Reviews from

in the past

The 2600 and 7800 versions feel like pretty different games. The 2600 version looks and plays like an ugly version of OutRun with guns. The 7800 is graphically much more impressive but feels... more boring. Much longer and narrower stretches of road and what feels like less cars. It is cool they can come up behind you in this one, but I would certainly recommend the 2600 version more.


Looks graphically better, but is just so much more tedious with the other cars ramming into you.
I will say that the amount of swerving is pretty stupid, that and the amount of cars that decide to crash into you. I do find it funny for all the people you kill, the game punishes you by making you see who you murdered and what their occupation was, while giving you points for not killing people who were just driving their cars not like a lunatic.

Honestly even though it's a better version of Fatal Run just stick with Sega's Outrun

Played as part of Atari 50.

Compared to the 2600 version, in some ways it's better and in some ways it's worse, but overall it's about the same. Driving is a lot more slippery this time round and more annoying, but pickups and keeping your meters up are a lot less annoying in its place. The shops in towns just make me wish I was playing Oregon Trail instead though lol


Feels like Outrun, but honestly isn't as fun for as nice looking as outrun. It has guns, but I swear most of time whenever another car shows up, 7 out of 10 times you're going to hit it, causing damage to one of your meters. At the end of every "level" you use the points you accumulated to restore your meters but honestly the amount you lose wont be the amount you recover with the points. Play this if you think "I want to play Outrun but it sucks"

Like I did on Atari 50.

(played as part of ATARI 50)

A passable ROADBLASTERS-type thing for Atari consoles. The 2600 version is genuinely impressive for the platform, getting as close to OUT RUN with guns as could possibly be conceivable on that thing, while the 7800 one is more complex but actually way less fun to play. Score is for the 2600 version.