Reviews from

in the past

Released after Belmont's Revenge, and it's still bad. Worst classicvania and probably the worst game I've ever played. Wait nvm Mega Man x6 exists.

Sonia and Alucard, a couple that are Mother and Father of Trevor Belmont...


not as bad as people say. i mean it’s definitely not good but as a Game Boy title? …yeah it’s alright.

I'm not even sure where to begin here. Do I talk about the extremely bad level design, the garbage final boss, the actively awful story, or the mid soundtrack with only one particularly standout song? I don't know, but this game is terrible at everything it attempts. It's a lot easier than The Adventure, so it doesn't personally piss me off as much as that game, but I honest to god just might say it's even worse.

Another damn good installment. It further improves the controls by getting rid of the stiff jump, the levels are pretty typical CV fare but are fun to play (especially with the addition of multiple paths for special items), and the story is very neat to see...sad it isn't canon tho.
Oh well, I still reccomend this highly. It's either on par with or just below Belmont's Revenge for me.

This was a pretty fun but short Castlevania game for the Game Boy. I don't think it was bad by any means, in fact I think the game can be pretty forgiving with checkpoints, but it's also a game that probably hasn't aged so well but that's all due to the constraints of the time the game was developed. Still think it was pretty good and fun if you wanna kill a couple of hours.

Ótimo jogo pra se odiar Castlevania

Played this on Switch. It's alright for a Game Boy Castlevania. Better with rewind.

Decent enough Castlevania game for Some frustrating enemy designs but decent use of the invincibility power makes it pretty easy to deal with even the most difficult challenges. Was expecting worse from what I'd heard so I was overall pleasantly surprised to find a very meh Castlevania game.

The jumping is awful and the rendition of Bloody Tears is a crime against god and humanity.

I really don't get why this exists. The fact that it's less technologically advanced than The Adventure is kind of impressive.
1 extra point for Sonia being cute though.

This would get another whole star if the movement speed were just doubled. Other than that it's pretty mediocre.

It is not completely terrible but it doesn't do anything particularly well either. The level design drags, the enemy variety is non existent, the soul weapons are a snoozefest, and the story is a clownshow.

the worst castlevania game made by konami

Alucard had the hots for a 17 year old, not a good look... 🤨

short, sweet, and easy, but that also kinda leaves the game a bit unremarkable. could only really rec to the people that already know castlevania, but i guess the game is good enough to stand on its own either way. It's pretty much a simple castlevania game.

Cool idea held back by Gameboy hardware and classicvania.

pretty much the same as belmonts revenge for me. i think maybe the gameboy just should not have had castlevania games that probably wouldve been cool

Game was decent but got written out of canon so make of that what you will.

Ni las nalgas de sonia belmont salvan este juego

Stop acting as if this is worse than the original Castlevania Adventure 1 for Game Boy. This isn't remotely of a slog as that one.
But sure enough: it's not as good as the second Adventure. Also non-canonical according to Konami.

I thought it was going to be worse. Okay game.

Played on Game Boy - Nintendo Switch Online, but only for a little while. I tried it because it wasn't included in the Castlevania Anniversary Collection, and went in with low expectations; while Belmont's Revenge was a step up from The Adventure, this was less fun than both of them. I didn't bother finishing the first stage, and have no intention of coming back to this game.

Game should have been called “Dodge the F***ing Bats”