Reviews from

in the past


too much, many thoughts, head full

It's good but I keep fucking up my characters

What the FUCK is port forwarding?

*Beaten Twice, good stuff, has a lot of potential.
Not very polished, but visually stunning for a Source Game.

A bizarre game that I think even its biggest fans will admit is incredibly rough around the edges and utterly bewildering at times. In spite of that, however, there's still plenty of fun to be had with it, and it actually manages to achieve many of its rather ambitious ideas. I think it's one of those games that, for a lot of people, you'll be incredibly overwhelmed at first and maybe even dissuaded entirely from playing any further than the opening mission. However (if you aren't turned off immediately by it), you'll find yourself returning to it more and more, fueled both by a morbid desire to try and understand what you're playing, as well as an unexpected, genuine enjoyment of the gameplay itself. At some point during this, the game will suddenly just click with you, and it is that moment that gives this game the avid cult following that it has.

Regardless of whether you like or enjoy it, it's hard to deny that there's nothing quite like E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy. (Funnily enough, the only comparison I can really think of that feels accurate in every way would be Cruelty Squad lol.) It's a game that, once you've played enough of it, will stick with you forever, if you're anything like me. You'll look back on it from time to time, whenever you're reminded of it, and either think "damn, that game was insane. I loved that," or you'll think "damn, that game was insane. what the fuck even was that".

tbh tho, you'll probably think both of those at the same time

I've gained brouzouf, my legs are ok, and may God have mercy on my soul.

Honestly a really whacky and fun experience. I'm kinda bad though so I just went full heavy armour with mainly an AMR with lots of ammo. Also kind of a shame to get the true ending you need to play the game 3 times over!

You gain brouzouf. Your legs are ok.

This hit the Warhammer vibe better than the actual Warhammer game they did. Sorry, not sorry.
Also insanely unique, respect.

This is the best 1* game I ever played.

At the beginning, you will start off getting one tapped by goons, hacked by doors, and scolded by your boys at the temple. HOWEVER, the weapons and upgrades you get will make that conscript of yours into an unstoppable demi god. Small guns? Use the bear killer revolver for one shots or the uzi with an alt fire that empties the entire clip into enemies in a second. Melee? Wield a katana to block enemy fire or a thunder hammer to pulverize them. Not a fan of combat? Hack em! Have enemies turn on each other or completely fry their cpu for an easy kill. You must experience the story firsthand for how off the rails it gets with its perception of reality.

really don't know what you guys are talking about here. also might just be my pc but it runs like shit

Glorious source jank. Mediocre component parts come together to create an unforgettable experience.

It's memorable for sure but it'll take some time to process how I actually feel about it. Nonetheless, the visuals, sounds and gameplay were all very good, dialogue and world are positively weird, and the story is interesting, if barely understandable. As for actual bad stuff, the lack of proper objective log made some missions needlessly obtuse and some of the later missions were too large for their own good especially when going for the true ending.

I played this like 5 years ago and decided to revisit it after stumbling upon a video which featured this janky ass game and I realized that I didn't unlock the fun stuff. So, I played through the campaign 3 times in 3 days in roughly 35 hours, got the "true" ending, reflected for 1 hour about what the fuck I just played, and then decided to write this because is 5 AM and can't sleep.

When people talk about how fun is this game, they always forget all the grinding you have to pass through to get the fun OP weapons/psi-cyber-powers. Nonetheless, the gunplay in general is fun, OP weapons or not. I tried every weapon and most of them feel distinct and fun to use, largely thanks to their sound. I love the gun sound in this game. If you are patient you can become incredibly overpowered, like jump 15 floors and run at 300 km/h overpowered. Sadly, this is semi-hidden behind so much grinding (or you can be like me and download cm_farm_alpha23) and very obtuse and janky systems (like the research stuff).

The mood of this game is defined by its narrative, and, oh boy, the devs were at least on ketamine when writing the story. It's very inaccesible. The backstory is presented in walls of text in the main hub, the dialogues are not well translated and are kinda broken and, if you really wanna follow the story and discover the "true" ending (you have to get all the "other endings" first), you also have to be on a ketamine trip. The NPCs that somewhat hint what is going on are hidden inside the levels, and the levels are very, very big and confusing. In fact, I invested early on heavily on my cyberlegs, and I suggest you do too, because navigating through these levels without anything boosting your speed is tortuous, to say the least. You can complete the campaign without undestanding jackshit what happened, and that's fine, and expected I think. E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy is a experience, in the same way a fever dream is also a experience.

Despite all its clunkiness, its jank and its inaccessibility, is a fun and certainly unique game. Recommended to try if you like niche games, the Source engine, hard drugs, brouzouf, shooting at things, W40K and above all, have the patience and tolerance to unlock the cool stuff. I heard the game is much more fun if you complete it with friends on coop (which game isn't?), but for better or for worse, I got through all of this alone.
The quintessential schizo game. Maybe.

Easily in the bottom 3 or 5 games I've played in my entire life.

completed my first cycle of guilt and now i want to hurt whoever thought infinitely spawning enemies behind the player was a good idea

Do you like bad UI that necessitates squinting to read anything? Do you enjoy bland environments? Maybe this game is for you then.

my bestie swears this is like the coolest game ever and i’m sure he’s right but i got no fuckin clue what’s happening here

Deus Ex-style shooter/rpg/immersive sim. The guns are fun and I like the style/setting, but it doesn’t always stick the landing imo. Most of the game is just running around massive, repetitive maps while dealing with infinitely respawning enemies and trying to figure out how to complete the kinda vague objectives you’re given. The story is completely ruined by the translation and has some big issues even disregarding that. Still I did play it three times over to get the true ending and had a good time through most of it, and I’d say I had a good time through most of it. The weapons are crazy fun, the world is cool, and eventually you get into a nice flow state while replaying it. The last (non secret) level still SUCKS though. I haven't gotten a chance to try multiplayer but I bet it's goofy as hell. The whole game is goofy as hell.

My legs are OK.

Si se cogiese este mismo juego, se le hiciese un remake con un buen diseño podría ser increíble, pero no les dio el presupuesto

эээ да хуй знает я только в мультиплеер играл только вот . он там сломанный но от этого смешной и веселый

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy is an FPS but action game enriched with numerous elements known from RPG games. We need to manage equipment and use a skill system and cyber implants. NPCs also play an important role where the player can transform using an extensive dialog system. 10 physical and psychic skills, 14 cybernetic and upgradeable implants and an integrated R&D system, all in service of a precise scenario, make for hours of original gameplay in a dark and mysterious universe where conspiracy, fear and betrayal reign. Around 20 NPCs with fully reactive AI, a sense of initiative. Bloody melee combat with technical details. Physical movement realism thanks to Source Engine physics. Replayability thanks to primary and secondary missions, dynamic environments, non-linear level progression and random NPC appearance. Death does not punish players: There is no need to restart the current mission. The single player campaign lasts on average 20 hours. It also has 4 different endings depending on the choices made.

Having to deal with such a level of jank should be illegal.

this game put me in the hospital its pretty rad