Reviews from

in the past

moldou o meu gosto musical e me apresentou o meu esporte favorito, com certeza um dos jogos mais importantes da minha vida

In a world where THPS3 didn't exist, this would probably be the best one


The best Tony Hawk game to this day.

Fun time, good music. What else can I say.

Jugar a esto es sencillamente placentero. Es pillar un skate y ponerte a bailar por sus escenarios encadenando todo tipo de tricks a tu manera y superando algunos retos mientras tanto, pudiendo hasta completar varios a la vez en una sola partida. No necesita más, es increíble.

It adds the manual which does little to nothing until later in the franchise and create a park which is a really cool feature. The gameplay is still janky but fun and the soundtrack is just as good if not better. The levels are the biggest improvement with both the design and how many goals are available.

Levels Ranked:
School II
Venice Beach
The Bullring

An improved sequel, but not enough so to make that much of a difference. The manual added here helps a lot to chaining together stuff, but it's not quite enough of its own. The parks are also still not quite there, plus I'm still not huge on the two minute run limitations, plus the visual and sound performance continued to not be great on the ol' N64. It's a game that felt good to skate in and was pretty cool, but still overall was somewhat lacking.

Not even the second best Tony Hawk, let alone the second best video game ever, yet that's what Metacritic might still have one believe after all these years. Because of the clear, virtually inarguable improvements made in future installments, this game perhaps more than any other in the top games of all time on Metacritic reveals something. Many of the games on that list are from the late 1990's, and they are there not because they're truly great games (even though in many cases they are also that), they are there because they are some of the first popular video games to have realistically proportioned human figures in addition to accessible gameplay.

"The whole game is the good part of the game."
- videogamedunkey

N lembro ao certo se era esse jogo,mas deve ter sido esse

Played a demo of this on PC from in like 2002 or whatever. I kept eating shit

Hat zusammen mit Spielen wie Need for Speed oder Burnout maßgebend meinen Musikgeschmack geprägt und war einfach auch sonst ein starkes Tony Hawk.

Dass Tony Hawk 2 einfach genial war wurde mir wieder klar als ich das Remake von 1 + 2 gespielt habe und einfach 50% meiner Zeit nur im Hangar Level gespielt habe, weil ich so gute Erinnerungen aus meiner Kindheit daran habe.

Even without Superman on the soundtrack, it still is able to surpass the original

O fator replay desse jogo huummmmm. Uma delícia, jogando até agora e não planejo parar de jogar. Qualquer dia escrevo mais sobre

One of those games that does everything better than the 1st. The gameplay feels better, the levels all hit as hard as the music, and the addition of the manual turned it from a cool skating game to an addictive combo machine. No matter what platform, this game is absolutely foundational and truly proves why it's one of the best ranked games of all time.

The opening song is Guerilla Radio by Rage Against the Machine, and now I have radical politics. Whoops!

I'd say this is where the Skateboarding genre really kicked off for most people, and I keep my GBC version nearby at all times.

the first truly great tony hawk game. this one has rage against the machine on the soundtrack. it is good.

I remember sitting in the computer room and my dad said he had just bought this game before handing me the disc. I just remember listening to T.N.T. on repeat while failing to do the most basic tricks. I also remember making big spike pit levels on the skate park creator.

What a wild time.

Nost-algia... Learned me to try skateboard... Only learned a tiny little bit, haven't tried it in many many years...

This is so sick i havent played a tony hawk game before i love it even though my left hand hurts because of the d-pad

é a mesma coisa do primeiro só que com algumas manobras a mais e novas pistas obviamente né, mas se eu reclamei q não consegui avançar no 1 nesse então piorou
a primeira fase já quer que tu faça praticamente tudo pra liberar a próxima, n aguentei e dropei msm pq não é pra mim
só dou a msm nota do primeiro pq esse ainda tem um espaço pra CRIAR suas próorias fases, e isso sim me tomou um bom tempo e tirou boas risadas kkkkkk

This is a great skateboarding game that revolutionized the entire genre. The graphics are spectacular and the soundtrack is a bop to listen to while grinding rails. I played this for free using an retro games emulator. Trust me, if you want Tony Hawk on PS1 or N64 for free, check out the retro game site ( or get a copy of it if you still own a PC, MAc, Xbox (2X) PS1, N64 or Dreamcast.

bought this for $5 bucks from a game store in arizona that had a custom cover since it didnt come with the manual and had the best time with it. 3 and 4 are better feeling to play, but this on the dualshock controller is such a good feeling. also has the best soundtrack of any tony hawk by far (no cigar is my personal favorite)

A serious upgrade to 1, feels much smoother with better level designs.

Don't really remember it, I'm sure it was fine

Still probably the best overall entry