Reviews from

in the past

the best bethesda rpg in the past 10 years and it's not even by bethesda. too much baggage from the genre's orientalist past and an awful loot system drags it down.

I played on a state of the art pc in 2020 so i did not experience the sheer number game breaking bugs that other people did (not to the same degree as others did, there were a few that tested me). I loved the story, i thought it was really fun. I put lots of time into this game, replayed the storylines at least 3 times. Many of the characters were fun and compelling. I could have honestly done without Johnny and the story would have been fine. It’s a shame they had to rewrite the game and leave things unfinished so they could shoehorn keanu into it. Despite my complaints, i still played this game a ton and still do sometimes. Graphics are incredible.

Through a combination of shoddy company practices, crunch, and rushing of development. This game came out half-baked without much of what it was promised.

While a great deal of its technical issues have been ironed out, the problems in this game largely arise in that it feels hollow.

In the city where NPC drivers don't have intelligence, so police can't chase you more than a block and traffic can careen through a construction site through faulty pathing, its hollow.

In the romance lines where the gist is a mission questline, a sex scene and a dialogue tree (Judy shares her apartment with you and you can't even sleep in it).

The characters are good, the story has engaging themes. Keanu Reeves cannot act and his line delivery makes you think they payed him off of fiverr.

Gameplay is mostly fun, there's a decent amount of choices you can make to approach levels, but it usually isn't as effective as going guns blazing.

Overall, a decent game. Not exceptional, but not terrible.

Joguei um bom tempo depois que saiu então a quantidade de bugs que peguei foi mínima, a ambientação do jogo é bastante imersiva (apesar de ter regularmente npcs iguais um do lado do outro) o combate é muito bom, a história é sensacional, personagens carismáticos e uma trama que te prende (só achei um tanto quanto curta a campanha principal), a variedade de armas não é muito boa, você tem uns 10-15 armas diferentes em varias colorações, gosto muito das missões secundárias pois tem várias bem criativas sem contar que o jogo sempre te da a opção de fazê-las como você bem entender e a trilha sonora é sensacional

28.1 hrs at review time
Game Difficulty: Very Hard
Gameplay 5/10
Music and sound 5/10
Screenplay 5/10
Technical 4/10

Moving down to two stars, it's just so boring even though it finally runs well

Tem bugs sim, a gameplay tbm nada de inovador mas a historia é muito bacana, me divertiu

Um jogo bom com gameplay moderna e gráficos bons, um mundo mediano porém com as melhores side-quests dos games! Dificilmente me senti tão imerso em um game quanto me senti neste!

Should've made Panam kiss girls

One of the most inventive settings and stories in sci-fi history is consistently undermined from some knock-off bethesda tier combat and open world design that leaves everything feeling a little hollow. No reason for the story they're telling here to be interactive and there's a whole netflix series out there to prove it. The rating is high here because I really do believe the story it THAT good if you're willing to sit through the gameplay.

Night City é tao linda que faz com que os horrores dessa caótica distopia sejam camuflados atras de muito brilho, neon e katanas. Preza pelos momentos de intimidade com os demais personagens e total imersão nesse mundo, com uma gameplay divertida e variada e marcante trilha sonora, acaba pecando na falta de customizações cosméticas e simples elementos de RPG e escolhas.

A brilliantly crafted and performed story within a fully realised world. Multiple endings that all hit differently. Unfortunately many dialogue options and storylines don't change that much and roleplaying is mostly nonexistent beyond the surface level.

The combat is fun and satisfying requiring skillful positioning and tactics on harder difficulties. The stealth could use a bit more work. The stock neck snapping animation gets old very quickly. Hacking is another fun aspect of gameplay giving you a lot of options to do silly things with utility and battlefield control.

Unfortunately marred by bugs and glitches due to a rushed production schedule. Thankfully the Phantom Liberty expansion and the 2.0 update fully improved the game.

İnsanları kırbaçlamak ve oyuncaklarla kafalarını ezmek eğlenceli.

Cyberpunk: 2077 got a bad wrap for its launch but this game is actually incredible. The gameplay shines here. It is a phenomenal FPS with very fun hand to hand combat as well. The story is solid and the characters like Jackie, Panam, and Judy all have a special place in my heart. Sure, this game wasn't everything CDPR promised us it would be, but what it is, is a damn good game with a ton of things to do and a wonderful story to play through. Highly recommended.

Um espetáculo em história, ambientação, música e visuais. Horrível como um jogo

Я оказался среди тех, кто верил в CDPR и повелся на маркетинг, и предзаказал Cyberpunk 2077. Поэтому мне довелось опробовать игру считай с самого релиза. В начале у меня возникли трудности с запуском игры, поэтому в самый первый день, увы поиграть не получилось. Но уже тогда, пока я пытался разобраться с запуском игры, в интернете появились отзывы об ужаснейшей оптимизации игры, огромнейшем кол-ве багов всех видов. Но у меня как таковых критических багов не возникало, я спокойно проходил игру, единственные баги, которые у меня были так это визуальные.

Сразу могу сказать, что мне игра понравилась, сюжетная часть в игре очень хорошая, она интересная, моментами захватывающая. Ты проникаешься историей. За сюжетом интересно следить и сопереживать героям. Драма главного героя разворачивается с самого начала и проходит через весь сюжет. Вопросы жизни и смерти, обесценивание жизни и погоня за материальными ценностями, вопросы искусственного интеллекта – здесь есть над чем подумать.
С персонажами в игре все отлично, они очень хороши прописаны, у каждого свой бэкграунд, они невероятно харизматичные, с интересными диалогами. Почти каждые действующие персонажи запоминаются. Сюжетные арки Джуди, Панам, Деламейна, побочные квесты Джонни. Все это заставляет тебя пробежать по доп.квестам персонажей на одном дыхании, с очень большим интересом.
В плане подачи лорной информации разработчики явно “очень хорошо” постарались. Вместо плавного знакомства с миром, у нас есть тонны всяких заметок, записок, текста о мире вселенной, которые в начале ты читаешь с интересом, но спустя некоторое время ты забиваешь на это.

Проходить квесты ты можешь, как только пожелаешь. Можно по стелсу, можно идти в атаку напролом, можно убирать противников с оружия дальнего боя, а можно с оружия ближнего, можно действовать силой, а можно умением хакерства. Все зависит от вашего стиля прохождения и билда.
Стрельба в игре неплохая, если учитывать тот факт, что CDPR не занималась шутерами. Импакт от оружия есть, ощущение веса тоже. Арсенал оружия в игре достаточно внушительный. Имеются очень разнообразные модели оружия. В игре есть такая возможность, что ты можешь определиться на одном типе оружия до конца игры. Ты можешь подобрать револьвер на пятом часу игры и пробегать с ним до самого финала, лишь улучшая его. Самое главное правильно сделать свой билд.
И самое обидное, чего мне большего всего хотелось, чтоб вышло удачным, оказалось мертвым - это открытый мир. Безусловно, графическая составляющая игры на высшем уровне. Найт Сити очень красивый город, особенно ночью, это трудно отрицать. Но он просто мертвый. Я совсем не чувствую в нем жизни, как будто я в нем совсем один. Окружающие NPC – это просто тупые болванчики, бесконечный скрипт, и при этом всем они еще и рендерятся у тебя на глазах. Если еще отвернуться и повернуться обратно так вообще у вас на глазах будут пропадать и спавниться NPC, машины. Повторюсь, Найт Сити очень красивый город, но его совсем неинтересно изучать, потому что он пустой.

Очень жаль, что Cyberpunk 2077 мы получили в таком виде, хотя у игры был явно очень большой потенциал, который, к сожалению, не успели или не смогли реализовать, а возможно все вместе. Это весьма неплохая игра, с очень добротным сюжетом, прекрасными персонажами.

I did not expect to enjoy this game to the extent I did!

I bought this bad boy in 2022 with the sole purpose of playing it before watching the new edgerunners anime, cause I'm a psycho like that, but what I got was so much more than a prelude to the Cyberpunky world.
I was IMMERSED! Like, Night City with all its own radio stations, clothing stores, food places, weapons dealers, ripperdocs, the different gangs in each area of the city, it all just sucked me in as the game expected me to be. The city literally chewed me up. What mostly made the city come to life were the side jobs and the minor characters you find within them. Each one just helps you get a better feel for all of night cities residents and going ons, some funny and quick, exploring the tech and how it effecting the world and people, and others being over arching and character heavy, it's all so good. Like, do them all
The characters in the game are just incredible. Pretty much every character of the main cast is explored with great depth. It's some of the most interesting content in the game so I won't get super into it, but every major friend of V's is just bonkers and great, all having their own super interesting story relating to the greater being that is Night City. All are incredibly written and all are INCREDIBLY performed. A lot of that dialogue is really "real" for lack of a better term and all the actors really killed it. There is one main character I found a little underwhelming, but that's just one out of dozens, sooo...
The story is something else, nothing I don't think I've experienced like this before. Can't talk about the story without mentioning V (Played as male V btw.) The main character is conveyed so well and the dynamic between them and another main character is just CHEF'S KISS. The story explore themes of acceptance, death, various dynamics, it's just so much content. There's also a lot of biblical referance regarding it all too, which was incredibly unexpected, but honestly done so well. I wish I could say so much more but then I'd just be spoiling the whole game, it's a roller coaster!
The customization is also just out of this world. Lots of clothes with varying aesthetic, tons of hair styles, lots of cars to drive, SO MANY ways to build a character. It's all preem
All in all, Cyberpunk 2077 is a beautifully crafted world and story that is, funnily enough, rising from the dead and using it's second chance at life incredibly well. It's unfortunate that it's launch was probably the most tragic and broken thing ever, but now that it's playable and working, you cannot pass this one up. Especially with it's upcoming DLC... :Eyes:

Shit's preem

Played this on my ps4 when it was released and it was a shitshow. Replayed it on my ps5 with the free upgrade a a year later and it was a lot better, still crashed a few times but a lot better than my first playthrough but sadly it was already kinda ruined since i already knew what was gonna happen.

The gameplay is okay, im not a big fan of first person games so i didnt really love it but i do love the world and some of the characters they created. Really wished it was a third person game.

A wonderful game about the harsh reality of American life, and how important the little things in life will always be, even in the future.
Despite the occasional glitches, it still touched my heart in so many different ways.

Act 1 was poo (until the end) Driving is poo (but not the bikes) Game is still glitchy as hell (even tho they said they fixed it) gun play and combat is average, moving around feels like a clunky ass 90s pc game you played with arrow keys. Ending was flat.


Night City is one of the best and most immersive game worlds i've ever seen, V is a brilliant main character and once REDACTED shows up the story and character interactions are really engrossing. Overall had a great time playing Cyberpunk, but it's still riddled with shortcomings i feel like if it had Rockstar level polish it could be one of the best games ever made but it doesn't and i think CD might have chewed more biscuits than the size of their belly

Ok after spending almost 60 hours in this game, I can surely say that Cyberpunk is not that bad. On release it was near unplayable thanks to the plethora of bugs, but in the patched state, the game is a blast from start to finish. Depressing ending aside, Cyberpunk was a wild ride.

Bugueado? Sí, pero lo han arreglado mucho.
Este juego es maravilloso. La historia relativamente lineal de un juego como este no me molestó porque cada pedazo del juego me parece excelente y es justo lo que me esperaba de éste. Jueguenlo, a mi me entretuvo, a mi pana que no le interesaba antes le entretuvo, así que deberían jugarlo.

não joguei no lançamento então não sei o estado que estava mas com os vídeos provavelmente uma bosta. Com os patch de correções virou outro jogo, mas a única coisa que não gostei é que as escolhas de facção não alteram dramaticamente a narrativa, a única coisa que muda são alguns diálogos que não interferem na historia, mas é uma ótima historia com ótimos personagens.Na gameplay a variedade de builds são muito divertido, porém o escalonamento de dano é muito ruim. As missões segundarias algumas são boas mas nada comparado a the witcher 3. por fim um ótimo jogo com um lançamento conturbado que fez apagar todo seu brilho

Truly immersive world with characters that have life to them as well as a compelling story. The 2.0 update revived this game and made it amazing. My 2023 GOTY.

agora sim essa porra é jogo

This review contains spoilers

Wow. I'm glad I waited until patch 2.0 to play this game. I really enjoyed the storytelling and world building. Everything seems so lived in, and vibrant from an atmosphere perspective. The gameplay is so much fun, with so many different ways to approach combat, and tackle missions. I enjoyed the structure of the story, the main story was emotional and actually had me thinking about decisions I had to make, there's really never been another game where I hemmed and hawed so much at a choice given to me. Action sequences were spectacular, and driving around night city felt so....real. I really enjoyed the DLC as well, the stories and characters that they added just were the cherry on top of a phenomenal game. I had to go and rethink my Starfield review after finishing this, because there's been very few games where I've continued playing after the credits rolled, and this is one of them. I'm still playing this to finish side missions, uncover secrets, and just vibe around the city. 10/10 would play again.