Reviews from

in the past

Pretty goddamn brutal, moreso than the arcade version according to some. However, I found that despite this it's one of Toaplan's less interesting releases. The wartime military etc etc aesthetic this game uses has never really gripped me at all in shmups, or many other forms of media really. The game is also kind of overlong with 10 samey looking stages, without even enough unique music tracks to encompass each one. Bears a lot of similarities with Fire Shark in each of these regards, but I don't care a ton about Fire Shark either in retrospect.

This doesn't really count towards or against the game in any feasible way, but Vis told me to put this in the review somewhere, so I guess into the review it goes. For my twitter media thread I was trying to screenshot a closeup of the helicopter from the ending cutscene, under the assumption it would be on a freeze frame or something, but it just disappears immediately after. So we spent like 5 minutes giggling like a bunch of morons as I reloaded my state like 30 times trying to capture a specific frame. Then there turned out to be more detailed still images in the credits that I could've used anyway so it turned out to be a total waste of time. I am a genius

Played the Genesis version for an afternoon and had some very mild fun. While it’s about as straightforward as shoot-em-ups get, it’s got a good feel to it.

The modern military setting does absolutely nothing for me, though, and the checkpoint system is hugely aggravating.

It's a very complete package. Everything feels very nicely done, but it's also missing that special dash of personality to get it to the next level.

The loudest and proudest testament to Toaplan's technical achievement in enemy AI programming. Enemy helicopters swarm you like vultures, cornering from all sides. Simplified angle rounding formulas add a margin of vagueness to every aimed shot that comes your way, leaving you with no truly safe zones. It's a shmup to play if you want to truly feel like you're taking on a mountain.

Another fun Toaplan shooter, but it isn't quite there for me yet.

Toaplan #06

I need to move on and keep my backlog going, but Twin Cobra is the shit, miles ahead of Sky Shark, which was a huge disappointment for me.

Different shooting styles, secret stars bonus to collect, banger music, super fast action and a slightly bigger loop make all the difference. I could pop this bastard in at any time and have a wonderful time.