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Playing this game, is a genuinely irritating, frustrating, and a hair pulling experience. Firstly, this game suffers from the, "Games to Windows Live" curse that games from this era suffers from. When first purchased, this game was not playable without having to edit the files. That to me, is so very frustrating and disingenuous. You have no issues leaving your game up to be purchased by people who may be life long lovers of your series, but become dismissive and non-caring because of not being able to play the game they just got. This also doesn't account for the constant and numerous bugs when playing. This time around, I played with my spouse. It was felt that it would be a fun and similar experience to another Resident Evil game we had played early in our relationship. Genuinely, the main line title was worse than the one we played, that being Revelations 2 for context. Gameplay is fun in the beginning, sadly this doesn't continue for long. It really starts to show when you get towards the end of the first part and get on the boat. The gunplay does not play well to the stiff and isometric feeling controls. It feels like you have to fight with your character constantly to them do what you want. In some instances, this can be really hindering when precise actions need to be done. The bosses also make the game feel like an unbalanced mess. Most of them, show no real tells that you are actually doing anything to them. If you have never really played this game before, you won't know that a third person shooter game has puzzles as their bosses. It just feels so unsatisfying to fight them and it makes every single one of them a reminder about the horrible choice to play this game. The story really isn't anything stand out when put next to the same games in the series from this era. Unlike RE4. all the choices for this game design make it feel less immersive and more of an arcade game. It feels like the game is constantly winking to the camera in how ridiculous some of the plot beats and abilities are. It also doesn't help that the blatant 2000's edge factor of the time this game was released, is drenched all over it. From the settings, dialogue, character designs, and many other choices, you can tell that it genuinely dates it more than it realizes. I don't think I can recommend this game to anyone who isn't a RE super fan. If you need to know the plot for lore reasons, legit just watch through a plot summary on YouTube. This game is so un-fun in every thing it tries to do and makes you feel exhausted after playing. In summation, there are so many better games you can play other than this. Do yourself a favor, go and play them and steer clear of this one. 1.5 / 5.

Bioshock 1 is nearly a perfect game. I don't think it's possible to ever create the kind of game that Bioshock 1 is ever again. It's setting, themes, world building, art design, characters, and so many more details truly set what the industry standard should be. The story is truly engaging and lets you get deeply immersed in this world. The city of Rapture being one of, if not the most, creative places in all of fiction. The main antagonist Andrew Ryan is an absolute joy to analyze. His reasoning, rage, and slow decent into madness make him a threatening aura all through the title. The gameplay is intense and nerve knotting moments that lend you to feel the true horrors of the Adam corrupted visionaries that now roam the great class halls of the city. The only reason that this game isn't a perfect score, is merely due to the lazy and poorly written twist of Atlas being Frank Fontaine. It comes out of no where and kind of spoils the game in a way. It is also fairly pointless to have the moral choices found in the game either. The act of killing or sparring a little sister is merely a good or bad choice and really doesn't go any deeper than that. Finally, the difficulty selection for this game is extremely unbalanced. Lower difficulties are far to easy and don't push the player to use all the mechanics presented to them and makes them miss some aspects of the game. On harder difficulties, it makes the respawn system have a glaring issue. When one dies in this game, they will be respawned in a Vita-Chamber. This is not like reloading from an old save. It merely brings you back from the moment you died. Thus, any resources used to attempt to attack the last thing that killed you, was completely wasted. Overall, this truly does stand out as one of ,if not the best. BioShock games really are something special and this one changed the landscape of games, forever.

This is one of the strangest games that I have ever played. It's actually kind of difficult to even consider this a game. It's mostly just a glorified, yet charming, tutorial for the Steam Deck. The experience is very short. It maybe lasts an hour or an hour and a half. When it comes to the story, I think it has a lot of interesting ideas that play with the already pre-established lore of the Portal/Half Life franchises. It creates a lot of speculation on whether or not this will play any effect into the final consummation of a rare Valve trilogy. I think it was probably the most Valve answer to having a tutorial for a new and foreign device that was being attempted for the first time. I think I rate it so highly mostly out of respect for it. It never was looking to be considered a real game. It was merely an amazing hook for a device that people were skeptical of. It did everything it was supposed to and did a fairly good job with it. In the end, 3.5 / 5 seems fitting for this title.