Reviews from

in the past

The Arsenal Bird fight is one of the best moments in any game ever. Also goddamn the music in this one kicks ass.

Fantastic missions, an amazing soundtrack, beautiful graphics, incredibly fun new mechanics and references that are sure to make any fan of the series smile, however, it isn't without its flaws, the story is nowhere near as good as 5 or Zero's (although still quite fun on its own) and it's difficulty is rather underwhelming, make sure to play on hard at first and give it a replay on ace.

ahora jugar esta mas guapo pero las misiones no estan tan guapas y abusa un poco de poder poner un millon de enemigos

My first foray into the series and its still going for a reason. Once you get used to the controls it is a blast. Some missions can be annoying. The DLC campaign is better than the whole game.

O jogo é bonito, muitas naves e algumas personalizações. Me lembra da época em que eu jogava no PS2, joguei somente por isso. Abandonei na última missão do jogo.

I enjoy this game a lot I know story is somewhat lacking compared to previous titles like Ace Combat Zero and AC5 which were amazing stories. I mainly play this game for its music since that is one or the main things this game is known for.

As a huge fan of Ace Combat and flight combat games in general, I was extremely excited to try this game. However, I was quickly disappointed. One of the major draws for me is the quasi-near future setting mixed with outlandish technology. The missions of Ace Combat are generally over the top with massive floating jet airships and unrealistic combat scenarios. Ace Combat 7 appears to do away with that and focuses on relatively realistic combat scenarios that are boring and slogs to get through. In addition, the checkpoint and mission failure systems are incredibly punishing, often resulting in losing a significant amount of progress.

Beautiful graphics, rock solid performance, and top notch production values are not enough to save this game for me and while I might pick it up again, I can't see myself slogging through the mud to get to the end of the story.

2° Ace Combat que eu jogo (primeiro foi no PS2)
É um bom jogo, a gameplay é bem feita, tem gráficos bonitos e a trilha sonora é sensacional. A história é ok.
Algumas partes são frustrantes de maneira ruim, e as melhores missões do jogo tão nas 3 DLCs.

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Ace Combat back in excellent form with the exciting arcadey gameplay, phenomenal music, and cheesy writing you've come to expect with some outstanding visuals. The multiplayer is pretty nuts too. I'd have to say I enjoyed the story of Zero more and there were some annoying parts in the missions but overall it was an outstanding experience with tons of heart-pounding moments like the dogfights with mikhaly, uniting the osean and erusian forces, dropping the shield on the arsenal bird, launching as the independent 3 Strikes squadron, and flying out through the space elevator. A brilliant return to form for one of the best video game series.

Enjoying it so far, just feels a little dialogue heavy.

fucking awesome, the soundtrack always hits the right spots

Solid flight simulator at basic glance

Memories of playing Ace Combat X on my PSP, finally being old enough to know about the planes I'm flying and how to dogfight. Spending a lot of time watching people on youtube doing crazy cool stunts and trying to replicate them myself. Very much recommend if your craving that ace pilot power trip

Sadly wasn't my kind of game, but I definitely see how others enjoy this so much. Also cool that it had VR features; feeling like you're actually in a plane was kinda dope.

it's good! it doesn't quite reach the heights of the golden era of 4 5 and zero but it comes very close. daredevil is one of the greatest musical arrangements in video game history

Entertaining arcade game with a healthy dose of Japanese drama and twists. Overall, I enjoyed it but probably won't play the campaign again in a hurry.

Not only is this one of the best games in the series but also one of the best games in the entire eighth gen.

Would be a 3-and-a-half if it wasn't for the DLC missions.

Another great entry to the franchise after about a decade of hiatus. Can't wait for more.

"Então eu finalmente soube... Eu entendi o motivo pelo qual ele não tinha interesse em retornar a glória do seu antigo país, e pelo qual ele não se interessava por nada que acontecia no chão. É claro... O reino de Mihaly era o céu."

Ace Combat 7 é simplesmente o melhor jogo de avião que eu já joguei em toda a minha vida.

i never even really liked star fox anyways

medio fuma la historia pero bueno

retrasaron este juego solo para acabar una canción, con eso digo todo sobre la OST

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It's Ace Combat baby, what more do I have to say. This time it's Attack of the Drones mixed with Revenge of the Belkans, with a Ace battle, conspiracies, and snarky prisoner pilots thrown in between. Ain't much has changed from the last game, but what it does still works wonders.

A amazing game. Perfect for those who want a Top Gun or Mecha anime experience.

Playing this with a keyboard and a mouse was super unfortunate. I feel like you, at the very least, need a game controller for this game to really enjoy it, or even better, a decent joystick. The story is completely interchangeable with Top Gun: Maverick's last 45 minutes; cool fight scenes with anonymous baddies. And did I mention this game is VERY Japanese.

Armored Core with planes is still kino as fuck.

Excelente como todos os outros. O gameplay é excelente com várias armas criativas e balanceadas. A história é muito boa, com missões com o esquadrão da prisão, que muda completamente a dinâmica, até missão de stealth, porém, não tem missões tão malucas quanto algumas do Ace Combat 3, na qual vc lutava na estratosfera e também numa cidade subterrânea.

Algo que pode ser chato na campanha é o excesso de elogios para o jogador, mas até isso tem um motivo nas ultimas missões que faz valer a pena.

Joguei até as missões extras (que seriam DLC), e ainda tem opção de jogar online, mas não cheguei a testar. Acredito ser o melhor jogo do gênero.