Reviews from

in the past

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i really don't know what to think about this game. on one hand it's my favorite in the series while on the other it's my least favorite. i think it does a lot of things right gameplay wise, even though some of the changes were hard to adjust to. the story is ok up until the absolutely awful ending, complete waste of the multiverse concept and felt like a spit in the face to fans of the series. i think overall it's a good game but it feels like a lot of things were introduced to set up a sequel

It's....fine. Idk it's still fun to play but somehow it feels even weaker than 2? The characters feel really poorly written and it's just kinda boring in places?

More Bayonetta = Amazing
Stinky Switch = Madge

ok what happened

the first two games were great like they nailed the combat action in the first game and the second game too, even tho some people have differing opinions on which game is better, but both bayonetta 1 and 2 are solid games, 3 is bad like it straight up sucks i don't know how they messed it up this badly but it's BAD, i'm not one to analyze or is even like a hardcore action game player but WOW this game messes up SO MUCH

nothing in the story drew me in or felt interesting, same with characters, bayonetta doesn't really feel like herself that much like she was so cool but now she's kinda sometimes cool but sometimes weird idk feels like she's way off character at times, if there's one thing i really wanted from this game was just to see bayonetta be cool and stuff cause i love her so much but nah she's just blegh now, i can’t tell if it’s because she has a new voice actress but some lines didn’t land right, and i get sooooo uncomfortable whenever she calls viola kitty ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; viola felt like she could have been a cool character but i feel like they messed her up a bit, like i get she was supposed to be a contrast to how cool bayo is with her not being confident and sometimes goofy, but it feels so forced that it doesn't feel right somehow, like i wish she was goofy but in a serious way but they just really PUSHED it to her feeling and looking incompetent in cutscenes, also i really don't like how during fights she sounds a bit whiny sometimes it's kinda grating ;;;;;;

gameplay-wise ugggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it feels like this game is TRYING to be bayonetta but doesn't have the soul of bayonetta, which doesn't make any sense because this IS a bayonetta game from the same company like ???????????????? bayonetta feels kinda fine and idk if it's just me but i found myself not using a variety of combos like i did in bayo 1 and 2, the inclusion of playable infernal demons sounded so cool but it ruins the flow of combat SO MUCH, with how much health bigger enemies and bosses have, you kinda need to use the infernal demons because they dish out more damage, and i wouldn't complain if they were fun, like i love madama butterfly but i'd rather stick playing as just bayonetta since all infernal demons have a much smaller moveset and are slow anyways, also the torture attacks aren't cool anymore, you can only do them when you stun an enemy using an infernal demon and then isn't much variety i only saw three different ones and bleeeeeeh idk, not only that, there just isn't as much oomf in bayo's attacks for some reason, i love the animations tho i wish there was an animation test to watch them all without all the effects, anyways the infernal demons kinda suck they're not really fun and they don't add much fun to the game at all

now about viola........................... her moveset sucks how did this happen............................................. like one button is for slicing, and then another is for throwing the sword and like ????????? WHY???????????? it doesn't feel like it connects well and feels slower and sluggish compared to bayonetta's moveset and honestly i keep sonic the werehog scream sfx whenever i have to play as her, her infernal demon cheshire comes out from viola's sword and attacks on their own like you don't control them but they have a limited radius of where to move based on where you summoned them, which is fine whatever i guess but somehow because of that viola feels better to play as without a sword???????? like just point towards the enemy, press r twice and mash the x button and hear her go "ARARARARARARARARARARA" and it feels kinda fun HUASYDGVWHJEFHW, she still isn't fun to play as tho, i like her running speed tho

also the chapters are split into threes, so i guess i’ll call say each arc has 3 chapters, these arcs usually have a unique boss at the end of the third chapter, which usually has you controlling an infernal demon but in an entirely different way, like it’s not the combat you play but instead a unique battle for that scenario, they suck ;;;;;;;; like the first one was HORRIBLE, GENUINELY ATROCIOUS WHO LOOKED AT THIS AND THOUGHT IT WAS OKAY?????? anyways they some of them were kinda interesting as a concept but none of them were really “fun”, each time you gotta check the new controls and then try to figure out how to win and just stop please omigosh this sucks uggghhhhh, also in between each arc, you get a (mandatory) side-story chapter where you play as jeanne, they’re like 2d stealth platformer thingy which is kinda cool in concept but again it sucks ;;;;;;;; the level design just doesn’t feel good to control jeanne and it feels like a 3d game being forced to be 2d and like i wish they made ONE good and solid gameplay style before making a buncha others, bayonetta isn’t as fun as she used to be, her infernal demons aren’t fun, the final bosses for each arc aren’t fun, viola isn’t fun, jeanne isn’t fun, i never felt this miserable playing a game and i was so excited for it ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

also who decided to make the environments so huge in this game i just wanna talk, like, areas are SO BIG and for what??????????? you end up spending more time exploring than in actual combat and it's so frustrating because everything you're looking for is just far away from each other, it's annoying to run from one end, finding nothing, to another end, finding a secret hidden behind a wall, then running to another place again and again like WHY WHY WHY??????????????? it feels like so much wasted time i ended up just skipping exploration because it sucked SO MUCH, and these "puzzles" where you need to collect five pieces of something to open a chest............... the cutscenes of showing where the pieces spawn are so sloooooooow and you can't skip it, and they're not fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! most of the things you collect aren’t gameplay upgrades, they’re just gallery stuff, except those “get five pieces for a chest” garbage those always give an upgrade or a piece of an upgrade ;;;;;; but even then you can still try to find battles that WOULD give you like piece of a witch’s heart or whatever but i didn’t find some of them fun, some conditions are not fun but that’s probably just me, i don’t like being in a battle where a gust of wind is constantly pushing me away from enemies or not being able to land or stuff like that it just feels more annoying than challenging ;;;;;;;;;

the game looks, fine??? i guess????????? idk the art direction feels weird like everyone looks kinda sweaty all the time and i’m just not a fan of this 3d style, some animations kinda look weird and when characters open their mouth really wide it looks............ eeewwwwwww, this isn’t new though i remember metal gear rising had that too, the music is honestly kinda disappointing, like bayonetta has AMAZING music and i didn't find myself enjoying a lotta tracks from this game which ????????????????????????????????????? man, i kinda only remember liking a handful of tracks but it’s nowhere near as good as what i remember from bayo 1 and 2

the ending sucks, like i mean most of the story was kinda incomprehensible and the ending is even more so, a lot of things just happen and it's not explained why it happens or anything so i'm just sitting there like ??????????? ok????????????????? but anyways the plot twist felt so obvious and i honestly could not care less for the story but the ending sucks so much ugh

i don't know how else to describe this game other than it is a platinum L, like ESPECIALLY compared to games they made like bayo 1 and 2, metal gear rising and vanquish, this is NOWHERE the “platinum” standard they promise in the games they make, this is like stone standard at best, it doesn't have the soul of bayonetta, the gameplay is not fun, the story sucks, the music isn't memorable and i'm like so upset, i never felt this annoyed from a game being sucky like this before and like ok maybe you'd still enjoy it but plssssss bayo 1 and 2 are right there and they're SO MUCH BETTER

Eu realmente me diverti com esse jogo, o combate para mim só perde para o de DMC5, pois em si é um dos melhores que já joguei.
Junto disso, mais toda a parte artística e musical, tirei muito proveito do jogo em quase toda a parte da experiência

Só retiro 2 pontos pois, a historia me afetou um pouco, realmente não gostei do rumo que ela tomou, principalmente na reta final

Yeah this game is a narrative mess but Bayonetta still causes all my higher functions to cease so who can say how good it is?

The core combat gameplay is okay and Bayo herself is charming. Everything else kinda sucks.

Initially, I would've given this game around 2 or maybe even 1 star because of how bitter the ending left me. However, going back to it and replaying some parts (Along with the Viola patch) has soothed some of the burns that this game had left me. Nothing for me is going to change how I feel about the story and the unnecessary side gimmicks thrown at you in every stage. But on the other hand, those won't change how great the combat is and feels.

I got a collector's edition of this game when it released however I didn't play it until now because I was busy with other things. However I did hear mixed things about it and about the bad ending, I really thought it couldn't be that bad... I was so wrong.... I am going to sell the collector's edition away...

I will fully admit that my lack of skill at these games very much affects my appreciation for it. I have never been fully able to wrap my head around the dodge offset and combos in this series. That said, it is hard not to at least get a little invested in the absurdity that happens on screen in these games. You quickly bounce from crazy set pieces to kaiju battles to a random rhythm game battle, you will get caught up in the energy of the game. The story is nonsense but that's nothing new for the series. The Switch is really starting to show its age here with Bayonetta 3 having a muddy look and doesn't run as smoothly as a Platinum game should. The game is fun but I'm just really bad at them. Maybe I should replay them all as people usually say that the entire first playthrough of a Platinum game is just the tutorial.

what a shit show i fucking hate this game

mechanically a bit disappointing but that climax

greatest combat i've experienced in a video game with a story i absolutely love, regardless of the rushed ending

Al margen de sus defectos técnicos, su sentido de la espectacularidad, el humor y lo ridículo aguantan el tipo de principio a fin, siempre bien acompañado de unas ensaladas frenéticas de hostias y atreviéndose incluso con mecánicas de distintos géneros.

While it has issues, it's one of my favorite series and for the things we get here, I am really happy about it, even tho we'll def see better things for bayo 4

...I'm sad that I didn't love it but I'm glad it exists.

Cumple las expectativas que fueron creciendo desmesuradamente año tras año que ya es decir.
Una pena que sea exclusivo de Switch porque la peor parte es la técnica junto con la cámara.
Me gustan todas las armas, me encantan los demonios y amo a Viola, pero no sé jugar con ella.

Half star off for that ending cause what was that lol

No es para nada tan mal juego como muchos lo pintan, pero sí decepcionante. El combate sigue siendo igual de pulido que en los anteriores y la performance en switch es de admirar, pero la historia me parece mal ejecutada y al principio no me estaba enganchando nada, ya cuando llevaba la mitad es cuando sentía que estaba empezando el juego pero seguía sin parecerme la gran cosa. También aprecio el intento de meter cosas nuevas como los capítulos de Jeanne y Viola pero los habría puesto como algo opcional porque me sobran un poco. Es una pena haber esperado tantos años para el juego más flojo con diferencia de la trilogía, de todas las secuelas de grandes juegos que ha habido en Switch no me esperaba que Bayonetta 3 fuese a ser una que me decepcionara.

...What the fuck even is this game

Ok so, contrary to what seems to be a big issue to a lot of people, I do not DISLIKE what happened with this games story, I feel its a fine enough "finale" for the character and outside of a few cringe character moments the games writing works. Even then who knows how shit will develop if Kamiya actually makes more like he says he plans on (hopefully not taking almost 10 years AGAIN), but the gameplay is a whole different story.

I wouldn't really call it one step forwards, two steps back, as much as it is one forward, one back. Only one equippable weapon is lame, but the new transformation abilities they bring are sick. Integrating other characters playstyles into the plot is neat, particularly Jeannes, but learning how to use Viola efficiently is ROUGH and it doesn't help that you have to constantly swap between them. The climactic stage finales definitely FEEL fun to play but they can drag on for way too long, and while the level design breaking from the traditional European setting is nice the levels themselves can feel very gimmick ridden and a little drawn out at times, though the collectables are still hidden within the levels rather well and provide a nice distraction.

Without getting too into the situation the whole recasting situation left kind of a disappointing mark on the game as a whole. I don't really care too much for the drama but the fact it was so messy and both sides were somewhat at fault made it just uncomfortable. Regarding the new voice itself it works well, though I feel Jennifer Hale probably could've used the multiple universe situation as an excuse to redefine the character with a new voice that better fits her style of voice acting, similar to the Henry recasting situation from NMH3.

Even being the weakest of the trilogy in my opinion, I feel like this game still delivers another rewarding Bayo experience, though I guess after a 5 year wait from reveal to release it was kind of bound to disappoint in some areas.

Combat still fun but definitely less fun than 2 despite added complexity. Worth a full playthrough if you like the series, but the story falls short

First Bayonetta I played - gameplay is great and story is fun. It’s a must have for all NS owners

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Por un lado me gusta que su historia mezcle tantos elementos caóticos y con mucho estilo, dando un aire bastante extremo a lo que eran las entregas pasadas y con escenas de alta intensidad, sin embargo el argumento como tal es como mucho mediocre. Hay muchas cosas que no se explican y solo se pueden asumir, la conección entre la nueva co protagonista y bayonetta no funciona tan bien con la revelación final porque nunca ocurrió dicho evento que los conectó, y más es solo manipulación mal trabajada. También por algo que ocurre al final con la co protagonista, siento que se precipitaron demasiado con esa idea para pasar el relevo de ser la cara de la IP a otro personaje apenas en la tercera entrega de la saga.

A nivel jugable sigue siendo muy destacable. Muy buenos moveset y un estilo frenetico lleno de mucha acción, que se potencia por los escenario apocalípticos del juego. Hay muchas secciones donde cambian con el gameplay tradicional, por lo que lo valoro a nivel de creatividad y de variedad jugable, como la version suprema del demonio rana, la zona de huida del templo en el desierto o los mapas que involucran a jeanne.
Me encantaron las implementaciones de control de demonios que dan variedad al gameplay, y hay una gran variedad de armas a elegir. Asi mismo contamos con una co protagonista que aunque tiene un gameplay mas exigente y tosco que bayoneta por motivos narrativos de ser aprendiz, tiene un estilo distinto y maneja peculiaridades que la hacen diferente a ser solo un reskin como jeanne en juegos pasados.

A nivel visual luce bastante bien para la consola en la que esta, buenos diseños de personajes quiza con algo de queja de las demás versiones de bayoneta, ya que su diseño se siente demasiado generico para el mundo que representan, estan en unndesierto y ponen una bayo que parece cleopatra, estan en un mundo que parece periodo edo y tiene trajes muy asiaticos, la cuestion es que el traje base de bayonetta aunque tiene un toque elegante y extravagente no da a lugar a pensar que es de una época concreta, por lo que pese a que el mundo actual de bayonetta es como el nuestro, su traje no cae en verse tan urbanizado, mientras que con el resto fueron muy directos a ser mas genéricos.
Asi mismo la música queda muy bien, sigue siendo igual de destacable como siempre y donde ambienta bien los momentos, independientemente si son tranquilos en el bazar, como cuando son de alta tensión o cuando bayo sale a relucir lo cool que puede ser.

Realmente el mayor pero es la baja calidad argumental, pero al menos puedo decir que al enfocarse más en lo frenético y épico, y que le sale muy bien, el argumento no tiene demasiada prevalencia como normalmente lo hace, por lo que se puede ser mas ameno con la calidad de ésta, y ya que prácticamente el resto de puntos son altamente destacables, considero que es una entrega bastante buena.

Valoración: Muy bueno