Reviews from

in the past

A grindy mess. Yes, it is technically the first JRPG of its kind, but it's such a slog.

A recent all time favourite of mine. Having gained my adoration for the Dragon Quest series with Dragon Quest VIII on the Nintendo 3DS in 2017, I had to find out first hand where it all began and Dragon Quest I quickly became one of my favourite games. Simple, straightforward game design with the immediately lovable art style of Akira Toriyama’s original monster designs, Dragon Quest offers an extremely concise portal into the role playing game genre, allowing new players to experience a still grand and sprawling but simple adventure while offering experienced players with a balanced challenge and fun battle system to engage with. I find myself booting up the game just to listen to the overworld music and to battle slimes every so often. At a playtime under a mere 8 to 10 hours on first play, it is a must-play for anyone interested in JRPGs or players looking to see where it all began for the Dragon Quest series.

Played on SNES. Shows it's age via it's grinding needed to beat the game, but it's still enjoyable. Tried the NES version for about 15 minutes and could not recommend that, only boomers like that version.

Gold Golem should've become a bigger mascot for the franchise. It is a very good experience and worth whatever means you get it for, it only scores so low because of how much it has aged, but still, I highly recommend playing it... albeit with a guide

Historical for creating the JRPG genre, but lacking in any depth. Barely 9 hrs to get through with more than half of that requiring long stretches of grinding the same set of enemies. Charming despite this but not a game that holds up beside it being the start of a well regarded series. IOS/Android/Switch version less painless thanks to quality-of-life features.

Archaic in ways but plenty approachable in others, a charming little journey through a simplistic RPG world.

fuck parties, i'm doing this adventure on my own!!!

It's fun. Any gripes I got with it don't matter much because of how short it is. The iOS version is also pretty snazzy and got me through my boring job at the time!

It's very impressive what this game did at it's time, but It's not exactly anything that still feels great in this day and age. It's great to see where the franchise started from, but it's also grindy and unfair.

Es muy buen RPG. Ya entendí porque lo amaron a DQ

ok for such an old game, but pretty dated nowadays. still respect for being literally the first good jrpg

NES rpgs be fun challenge (impossible)

Basic, simple, classic, grindy, a bit worse than other jrpgs of the time. Still, gotta respect the first of a solid series.


Not an RPG guy but I really enjoyed the simplicity of the original Dragon Quest.

I enjoyed this more than I expected to, but that mostly comes as a type-2 fun of seeing where the series has its roots. The combat has very little depth, but there are still plenty of wacky NPCs. Would have been much more bearable today without random battles, but it’s cool as a time capsule.

Un clásico que es mejor apreciar hoy por hoy por su valor histórico y no tanto por su gameplay.

I played it after DQXI ate my life, and honestly, it was a fun little game! Very simple and old, but it was really neat to see where a lot of the staples of the JRPG genre started. I think the old RPG I've played that it reminded me most of was Pokemon RGB, in terms of progression? Anyway, it was fun puzzling my way through. Also even if the writing is pretty simplistic, it's charming and often pretty funny. Obviously it's old as dirt, but if you're looking for a little break from a longer game, it's a good choice!

Definitely very good for its time, this was a fun and short (and grindy!) diversion. Surprisingly for a game of that era, very little that made me throw up my hands and go "this is bullshit!" but not a lot that really blew me away either.

The first and easily the weakest. The mobile version did add some helpful qol improvements but it still is the 1986 rpg at its core and still has mamh of the issues such as being sent back to tantagel when you die etc . Great if you want to see where the genre and series started but not really the most fun experience.

Its impressive in what ways this game still holds up and how much fun it was even with no attachment to the franchise coming in. with only a single party member and exclusively 1-on-1 encounters made almost all fights play out the same manner. However, the openness of the world and the simple joy of exploring alongside some excellent pixel art kept the journey fun all the way through.

It was pretty fun and the emulation made the whole grind system more enjoyable. Obviously not the best DQ I've played, but it was much interesting to see where the series began.

Fun but grindy. Nice to see how the series started!

Solid old-school grindy game. Not the best OST, but not bad.

A legendary game that I played too late. I can't imagine how impressed I would've been if I played it when it first came out. It has my full respect for what it did for the genre. It pretty much invented the JRPG format.

pretty crazy that this was the first gam,e ever

Very comfy classic grandpa game. The simplicity and grind focus make it a joy to just put on some videos in the background and level up for hours. It's also fun going back to when you had to talk to random NPCs and explore to progress in the game once in a while. It actually does a better job than I expected at pointing you toward progression.

Played the Super NES version, patched with an English translation, on my N2DSXL and PC.
Simply amazing, even after 3 decades. A small number of games are so charismatic, and so comfy while being able to provide a joyful journey and engaging adventure.
No wonder why DQ started a whole new subgenre in the electronic RPG scene – the JRPGs as we know it –, neither why Japan is so obsessed with this series.

I thought going into Dragon Quest that it would be "good for an old game," but that wasn't the case. It had a lot of charm and while the story was simple the world and rhythm of progression pulled me along. This game is good and you can see all the bones of every other JRPG that came later. Updated graphics are pretty ugly though.