Reviews from

in the past

This is a very simplistic game, you are dog. You roll in mud. You shake mud off. You make the house dirty. It's very simplistic however as a free game that you can turn your brain slightly off on and just messy up a house, it's a great but short time waster.

puppy, mud, and a freshly cleaned house

Simple, corto y divertido.

Una proyecto de prueba interesante, pero no va más allá. Se queda en el "El perrito lindo hace un desastre", que está bien para matar el tiempo UNA SOLA VEZ, porque carece de rejugabilidad.

A simple and short game where you play as a Pomeranian and destroy your family house.

While the game was quite short, it was very enjoyable. The different unlocks as you damage the house more and more helped keep things fresh and all the different rooms in the house gave some variety to the environment.

It would have been nice to have some more levels and houses to destroy, but the game was free and for the enjoyment I got, I definitely can't complain.

Not bad! Has a fun playground vibe and makes good use of a Splatoon-esque paint mechanic. Wacky doggo time! I love the machine gun in particular!

Cute little dog-themed platformer/hunting game where you need to find all the specific spots to get dirty. A little more signposting would have been nice but it's nice and short and, of course, free!

C'est rigolo pour ce que c'est, j'aurais juste aimé pouvoir pisser sur le parquet

Sooooooo cute. When I started I was aimless, and I had more fun when I was just messing up the house. But later when I learned I had to fill in 12 spots around the house, it kind of became a chore. I just wanted to mess up the house.
I played using Nintendo Joy Cons, and the use button did not match with the default layout, so I was confused at first.
Towards the end of the game, some of the new stains started to become completely black, I'm not sure if that was intentional. It didn't look very fun.
I wish the doggy could move better and faster and rely less on tools to mess up the house!

Very cute, easy recommend especially considering it's free! You could be playing Doronko Wanko instead of reading this review! My only legitimate gripe is it's a bit hard to tell where the game wants to you splash muck for the hidden pictures.

Very cute, very short, obviously very rough around the edges but the vibes are great. Feels good to just obliterate this house and get a million achievements along the way.

Cute little game about wrecking house. It’s fun, low stakes, and doesn’t overstay its welcome—one of my favorite kinds of games.

Incredibly simple but also incredibly free. Fun little experience that I'd definitely recommend to friends

One of those games that are free and can be enjoyed for their length, there's not much novelty in gameplay, with an in-game achievement that rewards curiosity, it's a nice game to play and beat in one session.

Saw the title listed on an article about "free Steam games" and was compelled to check it out 🤣 it was unexpectedly fun for a casual hour of mindless muddy carnage. Gave me Goat Simulator vibes for it's encouragement of quirky, senseless destruction.

A good one to do chaotic things during a break.

- 🐩-
Fue bastante gracioso y lindo de jugar, ensuciar la casa me resulto muy entretenido y me recuerda a un poco a los Goat simulator en cuanto a buscar hacer el mayor caos solo que aquí se hace de una forma muy linda junto a su lindo protagonista xD
Tal vez su único punto malo es la 0 rejugabilidad y su mapa tan pequeño

The story of one dog's journey to become... an elephant? I guess? Dogs make messes? Maybe?

It's simple and not particularly well-optimized, but the basic gameplay of creating chaos as a cute little Pomeranian is more than fun enough to sustain the hour or so it takes to get through this. I couldn't find the last collectible needed to trigger the ending, hence the "Abandoned" here, but hey, it's free.

1 hour of muddy cuteness.

And that's about it

A very short, but fun (and free) game about a little dog that causes more financial damage to a single home of 4 than a town hit by a natural disaster.

Embrace the dog and put a rich family into homelessness.

Simple but funny game. Perfect when you want to play something silly to chill.

Short and sweet, the dog's cute, and the game is free so there's no reason not to play it

Cute, but not as chaotic as I was expecting. Didn't feel particularly mischievous like a certain goose.

I have played games with thoughtfully-crafted narratives where I must make difficult decisions. Ones that lead to war, death, and all sorts of terrible things that would haunt someone forever. And in doing those I did not feel even half as bad as I did when I ruined the cute drawing of the happy family with this dog.

It was a really fun 2 hour experience i'd never really want to play as a full game.
They nailed the perfect amount of game for concept and it even stars a cute little doggie.

really fun stuff.

It is a fairly short game but at the same time entertaining
I would have liked even if it was another map or a little longer.
It helps you extend it a little more by trying to get all the badges
I recommend it if you want to disconnect a little like a little furry demon who is dedicated to dirtying the house when he is unattended

And I was missing 3 badges, but with the help of the steam community (connected right at 4:30 am) I was able to complete it all