Reviews from

in the past

The graphics are certainly good, the soundtrack pleased me.
But it gets boring quickly, there are a lot of bugs and shortcomings, as it seems to me, class 3 is not enough for this type of game.

another broken xbox co-op experience

The loot system in this game is very simple and progression feels very slow.
Not a really fun single player experience.

Its actually quite fun on local co-op

an affront to the true lootheads among us, the arpgers, the crazy 1s. this late cash in on the viking meme (terminus point ubisoft) is pared down to mobile game complexity with baby's first dodgeroll combat and crafting resource screens gating the ostensible fun which i'm unconvinced aren't trying to sell me premium gems

Vikings: Wolves of Midgard doesn't have a strong identity since the setting and characters were lifted from the popular conception of Nordic mythology, among others.
Also, most of the gameplay mechanics in it are similar to other titles in the genre, perhaps with the important exception of a manual dodge roll so the gameplay is a bit more involved than the average ARPG.
In spite of this, I believe the game is fun for what it is. There's a decent variety of enemies, environments, classes, equipment and such for the campaign on offer.
Also, there's at least one mechanic that I think is unique to Vikings: exposure. A debuff that's prevalent in extreme weather such as snow storms, volcanoes or cursed graveyards. This isn't the only game to do something like this, but it's the first time I've seen it in a hack and slash ARPG.
In summary, Vikings: Wolves of Midgar is a good, highly accessible game, but not very memorable. I guess it could be considered a guilty pleasure of mine, but I'm not afraid of being biased.

I like Diablo-style games, and this one was actually good, repetitive sometimes, but fun!

I enjoyed the story, although I found the shieldmaiden voice lines too... arrogant, all her personality was just based on violence, impatience, and disrespecting the others, this is nothing but a minor complaint. The soundtrack is amazing, and the boss fights were fun enough.

The highest point for me in this game is the co-op. You can get to play with your friends and slash those enemies in half!