Reviews from

in the past

that's game is fun . I didn't expect it

i had a great time but the one time i've done an IQ test i started arguing with my friend over the first question

"where's the cheese" they say, haha fantastic

one of the greatest micro fps games ive ever played, genuinely so so so much fun

- Troppo breve per divertirsi, troppo breve per annoiarsi
- Daikatana senza budget, ma che comunque funziona meglio

Funny little goblin game. thank you Szymanski

It's pretty stupid, but not necessarily in a bad way. The level design is actually pretty good and the combat, while basic, is pretty satisfying; all the weapon variety you could ever want is here, and not a drop more. Also, the music has absolutely no right to be as good as it is.

I don't mind a game being goofy, but I think this one has just a toe over the line for me, and so some of it didn't land. It is undeniably fun, though...

chop goblins is an underrated Lynchian masterpiece that David Szymanski considers his magnum opus as a game dev. it's an incredibly deep and harrowing experience that dares to ask incredibly philosophical questions like "is chop goblins a command or the title of the goblins" and "holy shit why is the last level so hard on chop difficulty I just want the last achievement". in all seriousness, it's fun to see Mr. Szymanski do a more light hearted game instead of his usual masterfully done ethereal horror stuff. also, this game is just a longer, shit post version of his game pony factory from the first dread x collection. the comparison between the two is very funny to me. this game is cheap as hell and buying it helps support an amazing artist. def worth your time/ money

I’m sorry Mr. Szymanski, I did not really like this one

muy divertido, lo unico malo es que no se puede saltar


there are goblins, and you chop them. the goblins try to chop you, but you are better at chopping goblins than the chop goblins are at chopping you.


Cute little FPS if you want something simple

another good david szymanski game its nice and bitesized retro fps fun

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Chop Goblins is a short indie retro FPS game made by David Szymanski, the guy who made games like DUSK and Iron Lung. Having played and beaten DUSK but not made an official review, I can tell you that it's mucho bueno, pretty damn good. I haven't played Iron Lung yet but I know people who have and seen game play of it and it looks pretty creepy and great. With this game being the last game released by David during the year, I guess it's fitting one of my buddies get me this game for Christmas as well, with it being most likely MY last game of the year as well. I don't have too much to say cause it's a short game but I'll go through it briefly.

The story is simple, you break into a museum in the 80s cause you're bored and you unleash evil accidentally in the form of the titular Chop Goblins. These little bastards throw axes at you and talk to you in Gremlin speak, and you shoot your way through them through the museum, a city, Count Dracula's castle, Greece and then finish off in an alternate future. You wake up in the museum again with everything ok except a cliffhanger which teases a potential sequel of sorts. It's not much for plot, it's the standard FPS plot of "go in and shoot shit" and that's fine with me. The plot isn't really meant to be taken seriously, and truth be told I feel kind of stupid even recapping what plot there is.

The game play is by far the most important feature in this; you like shooting little goblins with a small array of guns? You got it. You have a dagger, a flintlock, a gun that shoots stakes, a street sweeper shotgun, and a magic wand that obliterates and you go through the regular Goblins, Goblins that throw axes, little annoying Vampire dogs, 50s Housewife goblins who hurt you with words an ex-partner would, etc. They feel great. You go through short form levels, where you can unlock secrets and potentially alternate ways of going through the level. It feels good and doesn't overstay it's welcome and I love it for that. If I were to point out a favorite moment it's getting chased around a small building (including the halls) by the Chop Goblins driving a car surprisingly well (though I died, it was still funny) and the boss fight against Dracula himself who spews catchphrases and damages you with bright orange images of bats.

The visual design is great, the standouts to me are The City and Greece with Greece taking the best for looking beautiful and the soundtrack is good too. I guess if there was anything to really add here I'd say you can take off the VHS grain in the options menu.

Overall, like it's a short game you can beat in one sitting, and it's in the vein of a retro style FPS, or as the kids would call it "The Boomer shooter". Only thing I don't really like is the fact I can't jump but honestly it's whatever with how the game is made.

Guns feel good
Got a goofy sense of humor

No jumping

Truth be told I'm kind of grasping for straws making this because it's short but it's good and I definitely recommend getting it. If you're looking for an hour or two to kill you can buy this for five dollars and it's not bad in the slightest. Buy this game, even if it's once I think it's good enough to have fun for an hour or two.

From Steam Reviews:

The game Daikatana wishes it was

Its... all-right. For the price it's a good time waster. I did get quite frustrated at the last levels because of hard it was to see the goblins but other than that it's a nice 30 minute adventure.

Short but very fun little boomer shooter that concentrates the essence of what makes those games fun into just a few levels, weapons and enemies.

Completed the game and still can’t find any cheese. Btw the soundtrack slaps

You little shits aren't getting any of my cheese. I pay top dollar for that Swiss Gruyere, yeah that's the good stuff

genuinely really fun, short and sweet

Kinda reminds me of Evil Dead with goblins. Bite-sized game with competent shooting, it's fun to play and there's a certain charm to it.

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Hello my name is dracula,

Great game you can complete and replay in about an hour. Goblin mode had me genuinely afraid of dying, even on new game+. The game has goblins in it. It's a game about goblins. Get it.