Reviews from

in the past

This game is harder than Dark Souls those fucking decepticons should have stayed on cybertron

Never once did a story mission just drove around and executed cops. Fun for that though.

Went really hard when I was a kid with no developed media taste, probably would’ve gone harder if it was finished though ngl

Just like the movie it’s based on, it's a boring cookie cutter run of the mill licensed game crapped out to coincide with the movie. Sometimes these are actually pretty good but most times like this game it’s just an all around boring time. I liked the open world description stuff; it reminded me a lot of Hulk Ultimate Destruction; but unlike Ultimate Destruction this game is a lot stiffer and less satisfying to control,funnie enough that aspact reminds me a lot of the movie game Hulk 2008 actually. (if I had a nickel for everytime I composed this Transformers game to a hulk game I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice) Having 2 different campaigns being able to play as both the good and bad guys both with different endings is fun but like I said the game itself is really boring and uninspired as hell so why would I go out of my way to play this game 2 times over?

This game captured the movie in the best way possible, destroying stuff looks fun……………that’s it.

Que gameplay horrivel, chamar isso de jogavel é forçar a barra.

Wish this had trophies on ps3.
i would love to remember in future that ive once played this game.
it have the same amount of fun playing this game today as i had while playing this in my childhood.
transformers are always fun to play in a 3d world

La verdad es que es un juego de mi infancia. Está algo caduco y los controles son algo otropédicos, pero sigue siendo un juego al que le tengo mucho cariño. Mundo abierto de destrucción y Transformers, no pido nada más.

Joguei a muito tempo, não tem como fazer uma review.

I loved this game a lot as it was my first PC game I've ever played when I got my own Laptop. I liked how we can play the missions of Autobots as well as Decepticons. The Decepticons missions were somewhat hard.

Nostalgia goggles aside. This game has major issues and how did my kid self ever beat this broken game? But it's still dumb fun driving around open levels throwing cars and destroying buildings. As a kid it was perfect. As an adult I have Red Faction.

Ya si la película era mala, imaginate el juego.

Vou dar uma boa nota porque me fez perder muitas horas na Lan house.

Actually a good game considering the PS2 hardware. A storyline for both Autobots and Deceptions means there's a good variety of transformers to play as. Locations are reused often but most are sizeable and fun to explore and destroy.

whoever designed that Scorpanok level in the desert i want you to know that i hate you

Yeah, I’ve played an armored core game before

Honestly a bad game

As much as I enjoyed it as a kid, its not good, poor graphics, even for the time, mid gameplay, and there's barely any story, but because of nostalgia I have a lot of love for this shitty game

i like playing as the evil transformers and destroying the society and fucking everything up, i'm so evil....

I remember renting this from Blockbuster. Don't recall passing it.

It would be a 5/5 if the G1 Megatron skin transformed into a flying gun.

i swear the autobot path literally cannot be cleared, there's a tow truck enemy early on that you cannot damage by any means, and when i used cheats as a kid to skip to the megatron fight i couldnt damage him either. decepticon path plays perfectly normally though, like they only tested that side.

From what I remember this was a fun time and as a kid it was just cool playing as a transformer. Found just driving around and beating up random deceptions to be more fun than the missions if anything.

decepticon campaign can suck my freakin nards man

É legal se transmorfar em carro e sair causando caos por aí, não joguei nada da história, que eu me lembre.

Got pissed and put the game down

que nostalgia, adorava esse jogo, sempre escolhia o bumblebee e ficava destruindo o prédios...