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compared to episode one i do like this one better the story is better and its longer which is good again like episode one even though its longer its still short about an hour instead of 30 minutes but i did think it was better i hope they keep up the good work with these.

a tensão e medo do primeiro episódio vem com mais força aqui, mas a progressão das coisas é meio cagada

A significant improvement over episode 1. The setting is way more unnerving and realized this time. Being home alone and hunted is terrifying on its own, but this game does a better highlighting and utilizing its setting. You really feel alone and trapped in the world. And in the first episode you could contact your family. Here you are truly isolated.

I find this game to actually have good scares. But it isn't perfect either. The ending is pretty unceremonious. It's also just a tad too slow. I prefer when most media is slow to build up to the suspenseful parts, but I think this game kinda drags its feet a bit too long. The tone was already set up well by that point.

Still, a really solid outing from this Dev. Huge improvement in production and pacing and story telling. And the best part? This energy carries over into the next episode.

É muito gostosinho essa serie de jogos com o visual de ps1, o estilo VHS realmente me prende então me sinto inclinada a dizer que é bom, mas a história não tem uau realmente interessante, mesmo que seja baseada em eventos verdadeiros, querendo ou não acaba caindo no cliche do terror

| What I Like |
- Alike episode 1, creates an incredibly uncomfortable atmosphere
- Jumpscares just as good as episode 1
- Implies some pretty heavy stuff if this is based on a real story
- Perfect game length
- Cool radio songs

| What I Don't Like |
- Couldn't find the coffee machine for 10 minutes.....

| My Score |
8/10 - Just like episode 1, the atmosphere of this is really unmatched by any other horror series I've played. It's scary, it's eerie, it's uncomfortable and just hits the nail on the head when you know what's in that room, but you're still scared to open it

What a creepy series of games. Definetely worth playing, the controls are a bit off. Feels super Indie game, which it is, but a very good one indeed. Creep it out fellas!

This was definitely a step up from "Home Alone". While the story about a girl coming home from a long road trip stranded at a motel overnight seems like a basic horror setup, the game capitalizes on subversion and gives the player a gripping tale.

Papo que esse é infinitamente pior que seu predecessor. Ainda que mantenha uma boa atmosfera de sustinho boo, só tem um "clímax" muito mais merda.

Que incrível cara, bem mais longo que o primeiro. O medo e a imersão que senti nesta história, foi bem maior que a da história anterior. Sinto pena dessa mulher e graça a deus ela saiu viva pra contar essa história.

Le jeu pour ma part est moins bon que le premier dû à des phases longues est sans réel intérêt sinon l'histoire est original est cool

Вроде и страшно, но часто непонятно, что делать дальше и что делать не надо. Как например момент со шкафом, из-за чего приходится переигрывать.

Very good compared to episode 1, this game really does better getting to emphasize the atmosphere and setting. The horror really sets in when your putting yourself into these situation that you have to realize aren't just in games.

Fears to fathom capitulo 2 foi claramente melhor que o primeiro, muito bom, história muito boa, gameplay muito boa e os sustos nem se fala!

same thing that i said about the first game but this is one is slightly longer and not free...
so good ambiance and very menial tasks that could add to the setting but really don't also I like the idea of touching a more realistic horror and real fears but it doesn't, having to carry an item from one place to another at snail's pace will never be immersive I am sorry
also, the ending is not scary i get what they were going for but its not scary

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Encountered two game breaking bugs (?) while playing this which forced me to restart the game all over again after nearing halfway.

Again, interesting concept for a horror game. The newly introduced mic mechanic in the end caught me off guard so much, I would have lost it if I wasn't streaming lol.

...I really should have taken the plane.

builds tension excellently by not using monsters but by using scenarios that could happen reasonably. plays very slow in the beginning but the missable scares of the guy in the woods triggers paranoia and then distills it further as the game goes on. great ambience, great scares, the mic in the closet is great. surpasses its predecessor, though a bit annoying to go through the entire game again if you die.

Fears to Fathom: Norwood Hitchhike is a improvement over Home Alone, it has a better story, better narrative, better characters, and it is longer, and it is more fleshed out, and they build out the scenario a bit more.

Even though it is an improvement over Home Alone, Norwood Hitchhike still didn't click to me. The atmosphere, and the setting isn't as scary as Home Alone, and because of that, it does greatly lose its scare factor for me.

It's a sure improvement, but it's still a game I just find to be okay. I do hear the series does continuously get better, so I hope the following installments are better, because this was an improvement, at the very least.

Overall: 6/10

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Honestly, I fell in love to this game. It's very atmosphere, and it raises issue of lonely women-travelers and their safety. I got a lot of creepy feelings during a whole "second" part of the game, cause i fel, as if something terrible will happen. And in the end of game when i heard a whisper, I just fel smthing like electric shock throughout the body. Wonderful!

The second Fears to Fathom game expands a bit in ambition as it takes place across several locations. This one picks up as your character wearily makes the long drive home from a concert, late at night. After a gas station stop, your car breaks down and you're left having to hitchhike to a nearby motel with sketchy characters. Norwood Hitchhike is effective in that you aren't too sure when the scares are going to start, so it leaves you in suspense. Maybe it's because there's so much downtime but when the jump scares do come they are oddly more effective than I find them to be in other games.

In my first run on Norwood Hitchhike, when my car broke down I thought I'd better start walking down the road. A car passed by me but then I was left in on a mountain road, walking seemingly endlessly for maybe twenty minutes. I realized when I reloaded the game that you were supposed to just wait by your car. Whoops!

That one was on me, but there are some trial-and-error elements in this, without many checkpoints, which makes repeating some of the gameplay more frustrating than I would've liked. It definitely holds back the experience somewhat, but Fears to Fathom 2 is still surprisingly fun despite its low-budget stylings and its place in the jump scare genre.

Muito foda, as histórias são bem legais atmosfera top...