 1 saat daha dayandım. Oyunda yanlış iblisi getirmişim meğer. Gerici yere geri git diyor anasını avradını skm böyle oyunun. Korku oyunu kariyerimi bu oyunla birlikte sonlandırıyorum. Bu kadar germenize gerek yok milleti.
ANANIZI avradınızı sikeym.

Scratches an itch in my brain for well placed jumpscares.

This is probably the closest someone's gotten to making something truly great with the "perform menial simulator task while avoiding spookies" genre. The main issue I have is that by the second run I was such a pro at the game that I wasn't really scared at all, and by the third I had gotten an achievement telling me I had seen every scare in the game. Needs more mechanical complexity. As it stands though, that first run was stellar with some amazing atmosphere building. I'm not a fan of the more over the top scares the game pulls but that's just me. Still eternally searching for a good middleground between Welcome to the Game's bullshit design and Signal Simulator's meme game with tension up the ass vibes.

اللعبة موجودة عندي بالوشليست سوو قررت العب النسخة البيتا من اللعبة واشوف لو كانت بتعجبني او لا وكالعادة كونها لعبة رعب تعتمد على الجمب سكير ما حبيتها ابدا وتحكمها كان جدا سيء ولاحظت قلتشات باللعبة على الاغلب بتعجب محبين الرعب بس بحالتي وبعد تجربتي لها قررت احذفها من حياتي

Una señora llamada Pili te visita en el trabajo todos los dias y te da por saco mientras intentas lavarle el culo a señores semidesnudos en el turno de noche