Reviews from

in the past

Perfeição parte 2(E meu favorito em particular mas não por muito longe do 1, de Bloodborne e de Elden ring)

Now that's, that's great! A bit too linear for a dark souls i'd say, but that doesn't mean it's bad... Because it's pretty good!

ashen one.... come to Pontiff sulyvahn bonfire.... one v one pussy you wont.....

My least favourite in the series. Still a great game

It's a dark souls game, of course it's good. Relies a bit too much on nostalgia for DS1 however.

This review contains spoilers

My first time actually playing a souls game, (besides an hour of bloodborne which I don't count because I don't remember it all). Am currently stuck at the Pontiff Sulyvahn fight and despite all the frustration this game has given me I can't help but fall in love with the world and characters. Siegward helping me fight Yhorm was truly one of the most epic moments I've ever witnessed in gaming. Oh and the music is absolutely incredible.

This is an amazing remake of Elden ring. 10/10

this review countss the DLCs too

im kinda flabbergasted by how is superior to dark souls 1 and 2 and bloodborne like,this game is just a joy to play,ost is phenomenal this time,the areas and the exploration are better and the bosses are very cool

i still think sekiro is slightly better due to its gameplay but this one is also very fucking good too

A gorgeously depressing game, Dark Souls 3 elevates From Software's formula with numerous quality of life and mechanical additions, ultimately laying the foundations for their later efforts.

Whilst it lacks the first game's 'connected level design', 3 makes up for it through its sheer scope - both in its environments and boss encounters.

The boss fights are unrivaled, mechanically engaging and impactful.

Um dos jogos mais lindos e mais bem feitos que eu já vi, obg From Software.

Siendo totalmente honestos, este juego hubiera sido mucho menos entretenido si lo hubiera jugado en solitario, fue mi primer souls y soy malísimo para este género, a eso sumado que no sabía qué hacer, qué armas se me daban mejores y que en general estaba perdido, siempre lo jugué con un amigo para que me ayudara.

Lo único que hice por mi cuenta fue matar al Rey sin Nombre; y sí, después de morir un número exagerado de veces, cuando por fin lo derroté sí pude entender esa sensación de la que tanto hablan y que le encanta a los fans de este género, pero no es algo a lo que yo podría enfrentarme tantas veces o muy a menudo, al menos no en esta época de mi vida.

Perfeito. Do início ao fim, perfeito.

não tenho palavras para descrever esse jogo, uma das experiências mais únicas que eu já tive com games, o jogo tem bosses impecáveis fora o action replay dele que é simplesmente perfeito, merecia ter concorrido ou se não até ganhado o game do ano no seu lançamento.

Another one of my all time favourite games! I absolutely adored this game when I first played it six years ago. I put a stupid amount of hours into it, trying to get the platinum as well as replaying it with different builds!

Good Combat, great bosses, linear world but still exciting to explore.

Um jogo ótimo que afirmou seu gênero no mercado e popularizou o estilo souls-like com batalhas de chefe lindas com suas músicas perfeitas e uma direção de arte estonteante, tudo é muito grande e impressiona pelos detalhes, simplesmente um dos melhores souls-like

Banger game, best Dark Souls title. Best mix of stuff between the first and second game!

klasik souls like oyunu hikayesi fena değil bu yüzden 1 yıldız yedim


Best bosses of the trilogy, level design was nothing crazy but still fun, first souls game, I love it

O primeiro soul no qual eu tive contato (logo, o melhor) cheguei a jogar os outros, mas, esse em especifico tem aspectos que me fazem gostar mais, como movimentação, historia e entre outras coisas.
Só passei uma raiva pra platinar(conquista no online é sacanagem).
Dito isso, comunidade em boa parte é muito foda, um dos jogos que me fez conhecer uma rapaziada do balacubaco.

No lo he terminado por su dificultad pero es un gran juego

Come on man. The final boss, in the final area, of the final DLC, for the final Dark Souls game, has his final words as "Is this the blood? The blood of the dark soul?". Topping off the greatest boss, in the greatest game, of the greatest trilogy of games ever? Look at me and tell me this isn't greatest game ever made.

Another piece of art from Fromsoftware and works perfectly as the ending sequel of this series. The only downside, is that the map is almost 100% linear, unlike Dark Souls 1.