Reviews from

in the past

Interesting spin on RPG games, very fun and humorous. I hope the sequel comes out

There's not much to it but what's there is perfect.

Toby makes a demo for a video game that doesn't even exist and its the best video game ever made

Beautiful. Fox improved on everything, bar story. Undertale is one of my all time favorites, and it will be nearly impossible to surpass the story in that one.

Kris is the best silent protagonist ever

I cannot wait for the full release.

gameplay is better than ut and kris is nonbinary what else can i say

i fuckin loved this game since it fixed sooo many issues I had with undertale and really fuckin fun writing. Can't wait for the full game to come out

i love our heroes so much, the gameplays flows better than undertale. it shows throughout that this is toby's dream game

uma otima introdução pra historia do que vai acontecer nos proximos capitulos mas o capitulo 2 é bem mais melhor

i remember the hype surrounding this, crazy time

The one singular thing I liked about this was Sans


this shit isn't even fully out yet and i can tell it'll be my favorite

Not that much to it but it's a good demo

Se las apaña para conseguir un buen equilibrio entre hacerte sentir que estás en el mismo universo de Undertale ("mismo universo" entre comillas, porque las conexiones con él son difusas) y, al mismo tiempo, resultar fresco e innovador, tanto en lo que se refiere a trama y personajes como en cuanto a mecánicas. Y, por supuesto, la banda sonora vuelve a ser magistral.

A ver si el proyecto final llega a buen puerto.

too short of an experience to say much but its got that undertale vibe which I really like

Gets more borring the more you play

definitely a promising start to a sequel (or whatever toby fox wants to call this game) to undertale

Deltarune Chapter 1 is a great first introduction to the characters and gameplay. It's different enough from Undertale that it keeps the whole experience fun. Also, the characters in Deltarune Chapter 1 are really great. All of them are charming, interesting, funny, and I always wanted to see what was in store for them next. According to the chapter selection screen, there will be 7 chapters, so I suggest getting on the Deltarune train ASAP

When this dropped, my entire world collapsed (in a good way) This was the twist of the century for me, nothing will top the insanity I went through when I heard Toby Fox was tweeting cryptid messages AND SAID THE FUCKING ''VERY VERY INTERESTING'' LINE!!!!!!! My world flipped upside down and you KNOW my ass was on this the second it dropped.
I honestly can't remember what I was thinking and doing the first time playing chapter 1, but I just remember being so fucking excited and happy every moment of the game. This game made me love so many more new characters ESPECIALLY SUSIE!!!!!! She is my queen and I have loved her from DAY FUCKING 1!!! I don't really see anyone mention the scene where Susie Finally joined the party properly, but that fucking scene had me jumping up an down in real life it was so sweet and one of the best memories I have from this game.

Still, Im giving chapter 1: 3 and a half / 5 because as much as I love this game, Im CERTAIN as the chapters continue shit will go down and it will get better and better, and I wanna save my higher ratings for those chapters. Still, don't get it wrong, this game is absolutely amazing

Its good, Ralsei kind of overrated but the team stuff is fun.