Reviews from

in the past

So my nostalgia for this is kinda ruined now.

What was once my favorite AC game, and the reason I got into the series, is now kinda….not great? The pacing is fuckin terrible, you spend half of the game in a tutorial thats a slog, in addition to bullshit trailing missions now theres bullshit eavesdropping missions which are even worse, and the story while interesting on the surface (the founding fathers dont know what the fuck theyre doing! the native american people got fucked over! Gotta hear both sides!) it seems real rushed because half the game is about fooling you about what Haytham is, and who could possibly care. Connor is annoyingly naive and too stoic though I guess that makes sense in context of who hes supposed to be. The modern day stuff kinda came together though, I sorta understand what the point of it all was. Its really gone off the rails in the, like, 6 games since this, but the stuff with Desmond was pretty ok at the very least in retrospect. RIP Desmond, you saved the world but you destroyed the future of modern day.

Gameplay wise its pretty much the same as the last 3 but now you have a tomahawk and it fuckin rules. Idk why but just fuckin hacking at people is so much better than using a sword. I didnt do a lot of the naval missions just because I know I have 4 coming up in a bit here and theyre a lot better there. The Homestead stuff is good, having a home base that you can grow is a thing I love in basically every game. The economy is terrible, crafting and trading sucks and costs too much money with not enough ways to make it. and the Underground is pointless. Theres not enough climbing and jumping puzzles.

In terms of the remaster, a lot of it looks better (general environments and textures) but a lot of the character models and especially the animals look terrible and plastic.

There were elements of a good game in here, and I wanted it to all sync up but alas. Probably still the best of the last gen games so far though. Fuck I want the tomahawk in every game.

Now onto the Tyranny of King Washington (Counting it as a seperate game i dont care) and then Liberation, which will probably benefit a lot from the remaster treatment.

TYRANNY OF KING WASHINGTON: Had I just played this linearly, straight through the story missions, this wouldve been great. Its a super interesting concept, and it introduces neat gameplay elements that wouldve made some of the sloggiest parts of the main game a whole lot better. But I ran around trying to do the little radiant quests that popped up, and open treasure chests, and all this other shit, compounded with the fact that part one is during the winter in the snow which is extremely prohibitive to the spirit of these games made it a real unenjoyable experience until I started actually playing the story.

only 3 more of these fuckin games left then I’m free from this prison

LIBERATION: This game introduced a lot of interesting mechanics that have since been abandoned and I rushed through it

overall narrative is garbage, both the present day events and revolutionary america have pretty flat characters and terrible writing. the voice acting can be okay but at times verges on comical.

encountered a ton of glitches with this too, some minor stuff but a couple of times getting stuck in geometry or falling through walls which forced me to restart missions. wouldn’t be too bad if this wasn’t a remaster of 7 year old game, i would have expected these to be ironed out by now.

the setting (the reason i play these games) is well developed, but not as compelling as renaissance italy or revolutionary france.

the gameplay loop is good, and i actually really like the combat system of the earlier assassin’s creed games, but some of the tailing, chasing, and eavesdropping missions are incredibly monotonous, nor did i really find the ship captaining very fun.

overall pretty mediocre, though i kind of expected as much. is the side content for this supposed to be good? i never found myself itching to do any of it.

visually, meh.
gameplay wise, good.
narrative, story, sucks.
constant cutscene interruption.

Meu Deus que lixo, como que eles conseguiram fazer um jogo tão chato?

same shit as i said before. 10/10

I Don't Play the non remastered so i can't really comment on the difference. cool new concept for homesteads and sailing is kinda fun.

Ritmo truncado, cenas sem peso e emoção, talvez o jogo mais fraco da franquia

Bounced off it the first few times due to the long opening, but surprisingly quite good. The American frontier is so fun to explore and the snow mechanics are great. The towns feel like outposts in the best ways. The American Indian influences are great. The combat is simple, but visceral in a satisfying way. However, the climbing, moving around, and story can all falter at times.

By far my least in the series so far. Worst story, worst characters (though Haythan and Charles Lee were pretty good), somehow the most frustrating parkour, and the less visually interesting world.

Graphics is very good although sometimes the execution fails in the form of glitchy animation. The aesthetic at some parts of the game is quite bland. Other times though it can be visually pleasing, especially at the city sections. The story are quite alright but sometimes very awkward in delivery. Gameplay mechanics might get repetitive but mission structure are different enough to maintain engagement.

Creo que está algo infravalorado, y con ese final ya nomás toca ponerse a ver videos de lore a lo wey. El remaster si se siente medio innecesario y con hartos bugs visuales.
Sombras a lo wey != Remaster.

So.. you may be wondering "half a star? Seriously?" and yup. It was super buggy, super ugly and the frame rate is dire. Right from the start I had bugs when the free-running would break, or character models were so poorly upscaled that they looked genuinely horrifying. Not to mention all the walking and talking, it was like RDR2 again. Just mindlessly moving forward while someone talks about stuff.

In short, an awful remaster that's very buggy and ugly. Genuinely not worth the effort.

very underrated AC game.
some people find start of game boring but i liked it.
combat in this game is sooooo good.
connor is kinda bad protagonist but also overhated.
campaing is awsome with good story and characters.
campaing is also great gameplaywise.
world in this game is also very good

They fixed the remaster I guess.

Good story, glitchy gameplay. - Platinumed.

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my favorite part was benjamin franklin talking about milfs

but for real i wish you could skip missions after failing them a certain amount of times (yeah stealth/eavesdropping and attack but not kill enemies missions i'm looking at you)

this is so fiddly and unfocused as to be incredibly annoying. killing anglos is always fun tho.

Among all of the AC games I've played, this probably had the weirdest story to me. The constant time change to intersect with American history seemed like terrible writing and it made Conors transformation from a boy to an assassin disappointing. There was no training scenes, montages, he became an assassin just like that. Moreover, I'm not sure if this might just be me and my unfamiliarity with the controls but the parkour sucked ass. I quite liked AC 4 parkour better, but the setting in AC 3 would have been the best for parkour.
When I first played this game, I had an open conscience, no reviews, no recommendations, no expectations. Perhpaps all I was expecting was to have fun. In the end, it was disappointing to me. I didn't like the characters, the plot, the parkour. Even Haythams end fight was terrible. In spite of playing as him and seeing how he could easily storm a fort, his fight with Connor was humiliating. When I say a game could have had potential, I probably Ean this game.

This ended up growing on me story-wise (specifically around Sequence 8, when it gets a little more personal), but I still think Connor is one of the weaker protagonists this series has ever had, and I find the open world to be a chore to get around. I didn't really do any side content because I didn't like interacting with the world.

Not as bad as some people claim.

A great Assassins Creed no doubt. It's a great entry in the franchise, compared to what comes after the first 6 games (Assassins Creed, Assassins Creed 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, III, IV: Black Flag) Everything that has come after has drop in quality.
But this definitely is not a bad entry in the franchise, just not as good as it's predecessor 2 and it's successor IV: Black Flag. Still better than Syndicate and anything is better than Unity lol.

Bastante sorprendente, y con ideas Interesantes. Fácilmente mi favorito de la saga. Salvó por los horrorosos bugs.

Great game. This game is one of those games that did things that were new to games. Never really got why people hated it so much, because I really liked everything about it. Graphics, story, sound, gameplay, the gunplay/swordplay was magnificent.

Maybe the story wasn't THAT good, but still, it wasn't bad either. Especially the time it was set to, I really liked everything about it.

Would definitely replay again for the 3rd time!

A disappointing entry in the Assassin's Creed franchise. The story was mediocre and Connor has the emotional depth of a brick wall. He's such a non-charismatic character that every on-screen interaction he's in puts you to sleep. I cannot fathom how Ubisoft went from Ezio, who is arguably one of the best main characters in any videogame, to... Connor.

One of the reasons why the game feels less interesting is probably the setting itself. 18th century America felt less interesting than Renaissance Italy or 16th century Constantinople. I also feel like the art direction was a downgrade from the Ezio games. Everything looks so boring now.

I'm not sure if i should owe it to the Ramaster or the original game, but even the controls are weird now. The one button parkour system is definitely more accessible but i don't think it's implemented here as well as it could have. Connor jumps in the opposite direction of where you pointed him to go even if the game promises this won't happen often. There are these really tall trees in the frontier that you have to climb to reveal the map but it's such a pain in the ass. Sometimes Connor slips and falls for no reason and you have to climb all the way up again. And when you do finally get to the top with great effort, the entire screen will be filled with leaves and twigs that it's impossible to see what's on the ground which makes it impossible to pinpoint which direction to jump. And more often than not, these leap of faiths results in your premature death. There's also a pointless and overly complex in-game economy in here for some reason which doesn't matter at all. It's just there. And I'm pretty sure most people will avoid it.

I assume most of these issues are not that difficult to fix, yet they remain in the remastered version. In fact i think some of these issues were not this prominent in the original game. I'm pretty sure the remaster may have broke the game further with the amount of bugs I'm noticing. The biggest change in the remastered version is the lighting engine that tries to make it look more realistic like the newer games. But it does not suit this game at all. It looks nice in outdoor levels like the frontier. But characters in cutscenes sometimes looks slightly worse than they did before. And some indoor areas get so dark you can't see anything and sometimes a lamp or a bulb gets so bright... you can't see anything.

This is not to say the game doesn't have anything going for it. The homestead missions are nice. The characters are all fun and colourful and it's nice to see the community grow little by little. The hunting missions and the frontiersmen missions are fun. But my favourites have to be the naval missions and the Peg Leg missions. I appreciate the game for trying a lot of new things and taking some risks, but sadly only a few of these stick the landing.

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Ever since 8th grade, I’ve wanted to play this game. The release coincided with my American History unit in school (one of my favorite historical eras) and for whatever reason I was so hyped to experience this game and was the main reason I wanted to play through the entire series in the first place. After playing the game however, it is rife with serious flaws that’s almost ruin the experience.

The twist of Haytham being a Templar is one of the greatest reveals in the series, but the pacing of the story is so awful. You go for 6-7 hours playing as Haytham with pretty boring tailing / stealth missions only for the game to practically restart when you start playing as Conner and many of the games tutorials repeat as the story rebuilds it’s momentum. This leads to imho one of the clumsiest and sluggish first acts in modern gaming.

Once you are set loose upon the open world however, the activities can be so fun. Sailing and naval battles are added here, and while Black Flag would expand upon this mechanic greatly, it’s fully functional and super fun here and some of the games best missions involve it. I felt the process of unlocking fast travel points through the tunnel systems throughout New England was far too arduous a task and disrupted the flow heavily, so I didn’t bother for the most part. Hunting in the country side is simple but fun and selling pelts to trappers and starting your own trading business has fun advantages.

When the story finally reaches a head, the conflict between Haytham and Conner is settled far too quickly to feel satisfying and the game ends somewhat abruptly (check out Conners deleted final monologue on YouTube if you can, it would’ve added so much to the story and themes if they had decided to keep it in the game). This is also where I stopped caring about the modern day story as I felt Desmond’s death was handled so badly it killed any motivation I had to keep up with the present day timeline.

Despite all of this, stealth and combat is a lot more fun in this game and there are still plenty of missions worth playing through and the remastered version smooths over some gameplay quirks of the OG release (plus all the DLC), so this game gets a cautious recommendation from me if you’re a fan of the series or the colonial/revolutionary time period.

A história do jogo é muito boa, a primeira da franquia a explorar mais a fundo a discussão filosófica de seu universo. Deixando pra trás aquela pegada de assassino bom e templário mal, aqui nada é preto no branco, tudo tem tons de cinza. Haythan pra mim é a síntese disso, não irei elaborar por motivos de spoiler, mas o personagem é uma baita adição a história do jogo e da franquia em geral.

Muito se diz que Connor é um personagem ruim e sem carisma, principalmente quando comparado a Ezio Auditore, protagonista dos jogos anteriores. Devo dizer que discordo, em partes. Connor de fato não é um poço de carisma, mas acredito que isso faça total sentido devido a história do personagem, e sinceramente? Acho ótimo que ele não seja uma cópia de Ezio, ele vive em um mundo completamente diferente do italiano, cobrar isso de Connor pra mim não faz sentido. Não o acho melhor, nem pior, apenas diferente.

Mas nem tudo são flores, o principal problema desse jogo num geral é seu ritmo, ele demora muito pra engrenar, senti que o jogo só me liberou pra aproveitar tudo que ele tem a oferecer lá pelas 10h de gameplay. Dando a sensação de arrastado até ali pra depois jogar tudo em você de uma vez. Acho que poderiam ter deixado isso mais orgânico.

Em relação a gameplay, temos a implementação do sistema de caça, onde você pode conseguir peles pra trocar por itens ou vender pra conseguir uma grana. Bem simples, mas funcional. Outra novidade muito bem vinda foram as missões navais, que geralmente envolvem explorar uma ilha ou entrar em um combate de navios. Tem até uma série de missões sobre um tesouro misterioso. Foi uma bela adição ao jogo e a franquia.

O sistema de recrutar assassinos está de volta, porém com alguns upgrades. Aqui, temos apenas 6, porém cada um tem sua história e uma habilidade única. O que adiciona mais maneiras de abordagem nos conflitos.

Também temos a volta do "minigame" de gerenciar lojas/vilas, porém dessa vez, cuidamos de uma fazenda. É de longe o melhor até aqui, pois semelhante ao que aconteceu com o sistema de recrutamento de assassinos, aqui também se preocuparam em dar uma história pras pessoas que você emprega. E não é qualquer coisa não, tem literalmente uma série de missões só sobre a fazenda e as pessoas que lá vivem. Recomendo a todos que as façam. Diferente dos outros jogos, a fazenda não te dá renda passiva, porém, os moradores fazem itens que você pode usar pra vender ou construir equipamentos melhores.

No mais, temos missões secundárias de assassinato, facções, entrega de cartas, coletaveis, tudo aquilo que você espera de um jogo da franquia.

Boston e Nova Iorque não são meus mapas preferidos da saga, mas a ambientação deles é boa. Elogiar isso é chover no molhado nessa franquia. Mas confesso que gostei muito mais das florestas da Fronteira e da calmaria da Fazenda kkkkk.

No geral, diria que AC3 é um jogo subestimado, tem seus defeitos, porém longe de ser a atrocidade que ouvia falar. Minha experiência de modo geral foi muito boa.

Very fun, but the mechanics where a bit off , really liked the story tho.