Reviews from

in the past

I can't say I wasn't disappointed by this game, but it would also be a lie to say I did not enjoy this game. It's one I'd happily go back and platinum, as despite the fact it's not a fantastic RPG, it has a wonderful world to explore.

I only played this game so i could fuck a ghoul

The story towards the end is a bit eh and for a roleplaying game, I dont really think it fulfills it. They went pretty much a different direction in terms of how you effect the world as well as focussed too much on the settlement building aspect. They really needed to focus more on the story.....

But, with that being said, this is a 4 star review. Those are the games only bad points in my book, other than that this game is a blast, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Even though they spent too much time on building and crafting, I did like it, if they can balance that out with maybe the karma system in the next game I think that would be one hell of a game. If you play this game you will enjoy it, its just not as good in roleplaying as some of the other fallout games

A really fun Fallout experience. The story is quite limited in places, but this is more than made up for by characters like Nick Valentine.

Nunca me diverti tão pouco com um Fallout. Nunca. Os únicos elogios são algumas melhoras nos sistemas e alguns personagens MUITO interessantes que eu nunca vou esquecer. Dou uma estrela e meia unicamente pelo Nick Valentine.

gunplay felt really cool, and the sceneries where nice

How do Bethesda keep getting away with making such janky games?

This might be the dumbest written main storyline in gaming. Fun despite that.

useful for creating playlists of old timey post apocalyptic music. not much else

Fallout serisi, önceki oyunlarda oyuncuların hikayeyi ve karakterlerini derinlemesine şekillendirmelerine izin veren güçlü bir RPG mirasına sahipti. Ancak Fallout 4, bu açıdan bazı eksiklikler sunuyor. Kararlarınızın hikaye üzerindeki etkisi azalmış gibi görünüyor ve karakterinizi kişiselleştirmek için daha sınırlı seçenekler sunuyor.

Oyunda daha sınırlı beceri ağaçları ve diyalog seçenekleri bulunuyor. Önceki oyunlara göre karakterinizin özgünlüğünü yaratma seçenekleri kısıtlıdır. Diyalog seçeneklerinin sık sık benzer sonuçlara yol açtığını fark ettim, bu da karakterinizin kişisel hikayesini daha fazla özelleştirmenin zor olduğu anlamına geliyor.

Ayrıca, hikaye boyunca alınan kararlar sonuçları daha fazla etkileyebilirdi. Oyuncu kararlarının sonunda sık sık benzer sonuçlara yol açması, oyunun hikaye dallarının sınırlı olduğu hissini veriyor.

Fallout 4'ün diğer yönleri oldukça etkileyici. Grafikler, atmosfer ve oynanış tatmin edici. Karakterler ve dünya yapısı, serinin önceki oyunlarına göre geliştirilmiş ve derinlemesine. Ancak, bu özelliklerin RPG unsurlarının önüne geçtiği hissine kapılabilirsiniz.

Fallout 4, oynanış, atmosfer ve hikaye açısından etkileyici bir oyun sunuyor, ancak bu oyunun bir RPG olarak önceki oyunlar kadar derin ve özgün olmadığı hissine kapıldım. Daha fazla karakter özelleştirme seçeneği ve kararların daha fazla sonuç üretmesi, oyunun RPG öğelerini güçlendirebilirdi.

Returning to the post nuclear apocalyptic universe of Fallout, Fallout 4 sets itself in Boston. You start of in the a future inspired by ideas of what the 1950s saw the future as – a vision which gives Fallout its unique look and charm, seeing robots alongside ancient looking TVs, it creates for an interesting world and the catchy 1930s music adds to the fun of it.

The gameplay in terms of combat has been much improved, managing to feel like a fully fledged shooter. VATS is still a thing and is handy in some instances, but it no longer feels like you need to use it all the time – that said, the melee perk that lets you use VATS to warp to enemies is a ton of fun to use.

Settlements are a large part of this game, allowing for you to build elaborate structures and providing food and security to attract new people. You can set up merchants here as well, along with caravan routes between the many (possibly too many) settlements you can start.

pretty fun but lacks the depth that makes the other games so dope

Bethesda continues to outdo themselves every time there is a new big single player RPG release. Fallout 4 was no different. From the incredible exploration to the solid story and character building that only Bethesda can provide this action-RPG is an incredible work of art that deserves nothing but praise. An experience you can't get anywhere else the Fallout would continues to provide phenomenal gaming experiences and I couldn't recommend it more. It's a must play.

Fallout 4 is a great game I'm not gonna pretend it's bad because a Fallout "fan" that's only played New Vegas told me to.

Поиграл у друга, в итоге поиграл в 2023, игра-будущее, лайфхаки и многое другое

This is far from the best Fallout game, and there's a lot of bugs and glitches I could cite, but honestly the story and character work just didn't grip me. Still, it's a fun game, and it's very easy to sink hundreds of hours into, especially with the settlement building mechanics. From a raw gameplay perspective this game is a triumph, but you won't get the top-tier story or worldbuilding from FNV.

It's not Fallout, it's Blade Runner. Should my microwave have rights?
Combat in fine tho

Fallout 4... es como Fallout 3 pero en esteroides. Su mundo es vastísimo y super satisfactorio de explorar pero al igual que su predecesora numérica, peca de tener una historia bastante lineal aunque eso si, con alguna iteración que te obliga a rejugar varias veces con diferentes builds de personaje hasta dar con el estilo de juego que mas te guste y conocer los finales con las diferentes facciones aunque para mi, la canon es con el Instituto.

Se nota que tiene mucho contenido que acabaron recortando por que hay varios escenarios con mucho potencial para contener sidequests o minijuegos como es el caso del canódromo o el estadio de lucha de esclavos por poner dos ejemplos rápidos. Los acompañantes a diferencia de Fallout 3, tienen niveles de afinidad y con el tiempo cuanto mas colega te hagas de elles podrás conocer sus historias, como llegaron a donde están e incluso alguna misión cuando consigues el 100% de afinidad con tu acompañante para redimir a este como es el caso de Cait.

Las pantallas de carga... Cuando jugué Fallout 4 lo hice con un PC de 2011, que apenas cumplía los requisitos mínimos para jugar este titulo pero era posible haciendo muchos sacrificios, a, e instalado en un HDD. Hace poco lo reinstale con el PC nuevo, directamente en una SSD y los tiempos de carga son similares de lentos que son. En serio, una verdadera tortura como para querer entrar y salir de Diamond City constantemente. Y para dejar de buscarle peras al olmo, si tenemos en cuenta que la personalidad de tu personaje siempre será la misma en todas las partidas... Adiós a eso de ser un cabronazo si quieres, de ahora en adelante eres un buen samaritano y punto. ODIO LA OPCION DE DIALOGO DE SARCASMO! (bazinga).

Los DLC... también, están ahí pero destaco fuertemente Nuka World. Es una gozada explorar las diferentes áreas del parque de atracciones y ver que hay detrás de cada esquina.

Mi conclusión final es que es un buen juego de aventuras, exploración y looter shooter, pero no un buen Fallout. En definitiva, Bethesda sabe construir mundos satisfactorios y que te animan a explorarlo y hasta saben colocar detalles ambientales o pequeños misterios por resolver que te dan ganas de tirar palante con una canción en el corazón pero lo que es hacer RPG's... no.

Bueno, si me disculpáis ahora me tengo que ir, me dicen que hay un asentamiento que necesita mi ayuda. (que te jodan Preston).

This is just a great game. Loved all the DLC too, gave me months more of things to do.

Perdi um save de 50 horas fora os bugs.

only good thing about this game is when my mother asks "what's that game with the old music I like?"

Amazing atmosphere.
Making a settlement was fun but needed refining.
The story was pretty unenticing for most of it and I genuinely had to force myself to care and go power through it at times, rather than make my own way and enjoy some of the RPG elements. Which admittedly, are lacking here too.
Getting attacked by random shit out of nowhere just for existing has always bugged me too.
The combat feels weird, I wasn't a fan.
Something about the atmosphere and the setting had me coming back for a while though..

I'm not the first to say this, but this is a good game. It is not a good Role Playing Game. Speech is virtually useless, I'm not even sure why its in the game. The game gives you the franchise's most powerful armor right off the bat. It astounds me that this is even considered a Fallout game.

não sabe se decidir entre ser aberto e linear e termina tendo um monte de conteúdo extremamente raso e nada é muito bom

its an okay fallout game, most of the charm from fallout 3 is gone and the story isnt that good