Reviews from

in the past

The game is a classic that wrote a book on fps gun and enemy design so well, that Doom's influence is stil felt in shooters today. That said, it suffers from repetion of levels and enemies, with bosses being underwhelming and the soundtrack, while iconic, being very incosistent. Thy Flesh Consumed is a nice and fairly experimental addition, but it's levels can also be very frustrating and outright stupid

Even around 30 years after release and with the ocean of words that have been said about it, playing this for the first time today I can easily say that this is one of the most brilliantly designed and tightly paced action games I've played. It's little wonder that this game paved the way for the first person shooter genre to exist.

The spread of different weapons and how they interact with the enemy variety, the placement of healing items, weapons, and ammo, the worldbuilding through environmental details, and many more aspects are superbly designed to allow for just the right amount of tension.

There are quite a few traps or tricks but rarely in a way that feels overly cheap; it's the kind of design where I can tell pressing a switch or getting an important item feels too laid out to be so simple, so I can anticipate that enemies will pop out just a few seconds before it actually happens.

There's a subtle difference between "Ah, you almost had me there but I managed to not get done in by your tricks" and "Seriously? How annoying that I have to deal with these enemies now when I just wanted to do this objective" and Doom manages to make most of its traps give the feeling of the former.

In einem Stream beendet. Nicht das erste mal, nicht das letzte mal.

Doom 1 is guuuut und clever und durchdacht und eine sehr gute Grundlage für ein Genre das trotzdem schafft noch eine eigene Persönlichkeit zu haben mit einem coolen Look und cooler Persönlichkeit.

Macht Spaß, könnte aber gelegentlich darauf verzichten einfach noch einen Raum voller Pinkies zu verwenden.

yes you kill demons boom boom bang bang the real enemy is capitalism

It's Doom but with more + an amazing modding source port scene, what's not to love about that.

reciclado de subjefe final y jefe final, se notó una mejoría en el diseño de niveles, haciendolos más largos y laberinticos, pero a la vez no añade nada nuevo. Merecido 6

OK, I finally played the famously classic DOOM in its entirety for the very first time in my life, and I must say it really felt like this kick started fast-moving action in many FPS nowadays, and has an unique gritty, oxidized art style that really puts the scene in where you are, which is Mars, fighting different alien enemies. Badass concept and badass execution, with a very good soundtrack that sets it in when you're picking fights with these non people.

For its time, it was a very unique concept, and nowadays I feel like it still holds some of its greatness, it's very different than the usual run-and-shoot and the level layouts offer the possibility of exploration as you have to collect keys, (although with me playing in GZDoom with free mouse look and the ability to jump it was very easy to cheese some obstacles) and every level is different, yet similar, which brings me to the one con this game has.

For the longest time of my life, I thought this game only had one chapter. You played through so many levels of it and defeat the Barons of Hell and that was it, but little to my surprise it actually wasn't the end of it, I still had 2 more (and Thy Flesh Consumed that is only included in The Ultimate DOOM) chapters to go through, and this sadly made me a little bit worried, because I always thought this game was a sweet short experience that led to DOOM II: Hell on Earth, but there were a complete set of maps I needed to play, and with a lot of them feeling the same, with some maze-y layouts and other stuff it felt very repetitive.

But that's by far, my only complaint with it. I enjoyed everything else and it was a nice surprise to know that this game was this ambitious for its time.

a classic game. wonderful shit

Decent, repetitive FPS. Was more bearable with a bud. Stuff just blends together.

Episodes 1-3 are fantastic but I thought it was pretty clear that Thy Flesh Consumed was designed to fill this package out as a bit of an afterthought.

Mostly at the same level as the original DOOM, but I do have to take away some points for E4. It's not bad, but the pacing is wonky and it's overall less solid than the first three episodes.

Did a lil ultraviolence playthrough making sure to hit all the secret levels in preparation for sigil 2... Also gonna replay sigil 1 first... see you soon john romero

(Episodes 1 - 3, will revisit E4 after Doom II)

I don't think there's anything I could say about Doom that hasn't been said better by someone else, so I won't. Instead, I'll talk about the VR port by Team Beef because that's how I played it. It was also my first time playing Doom I all the way through.

The game looks surprisingly great in VR, I would have expected sprites to look jarring but it is all incredibly immersive. The environments look really cool and seeing them in this way really helps you appreciate the detail.

The controls are also incredible, very smooth and very natural for the most part. My only gripe is jump being on B, it's easy to forget but there is also isn't really a better option so it isn't major.

Really enjoyed playing it in VR and I think I'm just gonna play all of the "essential" classic FPS games this way.

Wow! I can't believe I never played this

Still as much of a blast as ever, and the addition of Thy Flesh Consumed was fun as hell too. Whenever I revisit Doom 1 this is always the one I play

4 stars if you just play the main game, 3 1/2 stars if you're counting Thy Flesh Consumed as well. It's just filled with bullet sponge enemies, a lack of health packs, and just being generally annoying. The rest of the game is how everyone else describes it, you know "it's so timeless and great" and all that jazz. But gosh, what a waste of an expansion.

Played this on gz doom good shit i dunno how it would play with no vertical mouse aiming and i dont wanna try it without it

yea, its pretty cool
grunts on wall

it sure was one of the first FPS games of all time

This is a significant jump in difficulty after the original three episodes. If you play on Ultra-Violence get ready to die quite a lot. Still, over time I've come to appreciate claustrophobic gauntlets like Romero's Perfect Hatred, somehow.

- pistolstarted every map on Hurt Me Plenty

~Fps Retrospective 4~ (Review for Thy Flesh Consumed)

Its ok. Fuck those first 2 maps the rest try to be hard but the thing is that they give you a lot of ammo. Chex quest is next.

Same thoughts that I had on my review of the the 1993 version of doom, just even better.

Remembering the words of John Carmack.
"games are like P0rn movies".

Doom is still one of the best shooters of all time and that still rings true in 2024.

Now this is a FPS done (kinda) right!
The game is fast, violent and fun. The weapon variety is awesome and the level design is incredible! (for the first chapter...) the second one is fun, the third one is okay, and Thy Flesh Consumed is a nice challenge to the experienced player.