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in the past

So, a pirate walks into a bar with a wheel in his crotch. The bartender says "hey, man, what's with the wheel?" And the pirate says "argh! It's driving me nuts!"

Bizarro pensar que até pouco tempo atrás nós nunca teríamos os jogos da Sony em outras plataformas ou até mesmo nos computadores. Sabendo disso, existiram diversos jogos da geração PS4/PS5 que deixei de jogar e Uncharted 4 é um deles. Sempre foi um jogo que sempre tive a curiosidade de jogar por ter jogado todos os anteriores e agora no ano de 2024 me surgiu uma oportunidade de finalmente testar, jogar e zerar através do Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection.

A coleção traz dois títulos da série para o PC. O primeiro é Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, o último jogo da série estrelado pelo Nathan. Ambientado anos após Uncharted 3, Uncharted 4 tem Nathan deixando para trás seus dias de caça ao tesouro e se estabelecendo com sua companheira da série, Elena. Não demora muito para que ele se encontre com Sam, seu irmão distante que ele pensava estar morto. O dever com a família e a promessa de recuperar um tesouro perdido de Henry Avery levam Nathan a embarcar em mais uma última aventura.

O segundo jogo da coleção é The Lost Legacy, um spin-off que se concentra em alguns dos personagens secundários da série. Você assume o papel de Chloe, uma ladra aventureira, que está em busca de um artefato valioso para o povo hindu e um tesouro que está sendo caçado por Asaf, um senhor da guerra que quer iniciar uma guerra civil em nome da limpeza étnica. Ajudando você em sua expedição está Nadine Ross, uma das antagonistas de Uncharted 4 que perdeu o controle de sua empresa militar privada e está tentando recuperá-la usando essa expedição.

Em termos de enredo, o tom de cada jogo é bem único e diferente um do outro. Em The Lost Legacy, a gente tem um tom muito parecido com o que a gente vê em jogos anteriores da franquia, enquanto em Uncharted 4 ele também segue um pouco de muito do que Nathan já tem de jogos passados em personalidade como as piadas constantes, porém ele também tenta puxar muito mais um tom de ação e consequência e a gente consegue ver isso perfeitamente refletindo no próprio Nathan, onde ele basicamente constantemente se pergunta se está fazendo a coisa certa ou se o estilo de vida ainda é para ele.

Na maior parte, ambos os jogos são praticamente idênticos em termos de jogabilidade. Para ambos os jogos, a atração principal vem das grandes sequências de ação, como uma perseguição de jipe por uma cidade lotada ou uma perseguição pelos telhados onde você foge dos soldados. É igualmente emocionante usar seu gancho de escalada para balançar sobre abismos e agarrar-se a uma beirada no último momento possível. Apesar de eu achar tudo muito maravilhoso aqui, eu sinceramente não gostei muito da jogabilidade do game, toda a combinação em suas jogabilidades em momentos de ação, momentos de andar enquanto observa um cenário lindo me parece muito mais um filme de ação do que propriamente um game, o ritmo principalmente em Uncharted 4 tem muito essa vibe para mim.

Falando em ação, ambos os jogos fazem uso também além dos tiroteios a furtividade. Que na minha opinião é outro ponto que me deixou um pouco a desejar ele não é exatamente divertido na sua jogabilidade mas com certeza ela é muito funcional. Além do tiroteio, você pode optar por usar o combate corpo a corpo que casa muito bem com o furtivo, que por falar nisso o furtivo é bem básico, não existem muitos elementos para distrair inimigos ou esconder corpos.

Um ponto que me fez gostar muito mais de Lost Legacy se comparado com o quarto game foi em relação à sua construção de mundo. Uncharted 4 ele te dá uma falsa impressão que o game é um game mundo aberto e te dá mil e uma liberdades para fazer o que quiser em suas fases, isso deve principalmente ao fato de como essas fases são apresentadas que é com muita maestria e grandeza, um grande exemplo disso é a fase de Madagascar onde logo no início da fase com você dirigindo uma 4x4 a sensação é que você pode explorar tudo livremente porém isso é uma falsa impressão já que o game na realidade ele é um semi-lineares. Já o Lost Legacy apesar de mais curto ele funciona de maneira completamente contrária ao jogo sequência dando a você muito mais liberdade em comparação;

Graficamente, ambos os jogos são uma das coisas mais lindas que a Naughty Dog fez, quando eu testei o game lá no lançamento nos PCs eu senti uma falta de otimização ferrada porém hoje em dia o game roda perfeitamente bem e não preciso nem dizer que o game é maravilhosamente lindo.

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection para PC é uma baita introdução à série Uncharted. Apesar de ser o quarto jogo da série e um spin-off, você consegue jogar muito bem sem compromisso e sem saber nada dos games anteriores, existem algumas referências a games anteriores porém o game funciona muito na maneira de contar a história a ponto de ser acessível para todos, claramente é um jogão e mais do que recomendado por mim.

Pontos Positivos:
- gráficos extremamente lindos

Pontos Negativos:
- n/a.

Versão utilizada para análise: PC

Average of both games.
Uncharted 4: 5 stars.
Uncharted Lost Legacy: 4 stars.
Average: 4.5 stars.

Great collection of two fun titles:

Uncharted 4: Fantastic and above all, fun! While it starts slower than most other uncharted games it ends up with some of the most thrilling set pieces.

Lost Legacy: While not as good, it has some good ideas due to the fact that is not supposed to be a main title. There are some breathtaking vistas but it being a bit more reliant on puzzles pales when compared with Uncharted.

"El Legado Perdido" (4) me gustó mucho más que "El Desenlace del Ladrón" (3.5), por lo que es una pena que fuera un juego mucho más corto. Pero en conjunto es una auténtica pasada.

The game looks fantastic, but apart from that I don't see much in the way of improvements since playing 2. And the focus here seems to be majorly on story over anything else. Just endless cutscenes and dialogue, some of them not even skippable. I think the first 4 chapters don't even have you firing a gun. I was really looking forward to this from how much I liked the first 2 games, but even if I bought it on release, I didn't bother finishing it until now.

I played the game on crushing as I remember that was one of the things that made the previous so enjoyable, but I guess other games have improved a lot unlike this series. As this was a chore. There's no running, just a sluggish walk, and you can barely be out of cover for a second before you die. I died endless times to simple things like trying to take cover, just for Drake to roll out of cover or off a cliff. The game gives you barely any ammo despite the enemies having infinite bullets on top of grenades. And after every fight it's a guessing game and a chore to not only find ammo for your weapons, but also to guess what weapons to pick up for the upcoming fight that could be anything. In a couple of situations I even had to start fights with no more than 2-3 bullets and it's near impossible to get to more without dying.

90% padding where you just walk around and talk, often not knowing where it is that the game wants you to go, 10% dated gameplay. Jumping up what quickly starts feeling like the same walls over and over and gunfights that don't feel balanced for the difficulty. All ending with an endless qte boss fight that's as fun as Dragon's Lair and to top it off you have to play through an epilogue chapter where nothing happens and 15 minutes of credits just to get back to the menu. Much too preoccupied with being an interactive film than an enjoyable gaming experience.

It miraculously does not include a fight scene set inside of a Papa John's.

honestly two very good games and I'm happy to have experienced them. yes, it's a lot of point a to point b but if you look past that and actually pay attention to the storyline of both games it's quite fascinating.

This collection holds two games. A Thief's End and Lost Legacy. Both of them are perfect. But my favorite close to heart game is Thief's End.

Man, that game is one of the best action games I've ever played periodth. From storyplay to environmental design, I loved every aspects of this game. I loved all the characters.

I still remember that I couldn't able to recover from ending of this "A thief's End" game. It's very heartbreaking that we can't get to see more adventures of Nathan Drake.

The second game is 'Lost Legacy'. This game feels special because the story is about the Indian religion and the tusk of Ganesha. I liked this game too. The puzzles were great and the story is decent. Overall, my time playing these two games are worth it indeed.

fuck the apc and helicopter part in lost legacy

Really fun games with a beautiful remaster on ps5, what an epic series.

Incredible games, solid remaster. It feels more like an upscale than a full-on remaster, but the haptic feedback, 3D audio, increased frame rate, upscaled resolution and reduced load times make these fantastic games feel even better to play.

Uncharted 4 is pure joy in form of a videogame. It's a masterpiece, even by naughty dog standards. It has the most jaw-dropping sceneries, unrivaled action sequences, cool characters, funny dialogue and light but still fun enough puzzling. It doesn't have a deep story, deep mechanics nor does it take itself too seriously. But everything it tries to be and lets the player be, it does with excellency. The addition of the grappling hook makes for one of the best views in the entire series and playing this in 60fps high res on a ps5 so many years after its initial release, still keeps this game in a league of its own. I replayed this, going for the platinum trophy again. And believe me, I wouldn't hesitate to play it again anytime.
Lost Legacy doesn't reach the high highs of uncharted 4, but it definitely is worth the while and has some beautiful vistas on its own.

Eu me diverti pra caralho rejogando Uncharted e estou casado de fingir que não!

One of the best adventures for a video game!
(Some parts of my review are from my review of the original Uncharted 4)

When I was a kid I used fantasize myself on going on an adventure to find treasure and this is a great representation of how I would've wanted it to turn out. The gameplay is full of action and it always has me exited. I love being able to climb around buildings or cliffs only to see gorgeous scenery. Combat overall is generic 3rd person shooter stuff by that didn't stop me from loving the game any less. The puzzles are very fun to solve as well. The visuals are still stunning as ever and got to enjoy it at 4k@30FPS. I was also pleased to play this game at 120FPS, as a gamer I personally prefer frame rates more than resolution. This game definitely feels like a modern day game despite it being released years ago

The story is awesome! As a new comer to Uncharted, I was proud to see that this game in friendly to anyone who hasn't played the other games like me. I loved the characters and their adventure to find Avery's treasure. I also got to experience The Lost Legacy for the first time ever and it's arguably better than the base game. Otherwise I love the game as a whole together.

Naughty Dog just loves delivering banger after banger. Not sure if I'll get tired of the combat but I definitely won't ever get tired of the story telling that Naughty Dog has to offer. Still have yet to play the other Uncharted games which I will do eventually.

2 absolute masterpieces. My favourite uncharted games by far and so nice to play them at higher resolution with a better frame rate. Honestly looks better than any game I’ve played in the past 2 years. Lovely story, love me a puzzle, fun swinging. I love

bro its uncharted 4/lost legacy at 60fps. what more do you want?

Not my favorite game but I enjoyed it a lot. Characters, gameplay and the animations are solid. Story is as cliche as it gets but not in a bad way.

Jogão, história incrível cheia de reviravoltas e gameplay tão boa que as vezes até parece que você tá jogando um filme. Esse é o melhor jogo da saga na minha opinião e ele possui as melhores cenas de ação de toda a indústria de jogos e talvez até mesmo de toda a indústria cinematográfica.

DLC incrível pra quem jogou os outros jogos e conhece a Chloe Frazer.

Uncharted 4 é um puta jogo foda, e também meu favorito da franquia, que maravilha de jogo, é tanta coisa que eu ia passar horas aqui escrevendo, mas após jogar toda a franquia em ordem durante essa semana, eu posso recomendar todos de olhos fechados, franquia phoda demais! Dito isso, jogar o 4 sabendo o que rolou no 1, 2, 3, o jogo bate diferente demais!

It makes you truly wonder what made the Uncharted trilogy great, when the send off of Nathan Drake becomes such a mess when it comes to understanding your own IP.

Naughty Dog did a phenomenal job when they wanted to create their own take on Indiana Jones with the gameplay of Tomb Raider sparkled in, and when I played those games, I slowly began to realize, that despite being an action-adventure title, they were always about mystery and wonder, the discovery of ancient things. These games were gradiually becoming more and more action oriented, but they always had these subtle moments where characters needed to understand each other more, in order to progress forward as a team. Drake and Sully, or even Drake and Elena both had great dialogue, and the fact that they even Chloe as a mainstay was awesome. In fact, both of the girls were greatly written, and had really enjoyable character arcs.

So, here comes Uncharted 4, three years after The Last of Us and sadly, it shows how much of an influence that game was for Uncharted, as the writing gets so incredibly frustrating without any reason, that I cannot believe some people state, that this is the best game in the franchise.

Just to show the earliest example: The game opens with a flashforward, only to continue with a flashback, to show an another flashback, and then it is almost in chronological order. Do not even start with Sam, the most idiotically written character for this franchise, as the just comes out of nowhere, never mentioned before (for story reasons), and when he comes back, he seems like the guy who actually made Nathan the way he is. Every major thing is thrown out of the window, to tell a tale, that is not suited for this franchise, and needed probably it's own separate thing to begin with. There is nothing wrong with introducing the style of the Last of Us, that game is really good (I am replaying it currently), but the Uncharted games needs to show an alternative option for raiding tombs, fighting against mythological creatures and being in a whimsical adventure.

The gameplay also suffers a lot, because of the change in writing. They needed to implement overly long sections of climbing where the characters talk about nothing, they just yapping about stuff, and almost every one of them is the same characterwise, while Nathan is the one that sticks out. Weird.

Let me tell you though, this game has some decently made, even great sequences that I really enjoyed. Weirdly, I found the convoy section a bit janky, the game made me redo it 2 times because Nathan got stuck. What I liked the most was the driving section in Madagascar, simply because the driving was fun and engaging, and some of the setpieces were okay and that is it.

Still, my rating reflects my respect towards Naughty Dog, because I really like their games, I really do, just please, if you revisit Uncharted again, do the things that made him famous in the first place.


Played all the games on ps4 and loved them. Its great to have 4 on pc and lost legacy. Runs well, Looks amazing and having proper aiming with mouse and keyboard is perfection. Highly recommend

The two games in this collection complement each other so well. They are the definitive Uncharted experience. One handled drama the best in the series, while the other brings fast paced action to the A!

Cinemático y espectacular, visualmente una pasada.
Guapisimo el mando de ps5 en este juego
final wapo

A bit cheesy but I think that's the point. Gorgeous visuals.

An iffy port of two solid games. If you like cinematic games and have a rig that can brute force past the optimization issues then this is an easy pick-up.