Reviews from

in the past

Everytime I tried to playthrough this game, something happens and I end up losing all my progress. Someday I'll get around to beat it.

this game's controls completely mindbroke me

what the fuck

I'll be playing this more probably but my hands are hurting rn ☠

adorable game but very not fun for me to play with the tank controls, I will come back to this hopefully before ac6 drops but only time will tell

Really solid PS1 game held back by some understandable jank and a hard learning curve.

I got filtered hard by the controls first I tried the game but once I got used to them the game becomes addicting but the controls are still limiting in a bad way and I'm not sure if this formula is for me, still great a game

Surprisingly tight, as mission variety is really great, whatsoever some enemies end up being too short cus enemies have too little health or they simply are too easy to k!ll.
Also the final level is ASS.

first ac game and one of better entry

It's pretty cool, has an interesting story. Takes time to get used to the controls but It's quite a bit more enjoyable when you manage that as well upgrading your mech. Last level sucks though.

It was a mechanically strange yet atmospherically enticing game. Once you get your head around the controls it's kind of a blast, and the customisation is satisfying to no end. The story is subtly told but it's there, and it is fascinating. Definitely has me keen to check out more of the series in the preamble to VI's release

Empieza la saga que le daría de comer a From durante más de una década, antes de que empezasen a ponerse místicos con las hogueras y la tristeza.

Frenético y ambicioso para la época.

Los controles son lo que volvieron loco a Artorias.

Good solid base to build further upon. There's plenty of small aspects of this game that illustrate just how 'first entry' of a first entry it is, and I found that pretty charming.

The main gameplay loop of taking missions, occasionally being dripfed emails, and upgrading your AC while experimenting with new pieces was awesome and definitely made the game. It's for that reason that I was a bit sad that this felt like it dropped off for much of the later portion of the game, as a big part of the draw to the game for me was effectively lost.

I was still experimenting then, yes, but it never felt like I was getting any better results than before, often even worse ones. At the same time, though, I never really felt like my build was at its peak. I don't mean a meta build or some objective best build or anything -- I just mean one that felt like it hit all of my personal requirements and preferences. Regardless, the modularity of the mech building in the game was a treat. The menus for doing so and for buying parts were a wee bit clunky but nothing to complain about.

The core in-mission gameplay, meanwhile, was very erratic in its quality but I don't really mind. I definitely preferred the missions that didn't have enemy ACs or arena fights as fighting those felt pretty underwhelming and boring compared to actually going through maps and completing specific goals. Thankfully, the majority of the missions were firmly in my preferred camp, and getting to test out new parts in each was a blast to be sure.

I didn't really have a huge problem with the controls, and being able to rebind them within the game was both a welcome surprise and a helpful one. I adjusted mine to feel more like a mix between an FPS and a kart racer and from there things were pretty intuitive. The actual camera speed was hilariously off and the camera itself was far too zoomed in but otherwise things felt pretty natural.

The background narrative (and its occasional foreground appearances) was a lot of fun for what it was. I don't tend to be sucked into dystopian futuristic settings but even so I found the interplay between massive megacorps to be fun to fuck around with, especially as it seemed that your mission choices mattered. I tried to play pretty balanced in that sense just to take both of the main ones down as far as possible before one finally toppled, which was both satisfying and just cool to plan around. The style of story progression through the player's mercenary work in missions was well executed and enjoyable, resembling a much more focused version of another game series I enjoy -- PMD, of all things!

Armored Core has a ton of small things holding it back from being a truly amazing game, but I could easily see this being someone's Perfect Seven as it is. It was an enjoyable time for much of its run and even the weaker parts weren't damning. It just has plenty of room for improvement which I'm all but certain later entries did. As I said, it's a great base and there's nowhere to go but up from it. Probably.

This was fun, really enjoyed it. Controls took some getting used to, but the game feels good. Had some cool tunes here n there. I can see how people got sucked into this when it came out. Alot here for a PS1 game. A true "classic".

Awfully balanced in the player's favor almost entirely and only the last mission actually cares about your build. My AC was half default parts by the end.

This is really solid, but the last level is biased towards light, fast mechs due to vertical platforming being a necessity. Probably my only complaint; I was running fast on-the-ground heavily armored AC's with lots of firepower and had to switch up to complete the game.


As one of the many diving into this series after the announcement of ACVI, my expectations were minimal but my excitement was high.

Armored Core is a customizable mech fighting game, featured in a dystopian future where both government and militia organizations are all over the world. You are one of the lucky few joining the Ravens, a for-hire mercenary group going wherever the money is greenest. Not much to say past that, other than it's a masochistic, self-fulfilling cycle of fighting, repairing, earning, only to flip it right back on customizing your sweet, sweet mechanized suit of armor.

If you're familiar with the Souls Series, Fromsoft's breakout mega-hit in the last few years, you'll see parallels between the companies modern-day hits and this very first endeavor into early gaming. There is minimal hand-holding in this game, prepare to be fighting for your life from the get-go with the mindset that you will learn through dying.

Armored Core even in its first iteration is a fantastic game, but the controls are something to be aware of. Created in the era of PS1 gaming, this game wasn't created with Analog Stick support. That's right baby, nothing but the good old left and right bumpers for strafing, D-PAD for turning + moving forward and backward, and the LEFT AND RIGHT triggers for LOOKING UP AND DOWN.

Insanity, however I just forced myself to look at it as the first mech's made by humanity in the AC timeline being harder to control and getting easier as the technology gets better. I have no idea if that tracks as I haven't looked into any of the future games at all just yet, but it definitely helped me deal with the ridiculous controls.

Anyway, I'm tired of writing this review, the games idle screen has been playing on repeat for about 15 minutes now and let me say, definitely check out the music in the "DEMO PLAYING..." cinematic because my god does it slap.

This game was really rough starting off but after I got my bearings with the controls and equipment I started having a lot of fun. I still feel like I was mostly stumbling through the game but those moments of lucidity that had me styling on enemies were really satisfying. The whole game is admittedly really repetitive but I somehow managed to stay engaged. It's probably because of the potential for customization and working towards the next upgrade.

The game could definitely explain things to you better. In fact, it really doesn't explain anything at all. I was diving through guides for a pretty significant amount of time, which likely removed a lot of friction. I'd probably like the game a lot less if I hadn't done so. The last level of the game is insanity and came very close to making me close and just watch the ending. I understood most of the story but it was conveyed terribly outside of emails and mission descriptions.

Had some fun. Will consider playing the sequels.

This game is so janky and broken and and feels kinda bad to control except I fucking love it except for that platforming level at the end what the absolute fuck was that


Got filtered so hard and ended up with a -30k balance before I even got a chance to get used to controls :(

Will probably give this game (or another entry in the franchise) another chance as the setting and presentation intrigues me.

Este juego para ser el primer titulo los desarrolladores supieron aprovechar el hardware de la ps1 de manera muy inteligente, en modelar los modelos de diseños de niveles y de los mechas al 3D con una ampliación muy vista y amplia en una cámara al aire libre con jugabilidad en tercera persona y un esquema de control tanque para que los desarrolladores acentúen controles muy a lo resident evil y el resultado les salió bien. Con unas misiones sencillas pero entretenidas pero que no arruinan el pacing y con un buen posicionamiento de enemigos. También que la mecanica de «fijar en blanco a un enemigo» funciona muy bien con la cohesión del control tanque para fijar a alguien en concreto sobre todo en oleadas de enemigos que funciona muy bien esta mecánica de juego y hace que no sea tan injusto. Les recomiendo probar este título para los que quieran jugar este juego.

Played through this game and it's two sequels on the Steam deck for the first time, really enjoyed all 3 games. Aged very well for PS1 games. Excited to check out the rest of the series in anticipation for the release of Armored Core 6.

I'll preface by saying I gave up on the last mission and watched the ending on youtube. I spent what felt like an hour trying and failing that bullshit platforming section. Besides that, I think the rest of the game is pretty solid despite some repetitive environments and missions.

The first thing that stood out to me was the world of the game. I definintely recommend reading the manual first for gameplay and story setup. You play as a member of the mercenary group: Raven. They take on any mission for money, and, in a limited sense, you get to choose how the story goes in which missions you choose to take. If you're trying to be a good guy, it can be hard to choose as no mattter which mission you choose, there's generally someone nefarious who would benefit. You get the first taste of this where your first choice is either killing squatters or killing striking workers.

The gameplay itself is a bit awkward to get used to. There is no analog stick support so moving is handled by the d-pad and the shoulder buttons. I'll be honest that I never really got used to the controls fully through my time playing the game. That being said, you can pull of some sick moves, and I was suprised at points with how it felt to move and fight.

Yeah, pretty good game. I'm interested to see how the future games change the formula.

Wollte nun schon seit Jaaaahren in dieses Franchise reinkommen. Und nachdem mich die Ps3 Spiele hoffnungslos überforderten, hab ich es mit Teil 1 probiert. Und damit hats geklappt.

Ich liebe das Setting des Spiels. Vor jedem Level mein Equipment zu bestimmen war schon immer lowkey eines meiner Lieblingsfeatures von Spielen und auch wenn es hier noch einiges an Ausbaubedarf kriegt, nail'd Armored Core seine zentrale Mechanik im ersten Versuch zuminendest gut genug.

Aber auch was die Wahl der Aufträge die so eintrudeln angeht.
Hilt man jetzt den Firmen die am wenigsten shady klingen? Macht man das was man fürs beste hält? Oder ignoriert man all das und macht lieber was am besten zahlt, oder am einfachsten klingt? Schließlich greifen Fehlschläge tief in die Tasche.
An einer Stelle bekommt man dann zwei Aufträge rein: "Zerstöre diese Fabrik" und "Beschütze unsere Fabrik". Beide locken mit der selben Bezahlung und eine von beiden muss man annehmen. Machst du das was ethischer klingt? Oder von der Firma kommt der du mehr vertraust? Also, ich hab mich für das entschieden was leichter klang...

Es ist ein Spiel über die Hölle namens Gig Economy, und wie man trotz aller größten Mühen nur gerade so über die Runden kommt, da jeder lukrative Gewinn durch hohe Laufkosten gar nicht mehr so lukrativ ist.

Der größte Kritikpunkt an AC1 ist eigentlich wie das Spiel noch nicht genug damit macht.Von wegen es hat großartige Themes, macht mit seinem Setting und der Story dann aber nicht genug und fizzeled irgendwann in nonsense aus.
Und auch was die costumization vom Core angeht, gibt es noch nicht genug Optionen. Wobei es schon "Optionen" gibt, von denen so viele aber überflüssig oder ganz klar schlechter als andere Optionen sind.
Dass z.B. Beine sehr clunky sind und viele Waffen nicht zulassen, sorgt dafür dass in einem Spiel über Bipedal Mechs die Bipdal Mechs die schlechteste Option ist. Und das war ja nicht gerade das Ziel.

Ach und, das finale Level ist absoluter Schrott.
Die Journey geht weiter.

It’s really surprising how well this holds up. The controls take some time to get used to and some of the missions are super annoying, but I started falling in love once I got into the swings of things. I was also surprised to see how much of what I liked about AC6 is in this first game fully-formed. All it’s really missing is the arena. (And a final mission that doesn’t make me scream in agony.)

This review contains spoilers

the platforming in the final mission highlights how the much the movement could be improved

This is some of the best produced content at the time alongside the expansions. Not just for what they did as games, but what they brought to the genre and the subsequent entries in the series, from the customization, combat, environmental variety, music, and narrative, they really went all out to deliver something that they would be proud of.

An absolute classic. Redifined forever the Mecha genre