Reviews from

in the past

I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected, though it might have to do with this game being more closer to trying to be like Street Fighter 2. Still, that's not a bad thing. Probably the most memorable thing about this game imo is just how this game is a goldmine of awful SNK localization, look it up if you want a real laugh.

Fatal Fury Special | MaraSNK%

É basicamente o Fatal Fury 1 melhorado, com todos os personagens pra jogar!

A gameplay melhorou um pouco, todos os personagens são super legais de jogar, eSPECIALmente o Kim

É bem legal ver as origens do Kim e da Mai


It's a slightly better Fatal Fury 2, and that's a good thing. I have somewhat the same opinion I have for Fatal Fury 2 with this game, except it's a bit faster. I like this 2.5D plane system, and it can be used for some cool things.

theyre beating my ass in clump penguin

A mediocre port of a game that was, if I'm being honest, already quite broken in the arcades. Graphics and music are disappointing. Takara did a better job on other platforms.

So fucking bad, the computer is overpowered as hell

Like with some of the Street Fighter 2 ports, I respect this game's legacy. I enjoyed the game for a while, but it's not really a FG I'd come back to. It's probably because I'm more used to fast-paced battles like the ones in Street Fighter 3 or KOF '98. So it'd make sense why this wouldn't click for me like any of the other FGs I play.

I still think the game itself is not very good, but the Game Gear port is absolutely spectacular considering the hardware it's running on.

Não é nenhum super jogo (ainda mais considerando que essa versão Special veio na rabeira de SF2 Champion Edition de ter bosses jogáveis e etc), mas é divertido, daquele que tu coloca ali de bobeira pra tirar uns contras com a gurizada e dar umas risadas da farofada que rola.

Tem um bom roster de personagens, assim como FF2 já tinha, mas com retornos muito benvindos de personagens legais de FF1 e inclusive um personagem secreto.


duck king is my man. this game is a popular alternative to Street Fighter 2 in Japan. You can fight ryo from art of fighting if you are super good enough, but i'm not super good enough to do that. Other than that, it's pretty much an improved and slightly more balanced version of Fatal Fury 2. I was even able to finish the game on the AES mode with limited continues, which is not really something I can do when I play these fighters.

Improves everything from Fatal Fury 2 ("the base game"). Beatiful graphics, good music and characters. One of the best SNES fighting games.

"Die like your father, you pin-headed son of an ice cream maker!"

underappreciated game from the "sf2 clone" days, not especially well-balanced as you might expect but good enough that it still has a decent scene in japan! this game has that oldschool flavor of neutral i like with some really crunchy buttons and high damage. the combos, while very tricky compared to something like SF2HF, are incredibly satisfying once you figure them out. lane system is pretty silly and ultimately vestigial, but it's still surprising how well-thought out it is. saying this both for FFS and its earlier iteration in FF2, but i feel like the roster goes underappreciated, tons of strange and interesting guys as well as beloved SNK mainstays. i personally love big bear and axel hawk a lot, and for kim and mai's first appearances it's a little crazy how they basically appeared from thin air, playstyle fully-formed.

if south town was real i would go there every summer it seems like the coolest place in america

tortura virtual que é bonitinha, gostei dos stages e de algumas interações com cenário mas termina por aí

While this was an improvement over Fatal Fury 2 with the increased combat speed and more sophisticated move sets, I found that the more Fatal Fury improved its combat system, the closer it got to just becoming a knock-off Street Fighter but without the fun characters.

If you thought Super Street Fighter II X had the primer of cheating against you with a CPU that is reading your inputs, allow me to introduce you to Fatal Fury Special. At some point, there is absolutely no way to win besides cheesing every move. It's the SNK boss syndrome, applied to 10 fights in a row. Absolutely abominable, which is a bummer considering how pretty the game looks and how good it sounds.

Rating based on pure Terry Bogard charisma.

Esse é bonzinho, o Krauser e o Duck King são fodas.
O Billy é roubado pra caralho porém.

Despite being a vast improvement over the first game, it's still janky as hell and not very polished but fun for a distraction I guess, I just wanna play Fatal Fury 3.

I would say the best fighting game from the early era, one of the few fighting games where I can say nearly the whole cast is fun to play.

I know shoot em ups have a bad reputation regarding games being considered as art, but I think fighting games, especially those from Japan, come close in being quite similar to each other, also not having the capability to present themselves as an epic experience (think Ikaruga or Silpheed's cinematic flair) and most of them falling into cliché animesque art style, characters and story, and often having an excuse to introduce fan service, like here which has a final match against a characther from another fighting game. I don't care about your pandering, do your own thing, game!

That said, the final match being against a wealthy man who put an orchestra playing in the background of his palace is pretty damn charismathic and unique

Feel like this game although unique enough is just a worse version of street fighter 2. Its sad but fatal fury to me just seems like the worse older brother of king of fighters.

an incredibly fun game and also my personal favourite classic SNK fighting game. would be perfect if the top tier characters weren't so strong.

please note that my impressions are based on playing the arcade version with someone else. this is not a game that i would play for single player content.

I did not enjoy this at all. Everything felt so slow and boring. Not the best first impression by a mile

Now this was a pretty fun game. Beat it twice, once as Big Bear and once as Kim.

The coolest thing i did in this game was somehow getting a perfect round against Billy using Big Bear. Krauser for some reason is super easy compared to the rest of the cpus.

still a little clunky as the first FF and still keeping the unnecessary two lane system, but damn, the final boss is a banger

Way too many diagonal-only inputs for the special moves here. Can't the game just be hard without the essential moves being hard too? It's a trade-off I have to choose every day: the guys are cuter in SNK but the guys are easier to control in Capcom. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

Anyway, you know what I really enjoy? In old fighting games like these, they always do these profiles for the characters with their likes and dislikes as if they're in a teen magazine or something. Usually this is in lieu of any decent writing or characterization, and sometimes they are absolutely fascinating. Here are some good ones I found for this game:

Terry Bogard hated thing: Slugs
Andy Bogard hated thing: Dogs (this makes him the main villain as far as I'm concerned)
Joe Higashi favorite food: deep-fried alligator meat (you do you)
Cheng Sinzan hated thing: Bimbos (I don't know, maybe someone broke his heart, and now he's into grind culture, which is why his favorite thing is "savings")
Big Bear favorite thing: Amusement park rides (he's like five hundred pounds)
Big Bear hated thing: Koalas (...okay)
Jubei Yamada hated thing: Men smelling of sweat
Billy Kane likes: doing laundry (lmao what)
Axel Hawk hated thing: Mice (my man standing on a chair and shrieking, swatting away a mouse with a broom)
Laurence Blood hated thing: women and small children (honestly, same)

And my favorite one of the bunch, Ryo Sakazaki hated thing: bugs with multiple legs. Bugs with multiple legs! What on earth could he have meant? They all have multiple legs!