Reviews from

in the past

Amazing atmosphere.
Making a settlement was fun but needed refining.
The story was pretty unenticing for most of it and I genuinely had to force myself to care and go power through it at times, rather than make my own way and enjoy some of the RPG elements. Which admittedly, are lacking here too.
Getting attacked by random shit out of nowhere just for existing has always bugged me too.
The combat feels weird, I wasn't a fan.
Something about the atmosphere and the setting had me coming back for a while though..

I'm not the first to say this, but this is a good game. It is not a good Role Playing Game. Speech is virtually useless, I'm not even sure why its in the game. The game gives you the franchise's most powerful armor right off the bat. It astounds me that this is even considered a Fallout game.

Gameplay: 3
Art Style: 3.5
Story/Lore: 2
System: 4
Chracter: 3
Total: 3.1

4 stars for Fallout 4. it's great when it's great, and it's very fucking annoying when it's not working like 30% of the time.

Love building goofy settlements for my slaves to live in tho

while i really really enjoyed this games combat the story and rpg mechanics are fucking dogshit

It's not New Vegas but still a good game especially the gunplay such an improvement from the old games

Returning to the post nuclear apocalyptic universe of Fallout, Fallout 4 sets itself in Boston. You start of in the a future inspired by ideas of what the 1950s saw the future as – a vision which gives Fallout its unique look and charm, seeing robots alongside ancient looking TVs, it creates for an interesting world and the catchy 1930s music adds to the fun of it.

The gameplay in terms of combat has been much improved, managing to feel like a fully fledged shooter. VATS is still a thing and is handy in some instances, but it no longer feels like you need to use it all the time – that said, the melee perk that lets you use VATS to warp to enemies is a ton of fun to use.

Settlements are a large part of this game, allowing for you to build elaborate structures and providing food and security to attract new people. You can set up merchants here as well, along with caravan routes between the many (possibly too many) settlements you can start.

Ma première entrée dans la sage Fallout, et je n'ai pas été déçu. J'ai passé de très nombreuse d'heures dessus.

pretty fun but lacks the depth that makes the other games so dope

more of the same from bethesda except worse

Sempre que enjoo dos demais jogos, volto a jogar Fallout 4.
Um jogo simplesmente atemporal. Ainda tem os mods para diversificar ainda mais a jogatina.
Se me obrigassem a escolher um jogo para jogar pelo resto da minha vida, essa seria minha escolha.
Pode ter certeza que recomendo esse game...

eu acho esse jogo patético, até que eu joguei fallout 76 em 2024, agora eu acho ele patético e incompetente, um titulo principal da franquia ser um downgrade tão imenso dos jogos anteriores em quase todos aspectos me deixa abismado no quão boa bethesda é para estragar seus titulos, pelo menos não é starfield

bello però avevo i caricamenti rompi coglioni su pc dal game pass

So this is a good game, but a bad RPG. Allow me to explain:
The gameplay is good and the RPG elements aren't.

fun to play, brain-dead writing, immensely disappointing at every turn. but fun to play

Fallout serisi, önceki oyunlarda oyuncuların hikayeyi ve karakterlerini derinlemesine şekillendirmelerine izin veren güçlü bir RPG mirasına sahipti. Ancak Fallout 4, bu açıdan bazı eksiklikler sunuyor. Kararlarınızın hikaye üzerindeki etkisi azalmış gibi görünüyor ve karakterinizi kişiselleştirmek için daha sınırlı seçenekler sunuyor.

Oyunda daha sınırlı beceri ağaçları ve diyalog seçenekleri bulunuyor. Önceki oyunlara göre karakterinizin özgünlüğünü yaratma seçenekleri kısıtlıdır. Diyalog seçeneklerinin sık sık benzer sonuçlara yol açtığını fark ettim, bu da karakterinizin kişisel hikayesini daha fazla özelleştirmenin zor olduğu anlamına geliyor.

Ayrıca, hikaye boyunca alınan kararlar sonuçları daha fazla etkileyebilirdi. Oyuncu kararlarının sonunda sık sık benzer sonuçlara yol açması, oyunun hikaye dallarının sınırlı olduğu hissini veriyor.

Fallout 4'ün diğer yönleri oldukça etkileyici. Grafikler, atmosfer ve oynanış tatmin edici. Karakterler ve dünya yapısı, serinin önceki oyunlarına göre geliştirilmiş ve derinlemesine. Ancak, bu özelliklerin RPG unsurlarının önüne geçtiği hissine kapılabilirsiniz.

Fallout 4, oynanış, atmosfer ve hikaye açısından etkileyici bir oyun sunuyor, ancak bu oyunun bir RPG olarak önceki oyunlar kadar derin ve özgün olmadığı hissine kapıldım. Daha fazla karakter özelleştirme seçeneği ve kararların daha fazla sonuç üretmesi, oyunun RPG öğelerini güçlendirebilirdi.

I wanted to like this game so much.

I love the Fallout setting.
Fallout/Fallout 2 were formative games for me.
Fallout 3 was only okay but a decent entry into the modern era of design.
New Vegas is still one of my favorite RPGs, and frankly one of my favorite games overall.

The nostalgia and love I have for this series was overwhelming at the time. I truly wanted to love this game. I gave it so much time, just hoping I hadn't reached "The good part" yet. At the time reviews were good so it had to get good eventually right?
It's such a disappointment.

I will start by giving the game some credit: It has a pretty decent main story. I did like the premise of trying to find your kid and the idea of "synths" vs humans struggle. And that's all the praise I have for this game.

The gameplay was outdated the day it came out. This was already evident in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but as time went on and shooters kept improving, it became more and more apparent that Bethesda's combat never evolved. More importantly though, the previously mentioned fallout games had other elements to fall back on to help carry the sub-par combat, such as RPG elements, interesting characters and a living world you want to explore. So lets talk about those.

The RPG mechanics in this game are horrendous. In the place of the more nuanced and varied dialogue system of previous games, in this game the player was offered only a few options per dialogue, usually consisting of "Yes", "No", "Sarcastic", "Mean" or "End conversation" answers. On top of that, certain answers like the "sarcastic" answers could sometimes lead to my character saying something drastically different from what I expected to say when I picked the option. Not only did this make the character feel less like my own, but it made all diplomatic types of playthroughs feel hollow and not worth doing at all.

This lack of dialogue options made it very hard to connect with any characters, even my own, and this in turn made me less inclined to explore and find new characters.

When I did explore and find things, they were not very memorable. After 114 hours on this game, I can only recall one single distinct encounter in this whole game.
I spent like 20h with Fallout 1 as a child and I remember more from that. My memories of the other Fallout games are littered with good memories and moments. This is the only one where I remember almost nothing.
Nothing in this game was impactful; it all felt like filler. The worst part? There's SOOOOOOO much of it. This wouldn't be so bad if it were in any way compelling, but with so much worthless content in the game, I eventually lost interest in even trying to find the only plot thread that still had any interest at all to me: The main story. Even the sunk cost of time I'd already put into the game ended up not being strong enough to get me through finishing it.

TL DR: This game is bad and I waited way, way too long to see if it would get better because of my love of prior Fallout games. I want my time back.

Fallout 4 es conocido como un punto bajo dentro de su franquicia, pero aun estando de acuerdo con ello, creo que es un buen RPG para pasar el tiempo. No es profundo, pero tampoco quiere serlo y eso también está bien.

My first fallout game. The novelty wore off pretty quickly and soon realized - this game isn’t very fun!

Un juego tan bueno que me da lástima la cantidad de bugs que tiene.

Tried to get into the game multiple times, but I ended up not playing it because the game mechanics were too complicated to learn for me, and the story didn't interest me that much.

fun game, fun dlc. lots of exploration and side quest content as well as the different routes you can play through in the main story. i really liked building settlements, although without dlc the builds are pretty limited (and a bit ugly, but hey, it's the apocalypse)

não sabe se decidir entre ser aberto e linear e termina tendo um monte de conteúdo extremamente raso e nada é muito bom

its an okay fallout game, most of the charm from fallout 3 is gone and the story isnt that good


had 3 game breaking bugs, spent 4 months trying to build the shit to get into the institute and preston garvey and co were bugged out in concord the entire game. cheers bethesda

Buono, mi è piaciuto un finale in particolare.

Preston Garvey biting the curb 4k