Reviews from

in the past

it was kinda boring but the character designs were cool

okay FINE kitsu i'll give it a score

i absolutely adore this game. every moment of the gameplay was horrid and hilarious in equal measures. my favourite game that i'd never recommend to anybody

Aimed for kids but rated T
Lacks any sort and form of polish whatsoever, jumps are clunky and ledges are rough. The gameplay really needed another year in the oven.
3 or 4 characters all have the same power "Shoot [element] forward a short distance. This system is on a cooldown." while others are brainless (Mochan) and one lacks a power at all or only have plot powers(Yuki, Vanilla, Pochi)
The boss fight Pai has can make you leave your 2D plane which messes that fight up
Story pulls the same twist like 3 times

I like the artstyle and the main theme will absolutely get stuck in your head, but neither of those make the game any good.

Even though it doesn't really have the best story, or the best gameplay, the cast is absolute fire and even though I don't normally like kids I'd take a bullet for each and every one of them, they were so fun I feel a deep void just letting them go, when they all spoke at the same time and waved their hands in the air, or when they sang together, when they beat their chest two times and then (y), teasing Mowchan, everything about them was really heartwarming and I'm only giving this 5 stars because this is really one of my favorite casts in videogames
Ganbare-gumi ei ei ohhhh

Fun game showing Kodaka and Uchikoshi move away from death games. The story is interesting and feels like a fun road trip with a group of classmates with some cool twists as is typical with both directors. Character designs are really cute and easily recognizable from pokemon sun/moon games. All of this gets weighed down by how shit the game feels to play however most of this likely because it was made for mobile as well. Still a good game overall.

Cute game with an interesting story held back by absolutely tedious gameplay

Oh my god i love this game so much

Gameplay is painfully mediocre and the story underwhelming. Does some neat things but was overall disappointed with it as a fan of both Kodaka and Uchikoshi. sorry

I wanted to like this game more than I did. It’s really charming with a great story and amazing characters. The gameplay is really dull though

simple lil story
another i have found memory of because my review of it did well on youtube (for my low standards)

Genuinely love this game so much. Wish more people would play it instead of just dismissing it due to the style and E10+ age rating...

The story is all plot twists, play this NOW

yes this is the first game i finished in 2023
Story is sweet, nothing spectacular but not everything has to be, I enjoyed myself
Gameplay sucks so bad though

only redeeming quality is the art

over the top sci-fi bullshit (derogatory)

(through tears) even if the world comes to an end, the go-getters club will never fall apart

If you want a quick summary: it’s anime the game. Almost everything is voiced, the characters & story are typical, you have robots, the world ending, kids saving the day, the power of friendship, tons of twists and more. It’s well told and I ended up liking the characters despite that style of story telling not being my thing. Also, the Japanese voice actors did an excellent job. The gameplay is the weaker part. There isn’t much there but it’s still basic and mediocre. It also doesn’t help that one hit kills you instantly. There are frequent checkpoints to compensate for that at least. It has some platforming sections with very simple puzzles and fights, including bosses, in between. But the majority of the game is voiced cutscenes. There are some collectibles in the gameplay sections but they’re very easy to spot. Even though the gameplay is the weakest part, I still prefer its inclusion for variety. Being a fan of anime is a strong criteria for liking the game. If you don’t enjoy that style, then the game is not going to change your mind. If you’re fan of the style and genre (the story being the focus), then this is a decent game.

The game has a good story but the "gameplay" is very lackluster. I enjoyed my time with it but I don't think I'll play it again for a while. Honestly if you have Apple Arcade its probably best to try and play it that way.

Goddamn this game is BAD. Bait and fucking switch. This is from the minds of Kodaka (Danganronpa) and Uchikoshi (Zero Escape). Either they are hack frauds or were forced to create a steaming pile of shit.

If you know who made this you already have an idea of what exactly you're getting into.

Yes, World's End Club is developed with kids in mind, you can see that in the very simple gameplay. The controls can be a bit rough at times, but that doesn't take away from the experience.

The world, story and characters are all top notch and shouldn't be passed up because it looks like a "kids game"

I enjoyed this game more than I thought I would. Despite the simple platforming and gameplay, the characters and story perfectly made up for it. Which I guess shouldn't be a surprise coming from the creators of the Danganronpa and Zero Escape series. I recommend giving this game a chance if you like either one of those series.

I really enjoyed the story and 90% of the characters.
Some twists were really predictable but there were some really neat surprises, and when some scenes get emotional, they really get emotional and endearing.
There are some Kotaro Uchikochi trademarks in this as I expected, but thankfully not a lot of innuendos at first glance.
The gameplay is unfortunately nothing special, collectibles are useless, but did love the final bosses and the atmosphere.

Despite the incredibly clunky gameplay and lackluster localization this is still a really charming game: the story has a lot of heart and features one of my favorite takes on a classic Uchikoshi twist. Take's character designs are great and the soundtrack is fantastic.

you get awesome highs and vomit-inducing lows mixing together for the most mid shit of all time. still better than vlr tho

'Hyper-ultra super-duper poe poe amazing' game with surprising turns in plot. However a little confused with the target age demographic as there's swearing but asides from that it feels like it's a story written for a child.

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Odeio odeio odeio quando introduzem um personagem novo, tem 0 desenvolvimento E envolvimento na história, aí chega no final "Ahhhhh se vocês derrotarem o vilão eu morro junto" BROTHER EU NÃO TE CONHEÇO COMO QUE ISSO VAI ME AFETAR EMOCIONALMENTE.

Além disso o jogo usa uma fórmula de desenho infantil que todas as intrigas se resolvem com o poder da amizade, meh.