Reviews from

in the past

As of 2020, this game still holds up so goddamn well. Played through the first level a year ago at a friend's house. It was a basic 'kill all baddies holed up somewhere' situation. The game is absurdly realistic, featuring one of the best peeking mechanics I've ever seen and a level of tactical player choice I've definetly never seen before. One by one I killed the baddies and one by one my teammates died. It culminated in me needing to hunt down the last bad guy after storming a room with two baddies, using only an AK and a flashbang. At the end of my confrontation with the last baddie I was literally sweating. What a game!

Killed the first person shooter with its cronies

An ok single player FPS with some bad camera controls. It does feel immersive, I'll give credit for that.

unironically love how braindead the partner/enemy AI is - it is critical in my enjoyment of the game. you're supposed to play it 'tactically' (and play some sort of mapping minigame?) but the AI is so atrocious you can just whip around corners using your realtime UAV and god mode it. let's me play out my elite soldier fantasy

Kind of scuffed controls for an FPS but then again it was 1998 and no one really had a lot of ported FPS games to consoles (especially one with no joysticks). However, I am really into the game and like the way it looks.

Beckenbauer e Maldini.. Qualcuno era amante dei grandi difensori nel team di sviluppo.

Definitly a cool strategy game, however it was way too over my soft 8 year old head I think I only ever got to the second level and I hated how many of my people died.

Fantastic tactical shooter that forces you to take your time and treat the planning stage with proper respect. In theory, anyway, since you can also get away with bum-rushing the objective with a bunch of reserve soldiers, but what's the fun in that? Extremely tense and exciting and does a lot with such simple graphics (which I love in the same way I love System Shock 2's graphics).

The planning screen interface isn't incredibly smooth by today's standards but c'mon, this was 1998, it's pretty damn good as it is and gives you enough tools to get the job done.

Protip: You can speedrun the awful final stealth mission by running the default plan and pressing '/' to let the AI take over, they will get to the security box without being seen before the first AI cycle makes them wait outside your only entrance in for five minutes.

The PS1 version of this game is horrific

Rainbow Six is one of those games that has the unfortunate legacy of being the "inferior port." Released initially on the PC as a squad based military simulation, Rainbow Six was then downgraded to match the hardware constraints of the Sony Playstation, limiting squad interactions and even numbers, as well as paring back the graphical quality massively. This did not, however, completely kill off any enjoyment to be had here.

The levels themselves are fairly well designed, each one being an intricate death trap where survival is very definitely in threat at all times. The controls in this game are awkward, with precise aiming being difficult, and this definitely hampers the experience when half of the time you are edging around corners to get the first shots on an enemy that would otherwise drop your character before you could react. However, it is this tension that works here.

Overall, this is a game that I recommend for those with a morbid curiosity. If you have heard about the poor Playstation port of Rainbow Six and wish to investigate further, give it a chance. I certainly have lost a good few hours to this game throughout my lifetime.

A very interesting game, but I just can't deal with team members having no AI. Would have kept playing but the 5th level glitched out. Ultimately I liked Doorkickers better.

R6 is the absolute shit. The level of tactical control and the amount of experimentation you could do mixed with being on the edge of tactical third person/first person shooter gaming when this came out made it an unforgettable experience.

Um jogo tatico muito a frente de seu tempo

Eerie, grimly realistic and tense to the point of vocal outbursts, Rainbow Six's tactical approach to planning a mission before executing it lends to a really interesting trial and error concept, helped along by the feeling of sheer joy when a mission goes perfectly.

That said, I would find whoever came up with the stealth missions and have them arrested. PS1 port was my first experience with it and the first level in the embassy is burned into my mind.